Cascade – A Chance Meeting
by Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis

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Title   A Chance Meeting
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis
Posted   Mon Dec 17, 2012 @ 7:02am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD70, 1900H

David had wanted to get his mind off the things going on in the station ever since the incident on the drifting ship. Maybe he'll find something in the promenade. "Promenade." David said as he entered the turbolift. He stepped out to see hundreds of people all walking around, talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and having a great time. David felt a bit uneasy. His mind started to race. He felt the promenade deck was spinning for some reason. He bumped into someone.

Juliet stepped back as the man crashed into her. "I'm sorry..." she gave a chuckle. "I tried to avoid hitting you." she offered with a smile as she stepped back and checked her uniform which she had changed into.

David snapped out of his episode. He looked at the lady he bumped into, he tried to get himself together. "Sorry, been a rough day." David said. He noticed her ranking and uniform, he recognized it from his meeting with Commander Dunham. "You're one of the star fighter wing pilots?" David asked.

Finally getting a look at the handsome dark featured man, Juliet smiled. "Yes I am." She took note of his engineers colors. "You're in engineering I take it?"

"Ensign David Straggard, and yourself?" David reached out his hand to shake hers.

"Lieutenant Juliet Dallis." extending her hand she shook the man's hand.

"Are you new here?" David asked. "I've been here for a few months now. I'm the propulsion specialist on the ship by the way."

"Yes, I was just assigned and I see a man after my own heart. A need for speed, in your own way." The began to walk again.

"You could call it a need for speed. I call it a way to save time." David said with a smile. "So is this your first time in the promenade?"

"For the most part." As they walked many people were bustling around them. "Pretty crazy here today."

"Almost a hundred thousand people who are on the station." David said. "So how do you like Deep Space 5 so far?" He asked.

"Let's see, my first time out in a ship I lost all power and now we have explosions going off. How much more could one ask for in a new assignment."

David smiled. "I know the feeling. We had some anomalies a few months ago that caused us to not be able to transmit any messages. My assignment to the station was delivered, not transmitted." David said. "it took us awhile to figure out the problem, but we got through it!"

"This place seems nice enough, I think I will stay." She said with a pleasant tone as they continued along the promenade. "What else do you do for fun around here?"

"I spend time with some of the crew. I also like to do programs on the holodeck that challenge me physically in order to keep me fit." David said. "Things like rock climbing, swimming, and such. I sometimes visit the gymnasium to workout."

Nodding as he spoke, Juliet considered the options. "I do a bit of climbing myself." she added.

"Really? Would you like to go climbing sometime?" David asked.

"I would like that." Slowing she paused in front of a storefront.

"It's a date?" David said as he started to move away. "I gotta get back to work. Let me know when you're free."

"I will do that." She said with a grin as they went their separate ways. Feeling very good about the exchange between them. Despite all the chaos around them.


Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist

Lieutenant JG Juliet 'Radar' Dallis
Squadron Pilot