Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Different Culprit
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   A Different Culprit
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Wed Feb 04, 2009 @ 2:15am
Location   Civilian Ship: K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva, Docked at DS5

"Sh'Zhan'n" Kaia whispered. Suddenly, she was in no mood at all to try out the new holosuite. Kaia opened her eyes, picked herself up off the floor, and examined her work for what seemed like the hundredth time.


The transwarp coil now paralleled the standard warp conduits. If everything went according to spec, Kaia's ship would opperate under the standard warp drive until the transwarp was engaged. This would allow her to operate normally while under the watch of the Feds. She just needed to make sure there were no residual effects or feedback interferences with her normal systems. She crawled out of the newly concealed room within which her illicit technology was masked from external scans. She closed the hidden compartment behind its normal looking component access hatch and gradually made her way to the bridge, closing her eyes and shaking her head clear of memories that were not her own.

Once she was on the bridge, she reconfigured her sensor arrays to specifically scan for engine radiation. She wanted to be certain beyond certain that her standard engine output would not betray it's hidden capabilities.

She opened a comm chanel to the station."This is the ship K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva to DS5 flight control."

"This is station flight control, go ahead."

"I need to run some engine diagnostics, please advise for un-docking and narrow station orbit."

"Standby..." Came the response, followed by a significant delay.

~Odd..~ Kaia thought. ~Not like there is a lot of traffic out there...~

"Civilian vessel, flight clearance granted, please maintain the flight path and station orbit being transmitted now."

"Thank you, flight control," Kaia responded as she routed the flight path into her autopilot. "I"ll be re-docking when the diagnostics are finished, shouldn't be more than 30 minutes."

"Understood, please re-establish contact prior to docking. Flight Control out."

Kaia shook her head at the peculiar exchange and refocused on the task at hand. The computer chirped when the docking clamps were released and Kaia began the diagnostic scan. With the scan running, she engaged the autopilot and monitored the engine output as the ship moved a short distance away from the station. She smirked, albeit with an undertone of anxiety, as she spied the wreckage of the USS Legacy once again docked with the station. Her attention quickly turned to her sensor readouts as information began coming in.

~Strange~ Kaia thought as she monitored the sensor readout. ~I wasn't expecting that much of a polarized magnetic disturbance. With the transwarp coil not even powered up, that's got to be something coming from my regular engines. What did I forget to do?~

Kaia adjusted her sensors and scanned the local traffic, double checking to make sure there were no other ships in the immediate vicinity that could be altering her readings or that she wasn't picking up interference from the station itself.

"Well, it's not the station and there are no other ships, so it's got to be me." Kaia said to an empty room with a hint of frustration. "Maybe if I try a cascading wavelength stretch, that'll at least identify the frequency band of whatever's causing that disturbance. Maybe then I can determine what part of the engines are causing it..."

Kaia executed the procedure and watched lazily as numbers began to pour across the screen. As time passed, Kaia's eyes grew wide at the emerging pattern.

"That.... That's not....My engines are fine... That disturbance is coming from a cloaked vessel...."