Unity – Initial Reports - Part II
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Initial Reports - Part II
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Feb 09, 2010 @ 2:11pm
Location   Deck 72 - Marine HQ - MTAC
Timeline   SD 17 - 0015


Not really caring to much about the bombers at the moment Bruce went over to a broken panel and started to repair it.


Davies listened to Richard and he made sense, if the crew of DS5 were fighting against themselves the saboteurs would have gained an upper hand. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to the Chief Engineer and watched amused, as Bruce made his way to the panel and with no tools, except for the knife, began to dismantle the panel and make repairs.

It actually made him smile and the tension appeared to be diffused.
He turned to Miranda, the Marine Captain.

"Before we all start to burn this fuse from both ends, can you tell us what exactly it is you have called us all down here for?" He asked in a smooth voice.

Flynn kept the gun trained on Wallace for a moment more before turning a bemused expression on the Chief Engineer. She had to admire his boldness for ignoring the ongoing drama. She holstered her weapon smoothly and giving Jarred one last blazing stare before moving over to Bruce, “Mr. Freeman,” she said in a neutral tone as she reached over and plucked the knife from his hand, “Thank you for taking the time to see to this facilities repairs. If you so desire, I can get you a real set of tools to work with.”

"No no that's not required." Bruce said closing the panel. "This one is finished up I was just using my time wisely. Have a lot to do and a little time to do it in." He then walked back to the group and waited to find out what this meeting was for.

She turned back to the others, and spoke to the Commander with a tone that still barely hid the ire she was feeling for them at this moment, “Commander. What I called you down here for was to present you and the senior staff with the initial reports of the Marine ” she stressed the word lightly, “investigation of the bombings onboard. I believed that all of the senior staff should be present…if only to give this station’s command structure as good a hologram of the situation as possible…something that I thought you all would be eager to hear as soon as possible, so that we can hopefully head off any other bombings or attacks that might be planned."

"My department is already handling that, if a secondary report is necessary, you can forward to my staff for review." Gabriel said as he handed his weapon to the other Marine and continued into the larger area containing the rest of the group.

Gabriel didn't like having to give his weapon to a Marine, regardless of the reason. However, he recognized that the entire area was still on edge after having someone detonate a bomb within their very own walls. It certainly had to shake their confidence.

"Commander, the best way to immediately locate the party responsible is to place the entire facility under immediate security lockdown." He said to Davies.

Disheartened, Davies agreed, though he was glad to see Gabriel out and about and looking pretty good considering.

"In principle, the station needs securing. After this, we will also have to introduce stronger protocols for the docking of non federation ships. I hate to say it, but DS5 has got to become a heck of a lot less friendly." He turned to Miranda. "Lets see what you have Captain Flynn." He eyes were becoming tired and with a gentle finger, rubbed his lids.

Nodding her assent Karen glanced at Davies - they were all tired. "We have due cause to take that step," she assented, recognising this as a unique opportunity to observe Gabriel 'in action' so to speak.

Jarred looked around the room, he could sense some degree of tension in the room, but there was something else in the room, some kind of sense of anticipation, he couldn't put his finger on it he just could sense it, "Commander was there any success with the cardassians?"

David palmed his hand. "Limited, but we'll talk tomorrow, eh, later." He replied, referring to the fact that he didn't want to delay this meeting he badly wanted his bed.

Chelsea wasn't involved in any of the tactical or strategic operations that were being discussed but she did find it extremely odd to find the senior Starfleet Officers summoned, disarmed like hostiles and then lectured by a Marine Commander whatever her rank.

The Station had its own perfectly capable CO with an excellent Command and Security staffs and she could understand Gabriel's frustration at Flynn's attitude and even more so Freeman's desire to be getting on with what he was needed so badly for, much like her own.

Naturally the *fleeters* were willing and happy to work alongside Marine Units and even Sickbay was always grateful of their help in any tight situation but being hauled around and ordered about as if they were answerable to the Marines was something she could well see as being a fuse to light more fires rather than extinguish any.

As soon as Commander Davies mentioned *talking in the morning* she gladly re-shouldered up her portable med-kit that went everywhere with her and stood ready to get back to the over-run Sickbay that needed her more than ever at a crucial time like this.

Flynn’s eyebrows furrowed. She had been pretty sure that Gabriel had been locked up in the Brig pending further indictements on a number of charges. She then remembered that the Commander had ordered the cell blocks cleared, in response to the detonation in her own base.

Ordinarily she would have started to question Dorian’s legitimacy of acting in the capacity of CSC, but was far too annoyed now to even bother. It seemed like the whole senior staff was against her, and her current energized state was causing her to experience some paranoid tendencies. She would just work out exactly who was in charge and either work with Gabriel, or fill in whoever was really in charge.

She rubbed her sweaty forehead with an open hand and gave a small sigh of exasperation. She gave another motion to the staff and said, “Allright…let’s get back to it. I promise you that I won’t take up more than,” she gave a brief glance at her Chronometer, “ten minutes of your time. Then you can go back to whatever it was you were doing.”

Once all of them were finally through the scanners, she led them quickly through the sterile halls of the restricted section before coming to the MTAC door. With no fanfare, she disengaged the security and led them all inside.

She started down the catwalk and took the flight of stairs down. She remembered that for many of the officers, this was their first time inside the massive room. Under normal circumstances, she might have given them the normal explanation of what it was and how it came about, but she had a feeling that none of them were really in the mood to listen.

Stepping across the dimly lit floor, she deftly maneuvered around the large podium with Darson’s throne mounted on it and moved towards the conference table. A Marine steward had just finished getting it set up and stood off to the side, awaiting orders. The table, previously un-used, was gleaming, a stark contrast to the mood of the gathered officers. It was completely state of the art. Each separate setting was equipped with a water and coffee dispenser, along with their own private terminal and a PADD dock. The chairs themselves were exquisite, and marked with the identity of who should be sitting there. They were all oriented so that everybody could turn to face the large screen, and the Commanding Officer’s chair of course sat at the head of the table, facing the enormous screen that curved up over their heads towards the ceiling.

Flynn took the chair directly to the left of the CO’s, mentally thanking whoever designed this place that she didn’t have to sit in the throne that towered behind them. That would really have made things awkward.

“Please,” she said in a weary tone hoping now to avoid any further outbursts, “Take a seat…or not, I don’t really care. If you’re feeling peckish, order whatever you want from the steward…I’ll get started,” she waved a hand and the Vulcan ILO silently appeared out of nowhere with a stack of PADDs, “Lt. Chau’saura is handing out PADD’s with the complete file of our investigation on it. You can all peruse it at your discretion. I must remind you however that all of them contain sensitive materials, and should not be discussed with others outside of the senior staff.”

Davies took a few more PADDS and distributed them to staff behind him without looking who it was he was handing them to.

When the PADD’s were all handed out, she leaned forward and said, “I promised I would make this short, so I’ll just give you the broad strokes. At approximately 20:43 last night, a series of explosives were detonated onboard the station,” she manipulated the controls at her terminal to display the locations on a hologram in the center of the table.

“The blast zones encompassed three primary locations…the primary maintenance bays near science one on deck 1122, the main promenade, and the Marine Detention Center,” The affected locations came up red on the 3-d display.

Davies looked at Tan who stood beside him.
"Any input?" He inquired in a soft tone so as to not distract Commander Flynn form her directive.

Vincent replied in the same soft tone, trying to keep the conversation as private as possible. "I've given all this a lot of thought, Commander. My analysis of the situation is ongoing but I'll give you what I've been able to work out. We have been attacked. We do not know our attacker at the current time, but there are elements that suggest they are familiar with DS5. It is also highly likely that our attacker has infiltrated us to some extent, but not completely as evidenced by the explosions in restricted, but not critical areas. Furthermore, it can be deduced that they are seeking to make some sort of public statement rather that destroy us - why else blow up the Promenade?"

Vincent rubbed his chin as he began moving out of the realms of observation into that of theory. "At the current moment, I believe that the threat is entirely internal. An external attacker would target our defences and seek to cripple our ability to mount an effective response. It is possible, even probable, that the attackers are still on board the station and planning another attack. The way they have acted strongly suggests they have a political rather than military objective. If I am wrong, I firmly assure you that the station's defences are not compromised."

There was certainly logic in Tans statement as Davies looked around the assembly, finally bringing the focus back to Miranda.

"Thank you that is certainly something to bear in mind." He added as quietly as before.

When he finished, Vincent simply nodded and turned back to the 3D display.

“Casualty reports are still being examined but our preliminary totals stand as thus: 460 Civilians of various races injured, either in the blasts or the resulting panic, 56 seriously, counting the 20 that were inside the brig here at the MDC…48 Starfleet personnel wounded, 14 critically, including a security officer on duty on the promenade, and 5 others off duty. And lastly…6 Marines injured, 2 critically, and one dead. All guards in the MDC. The dead one was in the brig when things went down,” she said in a clipped, factual tone.

"Doctor Adams gave me a preliminary report earlier and we had no deaths recorded, so I can only offer my condolences for the loss of a marine in the brig. What about analysis reports?" Davies queried.

“I’ve had my analysts working around the clock to find out whatever they can, and they’ve been able to find out a lot. First, the two explosions on the promenade and the MDC were triggered via short-range burst transmissions by the bombers themselves. I’ll get to that in a second. What is more interesting is that the transmission that caused the bombs in the science lab to detonate came from somewhere else.”

"Somewhere else?" Davies began, "Have we got more information that that?" He continued.

“As far as we can tell, there was no suicide bomber in the labs. The techs went over the sensor data and found that the signal originated from this location, a small cargo bay on deck 1226. Sensor readings have been blocked inside the cargo bay, probably with a jamming device, but we were able to grab footage from a surveillance camera outside a weapons locker in the hallway outside. It is worth noting that aside from Jefferies tubes, there is no other way to get to that cargo bay. Allow me to play it for you.”

She manipulated the controls, and a video player replaced the schematic of the station hovering in midair. It showed the hallway and the weapons locker, but nobody was visible, “This hallway does not get a lot of through traffic. In the minutes leading up to the attacks, only two people passed by this camera. She fast forwarded it, and froze the footage as one person came into view. She rotated the hologram and zoomed in on the face of the suspicious man. The face was covered by the hood of his scruffy cloak, revealing only a distinguished jaw line. She adjusted the time frame again and found another person, this one younger, obviously nervous. He passed by too, and Flynn moved the tape forward in time again, past the time the bombs detonated. The two eventually left, and went their separate ways.

Flynn continued, “I’ve run them both through facial recognition software, and honestly…what I’ve learned is quite disturbing.”

Davies was not shocked to recognize one of the faces as that of one of the men who had stared at him on the promenade a few minutes before the explosions.

"That one, the second man. I saw him on the promenade deck. He seemed quite interested in me whilst I was talking to that man there." He pointed to Halderon. "The way he watched me, made me nervous enough to leave the promenade, but I would never have suspected him of being a bomber! He was too casual, too. I'm not sure." He admitted with a solemn shake of his head.

The room quieted, as if waiting for the next move. Davies tapped his foot on the floor, waiting for response that didn't emerge.

Flynn gave him a curious stare, then continued and said, “We didn’t have enough to get the identity of the first man, but the second one was confirmed to be Ensign Tral Brosarn, a member of the science department. He hasn’t reported for duty since.

She glanced at Gabriel, “Mr. Gabriel, I have forwarded the service jacket to your offices, and put out an APB on Ensign Brosarn…we’ll find him eventually. The last thing I have to share with you is that according the MMDs, the two bombers had unconfirmed connections with the same terrorist group…the ‘Founders of Freedom’. I have a message pending to a Corp terrorism expert on Terra for further analysis.”

“And that’s it for my initial report, Commander.”

"Well if the rest can wait for a few hours," Davies began, "can we continue this in the morning, after a few hours sleep?" He suggested.

"First," Gabriel said as he attempted to stop the group from leaving just yet. "We need to lock down the station, that means begin a complete and thorough sweep of all vessels currently docked with the station as well as civilian facilities onboard." he said as he began to formulate the logistical aspect of the idea.

Jarred looked at Gabriel, then around the room "I think we'll need to compare images of people arriving on the station against the green file too, and begin arresting anyone who may have had involvement with the Maquis, also I recommend we replace normal security patrols with marine patrols and assign additional security too all station entry points, additionally all senior staff will have to be armed at all times."

"What the hell do the Maquis have to do with any of this? They've been dead since before the War." Gabriel replied dismissively. "I'll be damned if I allow my men to be replaced by a Jarhead. We're are more than capable of securing the station and searching for the people responsible." he said aggressively.

"Besides, they can't even keep their own little clubhouse secure" Gabriel added.

"Not exactly, there was only one base massacred, about five hundred have been in and out of incarceration since the end of the war, and that's the ones that managed to get caught, the Green list has almost two thousand that were suspected affiliates and sympathizers."

"Slow down." Davies' voice rose, "we're not about to adopt a regime here. Yes, security has to be tightened, but we can't arrest everyone who has had an involvement with the Maquis." He turned towards Jarred. "If that's the case, then you had better start with me. I played a game of dabo with a former maquis member." He admitted as he shook his head. "and as for the marines taking charge, then I must remind everyone here, this is a federation station and as such, federation security takes precedence. marines are for back up. Now, secure the station, lockdown the docking ports. No ships in, no ships out. Now, can we get to bed....please!" he stressed the plea.

"Computer open green file, voice print authorize, bio two-four-three and bio seven-seven-epsilon-six." Jarred spoke out then turned to the CO. The LCARS display opened the two biographical files side by side he turned to Davies, "Sleep on this." Jarred said as he stood to leave. The two biographies were that of Commander David Davies and First Lieutenant William James Wallace, Jarreds brother.

Flynn had developled a tick-mark on her forehead at Gabriel’s comment and said with gritted teeth, “I can assure you that the Marines aren’t going to seize control. We will provide assistance to Security, as well as provide our standard protection of key areas. Now…since I know all of you didn’t want to be here…get out of my ‘clubhouse’. Or you’re going to find a standard issue boot connecting with something sensitive.”


Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Jarred Wallace

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron leader

Commander Karen Villiers

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Lt. Vincent Tan

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn (NPC)
Acting MCO

Lt. Commander Greo Tovon


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams