Interlude – When two tribes meet...for dinner
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   When two tribes meet...for dinner
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 1:17pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD31 - Dinnertime (20:00hrs)
Arrienye stood outside her quarters in her yellow dress, a small purse in her gloved hands as she waited for Ma'erlit. The Bajoran was late, but Arrienye had expected as much. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if she didn't show up at all. It would merely prove her point.

Ma'erlit had considered not showing up at all, but her promise to Maiell had been too compelling, so she had dragged herself down here to meet that obnoxious bitch of a cousin of his. She was wearing a blue silk dress with her hair down and curled and carried a sequined evening bag Rianni had given her. She also wore stiletto heels, shiny blue, to add height to her tiny frame and be able to look t'Merek in the eye.

Arrienye saw the woman coming up to her and gave her a once over with a critical eye. You could tell a lot about someone by the way they dressed, she learned. "Crewman Ma'erlit," she greeted the Bajoran as she came close enough.

"Arrain t'Merek." Ma'erlit replied, if nothing else she had to admit the bitch cleaned up nicely, "So, now what?"

"We should get to the restaurant first," Arrienye told her, walking confidently out of the Consulate.

"Good idea." Ma'erlit nodded, walking beside, not behind, Arrienye.

As they strolled through the Promenade, Arrienye didn't make an effort to keep any chit chat going. There would be ample time for that once they'd sat down. Finally, they arrived at a restaurant and a hostess sat them down near a window, overlooking the nearby nebula.

Ma'erlit stopped for a second to look out the window and smiled warmly at the sight of the nebula, "I forget sometimes how beautiful that nebula is. You definitely got us a great table, thank you."

"It was nothing. I enjoy the sight as well. It may come off as odd, but it reminds me of home. The colours, I mean," Arrienye clarified the last.

"I know what you mean." Ma'erlit smiled, actually smiled, at Arrienye, even though she didn't realize she didn't know what her dinner companion had meant, "It reminds me of Bajor, too. Have you ever been blessed with the opportunity to visit Bajor?"

"No," Arrienye shook her head. "To be honest, despite being in the Navy, I haven't really *been* anywhere outside of my own system. I'm not much of a traveler. And even when I do, I'm more drawn to nature reserves, national parks, places like that," t'Merek shared. She really did want to give Ma'erlit a chance, despite her prejudices about the woman.

"I can understand." Ma'erlit nodded, "I enjoy the Rekantha Province in Bajor, not far from where I was born, for the same reasons. I like to climb, hike, kayak, swim, things like that. You should go to Bajor one day, see the Rekantha Province, you'll think you're looking at Heaven." ~Wow, she's not being a total bitch. This could be promising.~

"I may be a bit biased when it comes to seeing things on other planets as Heaven," Arrienye admitted, though good naturedly. "I enjoy hiking as well, though I'm not much of a climber. My last attempt ended up with me needing to be transported to the nearest medical facility."

"Oh, wow." Ma'erlit gasped, "I am so sorry to hear that." That shocked her, as she realized she had genuinely meant it, "Look, Arrienye, can we be frank with each other and hopefully find a middle ground?"

Arrienye sighed audibly before leaning back in her chair and unconsciously taking up her intimidating 'I'm in charge here' position - upper body straight, head held high, hands resting on her legs, which were crossed. "Alright," she said. Even her tone had taken up a more authoritative note.

"I love your cousin." Ma'erlit began, "I understand that I might not be your ideal choice for him, but we've both found something in each other that makes life better for both of us, and that's very hard to find in this universe. I also know that Maiell said something stupid to you, I don't know what and I know it's not my business at this point, but I know he loves you, and I know you two fighting is killing him. So, here's what I'm driving at, I would like it if we tried to get along, I think you and I could actually be very close if you're willing to try, and I would love it if you and Maiell could find a way to make up because I know how much it would mean to him."

"He should have thought of that before letting his mouth run away with him. It will take a long time for myself and tr'Tahn to work that out between ourselves. As for you and I, I have asked you out tonight with the intention of getting to know you and hopefully, as they say 'build a few bridges'," Arrienye told the Bajoran. "I would've preferred if we'd kept it rather independent of your relationship with tr'Tahn, but I suppose that was wishful thinking." The Head of Security tucked a loose strand of hair behind her pointed ear during the moment of silence that fell between them.

"And, since we are being frank, I must say that I find it very hard to believe you could fall in love with my cousin, or anyone else for that matter, in such a short amount of time. But, that is none of my business, apparently," she said, the last word obviously showing her distaste for not being consulted or even told of the matter between her cousin and Amalia. "That is between the two of you."

"And I can say that, one, you have the right to your opinion even when we disagree, and, two, I hope that you fall in love hard and fast one day the way I have with Maiell." Ma'erlit replied sweetly, "Because it's the greatest feeling in the galaxy, Arrienye, and I wish for you to know the happiness I'm feeling right now with your cousin. I think you deserve it."

"Well you barely know me but we'll leave that aside for now," Arrienye pointed out referring to her last statement. "And I know what it feels like to be in love the way you obviously seem to be with tr'Tahn."

"You're right, I do barely know you." Ma'erlit agreed, adding, "But that doesn't mean I can't like you, or that I can't care about you, Arrienye. And I'm glad you've experienced what I'm experiencing and hope you get to do it again."

"Hm," Arrienye just acknowledged with a slight rise of the corner of her mouth. "Well, since you seem to be on first name terms with me, I hope you don't mind me calling you Amalia," she said.

"Of course not, it's, not to brag, a very pretty name." Ma'erlit smiled, "My Great Grandmother Amalia, was a historian and member of the Bajoran Parliament, I'm named for her. And if we're going to be friends I would say first names are a great first step."

Arrienye nodded. "I wasn't named after anyone. My name means 'Hell' in Rihannsu," she revealed.

"Okay." Ma'erlit paused, this was shocking information, "Wow." ~Who names their daughter Hell? What's wrong with these people?~

"You seem shocked," Arrienye said. "I admit, it is a rare name for a parent to give to their child, but that's only because it's a very old name. Most people today prefer to give their children more modern names. My House prefers keeping things simple. Traditional, even when naming our children."

"Okay, I can understand it a little better when you explain it that way." Ma'erlit smiled, she still didn't understand, but it was a lot less of a puzzle to her now.

Arrienye gave a small smile back. The waiter poured them some wine and Arrienye raised her glass. "To hope," she toasted, meeting Amalia's eyes. An unusual toast for the situation, but there it was.

"Hope." Ma'erlit smiled, touching her glass to Arrienye's, ~I'm feeling a lot of hope right now.~


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia