Lieutenant Vincent Tan’s Personal Log - Admiral's Log 2

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Title   Admiral's Log 2
Author   Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sat Aug 29, 2009 @ 7:57am
Admiral's Quarters, USS Thor-A
MD 10

“Computer, commence recording,” Admiral Xelec Uhlan commanded as he sat down with his cup of coffee. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. It was early morning onboard the USS Thor-A and he had been awake last night supervising the engine repairs. The troublesome drive was finally operating again at above 80% capacity. It looked he would finally be able to end the trials and return to Earth, having completed two missions.

After a brief discourse for his log about the state of the Thor and the engine repairs, Xelec discussed his more covert mission. “Tan has been safely onboard the base for a few days now. He has sent two reports, the first concerning the recent Romulan attack and another communication about the state of the Romulan wreckage. He informs me he is making progress with his investigation into the conspiracy.

“There has, however, been a little hiccup. The CO of the Hotspur, Captain Patrick O’Connor contacted me this morning. Woke me up actually…” here, the Admiral yawned. “I recall that he and Tan were always close friends. It seems that O’Connor went looking for his friend and ran into the other Dr. Tan. Unfortunately, he let things slip and now Dr. Tan is wondering where her husband is. This could cause some problems, especially with O’Connor’s connections. Tan’s weak cover could easily be blown if someone on DS5 places it under too much scrutiny.

“There is nothing that I can do now, except to delay O’Connor. I’ve given him some story about a layover and Commander Tan being seconded to the Surgeon General’s office. I have a feeling that Dr. Tan will not buy this story so cheaply, but hopefully it will give us a few weeks. By that stage, I will be back on earth and will be able to level with her and convey to her the absolute need for secrecy.

“Ugh,” Admiral Uhlan stared at his coffee cup. “I think I need a few more minutes of sleep. How typical of O’Connor to not check the time before calling. Computer, end log.”