Beg, Steal or Borrow – Confession
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Confession
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri May 01, 2009 @ 6:09pm
Location   Intelligence office / USS Castor
Timeline   SD 8 1410 hrs

Chief Ayers had a bitter taste in his mouth; it wasn't from something he ate. It was from what he'd done, even if it finished his career he had to clear the record. He looked out from the encryptions room, no Gabriel, Perth was studying, and a damage control party was in the work room fixing something. He pushed a button under his desk and closed the door. He put a few commands into the encryptions computer and opened a secure channel too the USS Castor.
=^="Captain Tahir, This is encryptions officer Ayers."

The signal was weak, but Tasha still managed to pick up on it and reset the comms link, tightening the beam.

=^= "Ayers? Do you know what the time is? What's the problem?" Tasha asked.

=^="Ma'am, this isn't exactly something that could wait, we have a problem and I think its about to get worse."=^=

Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that there would be some form of reproach from the Romulans, but what were they planning, or had something happened already!

=^= "And your telling me because Commander Davies is incapacitated? T'Lan has been injured?" She asked in a rush, wondering why an officer, instead of a department head was contacting her. She feared the worst.

=^="Ensign Wallace told me about a group he investigated years ago, after my meeting with Lieutenant Gabriel earlier I'm beginning to think that their not gone, I snuck a peek at the file a lot of he stuff he was saying sounded like this group is back in action. Its become a matter of concern now."=^=

Tasha scratched her head. =^= "Are you referring to the consortium? Or the Lytosians?" She asked, not sure what it was he was trying to relay.

=^="Lt. Gabriel said by any means was I to get a confession out of the sabotage suspect, this included some...*ahem*....heavy handed methods. this is the kind of stuff that dates back to that whole mess with the Lakota, maybe the consortium is indirectly involved, I don’t know, just be careful."=^=

Tasha listened to what Ayers was saying and she knew how Dorian liked to collate certain information, but a second communication was incoming, another from DS5.

=^= "You will need to be very careful who you inform and Ayers, as far as I am concerned, this communication NEVER took place. Castor out" =^= Tasha stressed, as she tapped at the comm, ready to accept the incoming message from Commander Davies, perhaps, warning her of exactly the same thing.

Ayers looked at the console, he looked around. "Computer erase comm record, order Alfa one six three six, authorize Ayers zero one." the screen showed one message *RECORD ERASED*


Captain Tasha Tahir

Chief Craig Ayers
Encryptions officer DS5