Interlude – Culture Shock
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Culture Shock
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon May 24, 2010 @ 9:57pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD19 - Late night

"Yolanthe," Sotar began, his head slumped on the bar. "Could I have another Kanar?" He asked it like a child would ask for its bottle. "The blue one this time, please." He said, raising himself up with the palms of his hands.

The bar tender smiled. "I hope it was my dancers who left you in such a state, and nothing more serious?" She poured out the drink for him. He looked quite exhausted. Her skin shifted slowly as she poured, until her colouring was almost as blue as the spirit itself.

"I think it's that Klingon drink you gave me... " Sotar said, as his head trailed down to find outside back on the bar.

Outside the lounge, Arrienye watched as people passed her, wanting to get in and grab a seat. The Romulan woman looked inside through the large glass wall, taking in all the diverse people inside. She tapped the padd she'd brought with her against her fingers; her safety net, in case she didn't know what to do or say. Finally taking a deep breath, she pushed her long black hair away from her face and bravely stepped into the bar.

She went mostly unnoticed, apart from a few males eyeballing her, which she was oblivious to. With her hair loose, she wore a short red dress that ended at the middle of her thighs. The rest of her long legs were covered in black leggings and boots. The outfit was slightly more bold than what she usually wore, but it was comfortable and simple. Not to mention she could easily hide weapons under it and retrieve them easily, should she have reason.

Seeing that most of the seats were taken, Arrienye had no choice but to take one of the two vacant seats by the bar. A person lightly nudged her aside and took one of them, making the Romulan shoot him a mean look. What kind of barbarians were these people? Ignoring it, she took the other empty seat, next to what she barely recognized as a Cardassian.

Sotar gazed to his side, seeing the women sit. The first thing that caught his eye was the red dress. It definitely enhanced her figure, which was a curvaceous hour glass shape. Sotar was now intrigued. "Hi. Can I buy you a drink?" He said, leaning onto the bar and looking over to the mysterious women.

Arrienye looked over at him, meeting his eyes with her blue ones. Raising an eyebrow she shifted a bit in her seat. "Why?" she asked.

"Cause I'm a nice guy, offering you a free drink?" He responded. "I can have science check for poison if you like." Sotar said, sniggering at himself.

"That won't be necessary," she told him, thinking it over. "But what are your motives?" she asked, almost in an interrogatory tone. But somehow it sounded natural coming from her.

"Well, I devised this cunning plan. I buy you a drink and I get to have someone to talk to instead of the skrăgh-heads in here." Sotar said, leaning with his back against the bar. "It's your choice. It just saves me Latinum if you don't want one."

Arrienye smirked. "Well, if you have less latinum, there's less of a chance you'll get mugged on your way back. So I'm doing you a service by accepting," she said, leaning back against her chair. "I'll have a Romulan wine," she told the bartender.

Sotar smiled politely. "I'm paying for this one." He said to Yolanthe with a polite wink as she came back over.

The Bokkai looked from the Romulan to the Cardassian, recognized the signs, and walked off to retrieve the current bottle of rhennish from its place further down the bar. She came back with two glasses and poured the rich purple vintage for both of them. "I'll add it to the account." She told Sotar, and then retreated to serve another customer.

"I am Arrain Arrienye t'Merek," she introduced herself to the man, tucking her hair behind her pointed ear once the strand began to irritate her.

"Sotar Telet." He replied, smiling at her. "I'm going to assume, you work at the Romulan embassy. Correct me if I'm wrong?"

"You're not," she shook her head, taking a sip of her wine, a little bigger than she thought she would, but the growing crowd around her was making her skin crawl with discomfort and she wanted to relax.

"Thought so." He looked at her, and noticed how tense she was. "Relax. Nobody'll bother you in here. Your technically untouchable, unless some drunk wants to start a fight with the entire Romulan staff. I'm sure as Hell I wouldn't."

"That's very wise," she told him with a nod, taking another sip of her drink. Her eyes then landed on his. "What's that?"

"This?" He said, gesturing to his glass. "This is Kanar. This is a mild one though." Sotar placed his glass down near her. "Try some."

Arrienye looked at the glass curiously. "I have never had Kanar as it is. Only in a drink combination a fellow soldier once introduced me to," she admitted, taking the glass. Smelling the liquid a moment she brought it to her lips, taking a long sip. As she swallowed, Arrienye coughed, putting the glass down. She gagged lightly. The liquid was thick and stuck to her tongue, which only enhanced its already unique flavor.

"Ugh..good grief, how can you drink that?" she asked, gagging again as she wiped her mouth.

Sotar laughed. "An acquired taste perhaps." He spoke, still laughing on his words.

"No kidding," she said. "The mix I tried had this thick black type of Kanar in it. Along with Klingon bloodwine, Romulan ale and something called Vodka. All mixed together into a drink called Culture Shock. Now that was volatile," she told him.

Sotar sat for a minute. The taste of the deadly Klingon drink he had gnawing at his insides. "I think I'll try one of them." He waved over to Yolanthe to grab her attention, but remained talking to Arrienye "Think you could handle another one?"

"Of course I can," she said confidently.

Yolanthe was more than familiar with the Culture Shock, and she couldn't resist showing off as she mixed it, juggling the bottles and adding a bit more flair than was truly needed as she layered the ingredients, starting with a standard kanar that wouldn't be insulted by inclusion in a cocktail, before moving on to the blood wine, the Romulan Ale, and finally the Vodka. She gave Sotar a sunny smile as she put the glasses down. She did not envy him the headache he would have in the morning.

As their colorful cocktail was put in front of them, Arrienye spoke. "Alright. Let me show you how to drink this," she said, bringing her glass to her. Holding it firmly, she covered the top with her hand. "Now, you cover it, like this," she instructed, "then you flip it over, so that the Kanar leaves the bottom of the glass and goes to the top. When it reached about half way, you turn it again quickly, hit it down onto the bar so that the bloodwine gets some bubbles and drink it down in one shot. Got it?"

"Got it." He said, wondering if this would be as deadly as the drink Yolanthe served him before...

"Ready?" she said. "Go," she said, flipping her drink then expertly slamming it down onto the bar and tossing the shot back. It had been a while since she'd had one of these so the shock to her system the burn cause made her cough, hitting the bar a few times in the aftershock. The potent combination made her whole body feel hot, burning her insides.

"Wow... " Sotar said, taking his glass. He mimicked her movements exactly, but found the taste even more exhilarating than the Klingon drink. He felt the liquid burn his insides, but found a strange joy in the drink. "Can I get another one?"

Yolanthe grinned and looked to the Romulan, wondering if she was as unfond of her liver as Sotar seemed to be, "One or two?"

Sotar looked at Arrienye with a smile on his face. "Fancy another go?"

"Of course," she told him confidently, returning his smile, relaxed now from the alcohol.

"Right... Four then please." He said, as he looked on for both women's responses. "Two each."

Arrienye raised an eyebrow at him. "Feeling brave?" she asked, grinning beautifully at him.

"I'm a drunk Cardassian, I'm always feeling brave." He said, an heir of cockiness in his voice. "Line 'em up!" Sotar exclaimed, tapping his fingers on the bar.

Arrienye laughed. "You heard the man," she told Yolanthe, unconsciously leaning against the Cardassian as her mind became a bit misty. The last thing she needed was to fall off her bar stool.

The bokkai shook her head, and started to line up the glances, "Rather you than me, Sotar." She put an extra two glasses in the line as well. It always paid to be prepared. They could take the first ones off the front as she worked her way to the end. By the time she was done, she was down a bottle of all four drinks. She totted up Sotar's tab in her head, and her skin went a deeper blue.

Sotar watched Yolanthe place their drinks. He took his first drink and held it steady, or at least as steady as a drunk person can get. "On three... " He started, a smile spreading from ear to ear.

Arrienye returned his smile with equal heart. "On three," she said, covering her next drink with her hand. She looked over at him, waiting.

"Three!" Sotar shouted, starting the process all over again. He knew he'd need a trip to sickbay after this...

He got his first glass down in one, and, without stopping, took his second drink down in one go. He winced at a mix of alcoholic pain and pleasure.

Not to be outdone, Arrienye mimicked him, ignoring the look the Bajoran man next to her was giving. With two quick shots, her own drinks were gone, the Romulan woman shaking her head slightly to clear it. It didn't work of course. In fact, it made her feel a little worse. "Ugh..." she muttered. "I don't feel so good," she admitted, her mind cloudy and her body hot.

"Hah!" He said, slamming his palm onto the bar. "That's the drink coming into effect, don't fight it, embrace it!"

"I'm not fighting it," she protested weakly, swaying lightly towards him. "Wow..." she said, watching the man's face double for a moment. "Can you tell I haven't done this in a while?" she asked before bursting into laughter.

"Really? I never noticed!" He said sarcastically, bursting into laughter along with her.

Arrienye continued to laugh, unable to really control herself. She buried her face in her arms as she folded them on the bar at last, her shoulders shaking with laughter.

Sotar resumed his position of leaning against the bar, laughter still flowing uncontrollably through him too. Every sound he tried to make was inaudible, and just sounded like more laughter.

Arrienye wasn't much better off ten minutes later, but they were both slowly starting to regain a bit of control. She looked up, some of her hair falling over her bright blue eyes that were glassy from the laughter and alcohol. "I've never," she began, then another wave of giggles took over. Settling again, she waited a moment to see if they'd return before speaking again. Or at least trying to. "I've never drank with a Cardassian before," she revealed, trying to appear serious, which only added to her comedic appearance.

Sotar started to giggle quietly now. "I've never drunk... With a Romulan before." He stuttered after every couple of seconds, still quite drunk.

"Good!" Arrienye 'announced', turning to Yolanthe. "We'll have a Romulan ale now," she told her, moving her hair from her face.

Yolanthe mentally calculated the distance from the bar to the bathroom, and added a margin for the number of people between here and there. Sotar would probably be fine, but the slightly built Romulan was already unsteady. She settled on the house ale; it went down well and was good at mixing with other drinks without unpleasant and messy side effects. "Your tab again, Sotar?"

"No no," Arrienye protested. "I'll pay," she said. She could pay her own way. "Open a tab for me, I'll pay tomorrow when I can see straight," she told her, blinking a couple of times to clear her vision.

"Fair enough," Yolanthe took a credit padd from under the bar, and helped the inebriated Romulan apply her thumb. "I'll come find you at the consulate if I don't see you." She tucked the padd away. "Though I hope I will, and not just to pay the bill."

Arrienye just nodded, resting her chin in her hand as she waited for their drinks.

Sotar sat and giggled to himself. He was drunk, but drunk enough to know it, which was the source of his laughter.

Taking the blue tinted glass, the Rihannsu raised it to him. "To Diplomacy..." she said. "It's not so bad," she decided with a bright grin, giving him a nod.

"Diplomacy." He stated. He held his glass parallel to hers and gently hit them together. "Its not so bad at all." Sotar replied, mimicing her grin and nod.

Now this was a drink Arrienye was very accustomed to drinking a lot of, so she downed the ale with ease. Of course, the fact that her esophagus was burned numb by the Culture Shocks had something to do with that too.

He took down the drink with extreme ease, feeling the mixture of Kanar, Culture Shock and ale brewing in his stomach. Which had coincidentally burnt most of his taste away.

"One more," the Romulan with an extremely high endurance for alcohol ordered from Yolanthe.

"Just one... " Sotar began, as he trailed off into drunken babble.

Arrienye giggled at him, which soon grew into full out laughter, the woman leaning against him, burying her face in his shoulder as she laughed.

He layed his head against hers, copying the laughing and figiting from time to time. He was well and truly drunk now, as the alcohol from all major species managed to find its way through his gut and all throughout his system.


A JP between:

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Diplomatic Aid/Security Chief
Romulan Consulate


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner & bartender, The Box of Delights


Glen Sotar Telet
Chief of Staff
Cardassian Embassy