Unity – The Essence of Family - Truth and Lies
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   The Essence of Family - Truth and Lies
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sat Apr 24, 2010 @ 10:04pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD17 c. 14:40

She turned away from the window and crossed to her desk - forward planning, contingency planning, being ready for any eventuality, that was the key - everyone had weaknesses, even strutting spoonheads. "Rick," Isha said, "When she wakes tell Rianni she is welcome here," Rianni was loyal and that loyalty could be best used in the chair of the warbird Dhelan that waited cloaked in the bowels of Deep Space Five already full of men and women who shared her blood. "Will you do that for me?"

"I will, Isha" said Dunham sincerely.

"Thank you," Isha replied before she cut the comm.


A message blinked up at Isha, Rianni's father was in the consulate. Isha placed her hands on the back of her chair, her fingers curling into the upholstery; death seemed to love her House, she could list the names of those who had died, both the glorious and the ignoble, guilty and innocent ... perhaps it was something in their blood, she wondered, feeling maudlin.

Now she had to tell R'Vek what his daughter had done. It was her duty not to leave it up to someone else and as he, like them all was trapped now was the right time. Isha summoned Deletham and as the silent, skeletal diplomat went off to find him Isha sat and stared at the gash in her desk unconsciously massaging her left wrist.

Isha straightened as she heard low voices in the hallway beyond her office. She rose then, and moved into the outer office where the chairs were comfortable and the light bright.

R'Vek had come double quick, knowing if Isha sent for him it was something quite serious, ~Those blasted Cardassians!~ He thought, fully ready to bloody their noses the first chance he got, "Isha! What's wrong?" He asked, fully expecting to be asked to bring his Warbird online for a fight.

"Take a seat, R'Vek," Isha said gesturing to the sofa at the other side of the low glass table from which she stood. Isha was not concerned about how he would take the news about Rianni; R'Vek was of her mother's side of Isha's mother's House and a son of the Stelam Shiar, she did wonder how his consort would take it however - the human woman who Isha had not yet met.

R'vek, now knowing something was quite wrong and that it didn't involve a quick, satisfying fix like killing Cardassians, "What's going on?"

Stiffly, Isha lowered herself into the sofa opposite and placed her hands in her lap before she spoke. "I received a communication from Deep Space Five," she told him, "from the Infirmary. Your daughter has attempted to take her own life, and failed," she said watching his face for reaction as she broke the news to her uncle.

R'Vek managed to maintain emotional control, suicide wasn't as huge an issue to Romulans as it was to humans and other species, but knowing his daughter was in enough pain that she felt the need to take this drastic a measure was upsetting to him. He paused and rubbed his beard introspectively for a second, wondering had he seen something in his daughter that should've alerted him that this was coming? "Any idea as to her motivations, Isha?"

Briefly Isha closed her eyes. "None," she said. "Rianni was in a position to consider her direction in life, whether to stay with the Federation or to sever those ties and to learn of her heritage. I do not think this was a dilemma for her - whichever way she chose she had somewhere to go and neither side would foresake her." Isha paused again, as that persistent burn tingled once again under the skin of her left arm, unconscously she began to massage her wrist to relieve it. "R'Vek, Rianni may be your daughter but she was not raised to understand our ways, if she attempted to take her life it is unlikely to have been to save herself and her family from disgrace. I find her very ... emotional," that was the word that Isha settled on, as distinct from the more removed and objective 'passionate'." I think it is in that direction we will find the answer," she said.

"Indeed." R'Vek nodded, he had had some concerns about Rianni's emotional nature himself, now it seemed they were well founded, "I would like to have one of your people begin an investigation into this, if it's possible. I want to know what happened to my daughter."

"I can arrange that," Isha told her cousin. "I had hopes that she would join us here and I have restated the offer. I hope that she accepts it." At the same time it would mean that she could be kept an eye on, and kept occupied. "There is something I wish to ask of you, R'Vek," Isha said. Normally any question that concerned Cardassians Isha would take t Rh'vaurek but his orders and hers were misaligned if not directly opposing and she could not risk using his network. Rh'vaurek would follow those orders even at her expense and Isha would save him from having to make that decision.

"Anything, Isha." R'Vek nodded, "You really needn't even ask, you know I'm always at your disposal."

It was Getal who had boasted that he could get any information within three days and who had challenged her to do any better; that morning Isha had ignored the challenge because she had not felt that she had anything to prove, now however ... "R'Vek, I need you do use your network to compile a complete dossier on the Cardassian Ambassador - I want everything, every friend, family member living, whore he has used more than once. Where he eats, what he buys, who he sees. Who his informers are, former colleagues, former assignments ..." Isha paused, her right hand once again massaging her left wrist in her continuing effort to ease the prickling nerves that burned under her skin.

Isha hoped that Getal had made his point and would leave her alone but she knew this hope was futile and rather than be strangled by her own optimism she wanted to be prepared and not waste any time. Isha needed to know who she was dealing with and where his weak points were wherever, whover and whatever they happened to be. "I don't mean to tell you your job," she continued realising that everything she listed and more was implied by the term 'complete dossier'. "How quickly can you have this for me?" she asked.

"My people will have it within forty eight hours if they know what's good for them." R'Vek assured her, his voice showing he'd tolerate no failures and no delays, "Tell me, Isha, what's wrong with your wrist?"

"Thank you," Isha said dropping her hands to her knees before addressing his question. "I fell," she said in a tone that did not invite further enquiry, "I failed to look where I was going," she said.

R'Vek merely nodded, not in belief, but in acceptance of the fact that she didn't want to talk about it, he'd just have to get the information from one of his people, "Well, be more careful, would you? I'd hate for someone to get hurt."

"I have no intention of tripping again," Isha told R'Vek. She was keen to switch the subject and returned to his daughter. "R'Vek, if Rianni can be persuded to join us I can offer her a ship - I have already implied to her that she may have the command. She would have to prove herself to my people, of course ... it may do something to lift her spirits," she said.

"She will come to us." R'Vek replied confidently, "I really feel this...incident will sever her ties to the Federation, someone on that side was responsible for this, she'll look to return where she belongs, where she's always belonged."


Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae


Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian