We All Fall Down – Senior Staff Meeting
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Arrival Wolfgang Steiner & Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri

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Title   Senior Staff Meeting
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Arrival Wolfgang Steiner & Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri
Posted   Sun Oct 26, 2014 @ 8:40pm
Location   Observation Lounge
Timeline   WAFD MD03 11:00
[Observation Lounge]

"I've taken the liberty of inviting Deputy Steiner," Isha told Tahhk as they walked through ops and out into the Observation Lounge.

"A prudent decision," the Vulcan replied. What they wanted to achieve was a degree of unity and to get the full picture of what was happening on the promenade, rather than making the decision to address the public on the basis of the complaints of a couple of merchants.

"I am wary that any public statement will serve to exaggerate the situation," Isha paused as the doors opened and the first of the invitees arrived.

Steiner found his way up to the Station's, Observation lounge, he'd had to ask directions, twice. Stepping off the turbo lift he wondered what this was about. he'd been in his office when t'Vaurek's Yeoman had notified him of the meeting.

He looked around and saw t'Vaurek with another officer, a male, Commander probably Vulcan he assumed and made his way over.

"Good morning Commander" he nodded to t'Vaurek and introduced himself to the Vulcan "Hello, I'm Wulfgang Steiner, Marshal's Service"

"Your reputation travels before you, Mister Steiner," Tahhk said, "I'm sure your efforts in bolstering the Federation's presence will be welome." It was an odd way to phrase it, but the fact was that people often forgot that Starfleet ran Deep Space Five on behalf of the Federration.

With a swish, an engineer with the surname Wyman stepped into the observation lounge clutching a PADD. The issue though, was that it wasn't the Wyman who was supposed to be at the briefing.

"My apologies, Commander. Whatever is going around the civilian population seems to have hit my husband as well. He's on his way to sickbay now." Welshy explained. She hadn't expected to be told to attend a senior staff meeting, but her job description DID say she had to act as chief engineer if so ordered.

Before she could sit down, the door at the other end of the room opened to reveal her husband. Clutching the door jam to steady himself, Steve looked like he was about to fall over dead at any moment. His face was as white as pure snow, his nose was bright red, and his eyes were swollen. He was trembling as if he were cold, yet beads of sweat trickled down his brow. "Don't go replacing me just yet, Senior Chief. I ain't dead yet."

"That could be debated, Mr Wyman." Lieutenant Commander Soran, starched and crisp, appeared behind him.

Steve gave considerable thought to coughing on her. While he would probably be reprimanded severely for it, it would still be worth it to see the second officer suffering the way he was. But ultimately, he decided against it, no matter how satisfying such an act may be in the short term.

"I survived a broken back, I'm pretty sure I can survive a little uncommon cold." Wyman answered defiantly, stifling a sneeze at the end.

Placing her PADD down on the conference table with a click, Ceridwen stormed over to the stubborn fool she had married. "Ste... Commander - you need to get to sickbay before you spread this to the rest of the senior staff!" she hissed, eyes glancing quickly to Soran.

David walked into the Observation Lounge, he could see that some people had already arrived, he nodded at Wolfgang and took a seat. David was exhausted, he had about three hours sleep since arriving on the station. He knew he would have to get rest soon.

The hatch whooshed open and Darson entered the room clad in the normal trappings of his matte black armor. His faceless mask swung between the relatively unknown arrivals and the quite possibly turning undead figure of Commander Wyman. Deciding to keep an eye on that situation just in case he began biting people, Darson quickly took his position at the foot of the conference table where he would have the best view of the room.

Mikaela Locke slid quietly into the Observation Lounge and took a seat at towards the far end of the table, next to the man she recognised as Colonel Darson. The meeting had clearly begun and she tried her hardest not to draw attention to herself. As Commander t'Vaurek was speaking, she glanced around the table. Although she recognised most of the senior staff present, there were one or two faces that were not familiar to her. 'New transfers,' she thought to herself, realising that she'd been spending so much time catching up on the station's history that she had been somewhat neglectful of its present - something she intended to rectify at the earliest possible opportunity.

[Tag any other arrivals please. I'll ask for briefings in due course]

"Commander Wyman," Isha said turning her gaze to the assembled officers, "You may well be able to survive a broken back and an uncommon cold but I'd thank you not to infect the rest of my staff. I would kindly ask you to go to sickbay immediately. Sickbay," Isha said, "Commander Steven Wyman is due to report in shortly. Would you also send a nurse with sufficient experience of the disease to the Observation Lounge in fifteen minutes."

Ultimately, Steve figured he'd be sent packing in short order. He only shambled to the observation lounge because he, if he hadn't, Soran would have used it against him. She would have said it was just another case of him placing personal over professional; that he didn't take his duties seriously. Just imagining her smug demeanor made him want to cough on her again.

"Of course, ma'am. The Senior Chief will brief me later." It was a hollow victory, but he was chalking it up as a victory none the less. Now he just needed to get out of here without passing out, throwing up, or both.

"And that is why I have asked you here. Our medical staff is currently occupied," Isha raised a padd. "I have here a short report from our Acting Chief Medical Officer.

We are concerned that the rate of infection which has been spreading at a moderate rate appears to be increasing. Certain pathogens have been identified that once in the blood *may* indicate the the individual will go on to develop symptoms. So far this is most common in humans and closely related species. However in recent days these have spread beyond. We have several volunteers under observation who have the pathogens but who have not gone on to develop symptoms. We hope that this study will help us to develop a vaccine

I wish to know how this 'virus' has been effecting your departments, and for those of you in regular contact with the public how you view the mood and state of the populace."

Steiner started "So far neither myself nor any of my four team members are showing any symptoms. That said we are also amongst the latest arrivals. I've been here three days, my team only one"

"OK, good. We have received several reports of illness from the businesses on the promenade. Not surprising as these people are those who come into contact with the most others," Isha added, "Any more?"

"The Commander is the only person on the engineering staff to come down with it, and nobody has showed any symptoms. But we generally don't interact much with the civilians anyway. Before he went to sickbay the first time, he ordered teams to go through the environmental systems and see why the biofilters aren't at least slowing this thing down." Welshy explained. At that, she paused for a moment before deciding that the other thing on her mind was definitely pertinent. "And our daughter has shown signs of illness, as well. I just figured she caught it from Steven, but if it's the other way around..."

"On the other hand, Lieutenant Dell was taken to sick bay this morning after collapsing in Operations." Soran added. "According to the staff who were there she had a body temperature of 41.7. And also according to the staff there, approximately a quarter are currently unfit, and that is likely to increase. I've asked medical to keep me informed of Dell's condition."

Isha nodded, "Commander Soran, please oversee the closure of the educational facilities. The schools by far have the greatest and most intense focus of interspecies mingling and many may lack the antibodies present in the adult population. We may need to introduce double shifts to cover those with parental responsibilities - at this notice it will be difficult to arrange sufficient child-care," she said.

With Steve barely able to stand, he certainly couldn't take care of Gwen. Ceridwen was suddenly reminded of something one of the nuns back at the orphanage had told her; "A sick man is like an overgrown child."

'A sick child, a sick husband, and a starbase to keep up and running. I'll be lucky if I'm not dead from exhaustion by the time this is over...' she thought. Double shifts would be the least of the trouble, since Steve had transferred a large portion of the engineering staff to Operations to get around Soran's orders - cutting off his nose to spite his face. But there was no getting around that now. "Commander, as soon as medical isolates the cause, we can get the environmental systems programmed to filter it out of the air supply. All total it shouldn't take more than two hours tops to program and push it through to the sub-processors."

"A good plan. Liaise with science and medical so we can ensure whatever solution is synthesized can be successfully transmitted in sufficient quantities," Isha said.

Welshy nodded politely. "Yes, sir." She was doing her best to focus on the situation, but for the moment she was the last Wyman standing, and she was a bit preoccupied thinking of Steve and Gwen.

"As far as I can tell, none of the intel. team are sick." Mikaela advised, "But, let's face it," she smiled meekly, "It's not like we get out much." It was an ill-conceived attempt as humour, and she regretted it as soon as the words left her lips. She looked sheepishly down at the conference table. "I'm sorry," she muttered under her breath.

Steiner smiled and gave Locke a friendly nod then turned to the group "Actually the Lieutenant has a good point. You might want to consider some quarantine protocols, until we know what this illness actually is.

Perhaps restrict any further arrivals and departures from the station. I know that's a lot of traffic, but some short term disruption might be better than risking spreading an unknown decease all across the sector. For all we know this cold could be lethal to some species."

"Unofficially steps have been taken to restrict movements - whether or not they are implemented will be an outcome of this meeting. The feasibility report has been distributed to the relevant departments. Lieutenant Locke, I am considering a public address on the promenade, if this occurs then a team of your people, undercover among the crowd would have that rare opportunity to meet the public, albeit undercover, to monitor the mood and where possible direct it towards the positive," Isha said. It was a method used in crowd control on ch'Rihan based on a simple philosophy - if a rabble was to be roused make sure you control the rousers.

Darson had remained silent thus far, taking in the reports from the individual departments and took the opportunity of the lull to make his, “Captain, the Marine regiment on board is showing not inconsiderable signs of infection. As of early this morning I had almost fifty developing cases reported to battalion medical officers, mostly human. On advice from my command unit and medical staff, I declared an outbreak of an unknown disease and applied Marine infectious disease protocols …we've cordoned off an area of the facility for those displaying symptoms and sanitizing procedures have taken place for any infected bunks. Marine Medical staff have been moved to separate barracks and are instructed to take all necessary precautions. It was determined that more than 90% of all of my infected had been on the promenade recently. As such, I've revoked all recreational passes and made sure that personnel have limited travel beyond necessity outside of the complex.”

He leaned back in the chair and continued, “Now, to talk about containment. As I mentioned, I implemented protocols…there are procedures for these situations. They’re operationally code-named WILDFIRE, all departments’ heads have the clearance to examine them for efficacy. As it stands, I initiated the lowest protocols for a Level 1 outbreak…localized infection. Quarantine, sanitation and travel restriction. Strictly for Marine personnel only. Depending on which way the infection goes, we may want to explore more severe options. I have my quartermasters pulling all bio-hazard and safety gear, and I’m instituting daily drills for any further infections. All personnel are standing by to reinforce Security, Medical, Intelligence, Engineering, wherever shortages of man-power are located. And if you decide to pull the trigger on shutting down travel to and from the station, we are ready to effect that. Shouldn't be too difficult…especially in the wake of the recent ‘incident’.”

At which point the lounge doors slid open and a breathless ktarian strode through. "Senior Staff Nurse Betara Q'iel, Commander. You requested someone with experience of the current epidemic?"

Isha smiled. She respected the job medical personnel did, it was something she could never understand herself - Isha's instinct was to move away from the sick, not to help them. What a good thing there were kind and selfless people in the universe.

"Colonel Darson, we will visit your propositions later. Thank you for coming," Isha said, turning to the nurse, "have there been any further developments?"

"Of a sort. A number of the lesser affected patients are showing some antibodies that look promising. We are comparing them with healthy samples as we speak in the hopes of developing a treatment or a vaccine." Q'iel paused and her forehead lobes squeezed together in a frown. "With permission commander, we'd like to sample the senior staff, if we can identify those without antibodies for quarantine purposes. We are a long way from Starfleet Command and we don't want to relieve anymore of the senior staff than we have to. We've already got one of you fighting for her life. We want the Lieutenant to be the last, not just the first."

The Commander nodded. "Then we will each take a blood test now. You are welcome to start with me."

Keth had been directed to the meeting to meet with her new Commanding Officer. Upon her arrival she found a nurse drawing a vial of blood from a Commander. The doctor stepped up and took the vial from the nurse. "Commander?" she queried for the Commander's name for correct labeling. Once the vial was labeled she moved with the nurser to the next officer, she spoke as she assisted. "Commander, I am Doctor Ohmri" Keth bowed slightly as she greeted the Commander as she continued "Perhaps we should dispense with the normal pleasantries of meet and greet of a typical reporting as it appears my services would be better served within the infirmary." Keth glanced at the Commander for permission.

"t'Vaurek," Isha said, "I'm having the senior staff screened for infection, this disease appears to be quite virulent. I'm delighted to have you aboard. I'll ask my yoeman to arrange a meeting between us once we have things more under control," she added.

"How long for the results?" Steiner asked, putting his jacket back on.

After the blood was drawn, Wyman slipped her arm back into her sleeve and zipped the outer shell of her uniform back up. "Honestly, I'm more concerned with how virulent this thing is. Do we need immediate contact with infected people or is this generally airborne?"

"That's part of the problem," Isha said. "Doctor Ohmri will correct me if I'm wrong, but as per the latest report we have not yet identified the disease and are only now beginning to understand its transmission. I'd like our bloodwork prioritised. Will two hours be sufficient for the analysis?"

Q'iel glanced at her newly minted CMO, and then to t'Vaurek. "Two hours for everyone. We're running tests right down to the subatomic levels. Just to be sure."

Isha nodded. "Its in your hands," she said, and truly the solution was.