Beg, Steal or Borrow – Crew Manifest
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Crew Manifest
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 9:24pm
Location   Appraoching the Typhoon Expanse
Timeline   SD3 - On approach to DS5

The collision warning klaxon woke him from the doze. He had spent the last 2 weeks getting to know the ship intimately, but this new warning horn, startled him as the ship dropped out of warp.

"Computer, report." He ordered, rolling out of his bunk, dressed only in shorts and socks.

"Incoming enemy vessel. Evasive manoeuvre's are being activated." The computer responded to his demand for knowledge.

Davies muttered to himself as he pulled on his uniform top and ran to the cockpit. "Activate shields, weapons and tactical display." He called as he jumped into the pilot seat, pulling the harness fastenings together before tapping the forward viewscreen. "What class of ship is that?" He queried, not recognising it in the least.

"Dominion attack fighter" Came the computers response.

David cussed to himself. At least the Oberth was heavily armed, but he didn't want to stay and fight if he could avoid it. He was still 7 days away from DS5 and the last thing he wanted to do was to send out a distress call and the next thing was to get the new ship to DS5 unmarked.

"Re-engage warp drive." He said, tapping at the navigation console.

"Unable to comply." Came the response.

"Why?" Davies shouted at the computer in frustration.

"Unable to engage warp engines with shields at maximum. Power distribution would lead to graviton interference." Came the response.

"Computer, helm to manual, drop the shields and engage maximum warp. How far am I from Deep Space 5?" He screamed, jabbing at the flight console, entering erratic manoeuvres and plotting his fastest course away from the Dominion fighter.

After a quick succession of blips, the computer finally responded.
"Shields down. Engaging warp engine. .... at current speed, 6 days, 11 hours, 23 minutes and 44 seconds."

David humphed to himself as he checked the tactical display.
The new Oberth class wasn't fully kitted out, but he had supplies on board for the quartermaster as well as 2 replacement biobeds for sickbay. These were the new style fully automated beds, that should keep Doctor Milarno happy. When he arrived at DS5, if he arrived, then the current design would be transferred to the stations computer mainframe and they could replicate more as needed.
One was for surgery, the other for trauma. He was also carrying data for the new and improved ELMH mark 4, the latest and best hologrammtic doctor available and this one was long term.

The Oberth was fast and highly manoeuvrable, darting around space at incredible velocity, so much so, that the attack craft veered off and allowed Davies to continue without a single shot being fired.
He kept the speed up for a while, ensuring that his attacker had indeed given up and when he as sure, he reset the course to the station.

"Computer, reinstate auto navigation and resume course to deep space 5 at maximum speed." He fell back into the chair, his shoulders and neck aching from the sudden stress of piloting and evading the attack, closing his eyes and drifting into a restless doze.


Commander David Davies
Played by Tasha