Beg, Steal or Borrow – Safe, For Now.
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Safe, For Now.
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Wed Apr 22, 2009 @ 5:46pm
Location   Diplomatic Offices - DS5
Timeline   SD 8 - just after 14:00
"The Klingon's quarters are this way," Giellun said, a Klingon mevak held ready at his side, the irony amused him as he peered round the corner, "Its clear. Quickly now, and no more talk."

The first of his masked fellows passed by on silent feet.

Giellun did not know his companions any more than they knew him; the three had assembled as requested, they shared nothing but the tacit acknowledgement of their purpose and when the orders came they were ready. They had no personal grudge against the child or the father, but they had their orders and they would see it done.

Giellun froze as the one in front held up a hand and drew back against the bulkhead. They were moving. He sheathed the mevak as the Klingon woman and the brats emerged from the quarters heading down the quiet residential corridor towards the turbolift – the public areas in that direction were flooded with people – and the employer wanted to send a particular message for which privacy was necessary.

There was, however no need for anything as crude as having to keep the group within the sight of their eyes; Giellun drew out a device – it could track their signals. They were Klingons, and that meant they lacked the common sense to confine themselves to a safe area, he did not yet know why they had chosen to relocate, but there was a high probability that they would not join the common mob cowering in the shelters.

“We follow,” he said simply.


Ayren grabbed Ahkil's wrist in alarm. "Somone is coming... I can sense it..... more than one.. Romulans! They are on their way here." she informed her with urgency in her voice.


The attack on the station had already begun by the time they reassembled outside the diplomatic office; there were four lifeforms inside, three of them Klingon … the other staff had departed. Giellun nodded to his companions to proceed.

By the door they paused as one fixed the lock, another was ready with a grenade, a first assault to stun whoever might be waiting.

It detonated with a flash, and they moved in through the smoke.

Ahkil spun as Aryen spoke, the phaser in her hand. As she turned the door flew open and as she faced the grenade flew into the room. Kicking it away it detonated half way to the door. Ahkil fired blindly into the smoke as it filled the room. At the same time she drew her Master's sons Mekleth continuing to fire as she dropped low swinging the blade in a wide arch, feeling the blade cut into flesh.

Ayren had run to the back to shield the twins, who stood about confused, drawing her phaser at the same time.

To his left Giellun heard the grunt and the thud as one of his companions fell, but he also heard movement and smelt the metallic tang of blood mingle with the rising smoke. He fired his disruptor ahead of the position his companion had occupied adjusting his hold on the mevak; it was not a blade for a fight, but if needed it would suffice.

Akhil took the disruptor blast fully to her left shoulder. The force of the blast knocked her off her feet and as she fell she returned fire.

Throwing himself sideways, Giellun rolled, the blast hot and close enough to singe skin. In a fluid motion he passed from one knee, back to his feet and towards the klingon.

To Giellun's right Nevala moved in. She too knew that one of their number was injured, but their concern was dealing with the living, not the fallen. The clash of metal from the left came even as the smoke began to clear.

"Move away from the children and leave if you want to live," Nevala said through her soft mask, "we have no arguement with the federation."

Ayren held the weapon unwavering at them, her eyes moving to Akhil who was injured. "No, you move out of this office now, if you don't want to be killed, "she replied firmly. "I will not release these children."

With a flick of her wrist Nevala launched her own knife into the air. Spinning, it knocked the phaser from the woman's hand. "If you wish to die with them, it is your choice," she said as she used her disruptor to disintegrate the starfleet weapon.

"Take me instead, please leave the children..." Ayren pleaded, shielding the twins with her body.

Though her mask obscured the derisive twist of her lip Nevala could not keep the scorn from her voice, “at least they might have the guts to die quietly.”

Ayren sensed that the female would kill her and the twins without a second thought and that was not going to happen. The situation called for any measure to save the children. The fact that they thought her weak, was exactly what she wanted. While focussing her mind, she stood still holding the now crying babies behind her, preventing them from going to the wounded Ahkil on the floor.

The next moment a small explosion occurred to the right of the intruders, when yet another of the Romulan disrupter volleys hit the hapless station. Smoke started to fill the office as a powerline was ruptured, swinging conduit like snake back and forth.

Nevala watched as the panel behind them glowed white hot, “Plasma breach!” she warned. As she didn’t know it she was unable to call her companion by his name. In seconds it would rupture and they would be incinerated. She moved for the door.

Giellun and followed, pausing only to hurl his mevak into the fallen body of the klingon woman.

Together they threw themselves through the office door into the corridor, the searing blast of the ruptured conduit singeing their heels and turning their victims to dust.

They picked themselves up and with a wordless glance turned and walked in separate directions.


Ayren sunk to the floor, feeling dizzy after having to concentrate so hard. She placed her arms around the twins, comforting them and then quickly went to the wounded Akhil. =/=Kelan to sickbay, I need medical assistance in the Diplomatic offices. A klingon Female was shot with a disrupter."

Her badge chirped as sickbay responded and she waited until Akhil shimmered away in an emergency transport to sickbay.

The immediate danger had passed and Ayren took the two children to sickbay. As she closed and secured her office doors, she pinched the bridge of her nose as a head ache started to form. At least the she was able to let the illusion last long enough for them to escape... for now. . Da'nal should be informed as soon as possible though.... there were assassins after his children and they were still out there....


Giellun and Nevala and the dead assassin NPCd by Louise

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Akhil and the Children NPC's by Chris