Judgement – Paljon on koskessa kivia
by Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   Paljon on koskessa kivia
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Fri Nov 26, 2010 @ 8:06pm
Location   Denat's Quarters
Timeline   SD34 - 07:30

The recent chat with Hydel Turven had given Denat new material. Whilst the Kotra piece from Isha was an obvious tactic so Tharek could snare out the traitor, Denat was going to replace his existing security code with a false one that would be deleted in the absence of the original that would be valid on the system.

Denat sat himself behind his desk and activated his console. He worked for several minutes before completing a small algorithym that would protect his security clearence and access should a command be intercepted and request to delete it. Denat heard footpats outside, he startled and turned off his monitor. 'Why the hell would anyone come in here?' he thought to himself.

His commbadge begun to itch his breast. He scratched it and noticed his hands uncontrollably shaking. He walked to the replicator on the adjacent wall and ordered "Kanar, Chilled". A small 500ml spiralled glass bottle with a blueish hue was brought into existence and was removed to a tray, which in turn was delivered to the coffee table and a padd. Denat sat on the sofa where his glass was waiting and put his feet on the coffee table. He poured a full glass from the bottle and rested back on the sofa, glancing at the monitor at his desk. He noticed his hands quivering again and conciously stopped them. "Well..." He sipped some Kanar and swilled what was in the bottom of the glass. "Perhaps tomorow is a good day to die... or betray. Hahahahaha!"

Chief Cardassian Embassy Security Officer