Cascade – "Paperwork"
by Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel

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Title   "Paperwork"
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel
Posted   Sat Feb 23, 2013 @ 8:06pm
Location   Ronan's office, Counselling Department, USS Horatio
Timeline   SD71
Ronan sighed as he leaned back in his chair. He'd been spending the past few hours updating patient files, and frankly he was exhausted. The counselling staff had been busy the past few days, following an away mission which had seen a few officers die and others become seriously injured. As a trauma specialist, he'd been extra busy.

With his eyes closed he said "Computer, are there any more appointments pending?" "Negative" the computers feminine voice responded. Smiling, he shut down his console and made his way to the replicator. "Computer, a mug of jasmine tea, hot, with honey". Moments later he was sipping the tea and making his way to his quarters for some rest. He hadn't slept a lot in the past few days, and knew he needed to catch up.

Entering his quarters, he went into his bedroom, kicking off his boots as he went. Finishing off the last of his tea, he recycled the mug, brushed his teeth, and quickly got undressed. Climbing in bed, he said " Computer, wake me up 3 hours before my next duty shift." After receiving an acknowledgement, he turned the lights off, and was soon asleep.

Ltjg. Ronan Larel
Junior Counselor (soon to be Chief Counselor)
USS Horatio (soon to be Starbase Deep Space 5)