Beg, Steal or Borrow – By any means....or how many Marines does it take to wreak a bar?
by Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   By any means....or how many Marines does it take to wreak a bar?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri Feb 06, 2009 @ 12:55am
Location   Deck 72 - Marine Complex
Timeline   SD8 - 0745
Jarred walked rather quickly through the marine barracks too the offices of the commander of the marine forces on DS5. Without much fan fare Jarred walked into the common office and looked at a young warrant officer "I need to speak to the Major." the young man gestured over to the Major, Jarred walked over and spoke; "Major, I need a couple of squads of marines to execute an executive search order."

Darson looked up from the intelligence reports he'd been perusing, to the tall and somewhat unkempt fleet officer that was standing before him, asking for several squads of Marines, and found that his first instinct was to kill him, shove him in an airlock somewhere, and pretend he had never arrived. He shook it off mentally and settled instead for staring intently at the officer from under his hood.

The truth was he didn't know this officer at all. So he discretely manipulated his armor's computer to run a facial recognition match on him. Seconds later, it returned with a verdict of Jarred Wallace. Height 6 feet 4 inches, 225 lbs, etc. etc...What interested him most was his service history. Lots and lots of classified stuff. He briefly perused his career from the time after the U.S.S. Hornet, to his service on the Melbourne and the Kar'gah as he said in a casually frosty tone, "Well...Lt. Wallace, or should I say, former Lt. Wallace. I was just going to refuse your request flat out on account of the fact that you're an ACIO under Lt. Gabriel, but I, in my infinite grace, have decided to hear your request...come into my office."

"Save the attitude for someone who isn't an empath, I don't trust station security, and since there aren't any Klingon ships in the area, I'm doing this under General Order 14, that gives me the right to request an executive search order since my suspects are likely in possession of stolen Federation property or are aware of its location."

As he entered the icy office, he said as an aside, "Take a seat if you wish," As he glided over to his chair and sat down. As the door closed, he said, "Mr. Wallace...please elaborate for me exactly what you need several squads of Marines for. I'm operating at an increased level of security, and I have most of my squads that aren't involved in security matters running drills, and all the others not involved in either of those getting what down time they can so they can be ready to run more drills. What is the nature of this 'executive search order'?"

"We're conducting a search of the Matahari Bar and Grill, as well as Kaia's ship, under suspicion of possession of stolen technology, Piracy, terrorism, or conspiracy to do so." Jarred said looking at Darson wondering how long it would take him to realize he was half-Betazoid and knew what he was thinking.

Darson stared silently at him for a second, and then cocked his head to the side and back, then said calmly, “You know what? Stop wasting your time trying to read my mind. It won’t work…and yes, before you ask, I am completely sure. ”

"Interesting device in your skull, don't broadcast so much noise though, it's annoying"

He shrugged, “Deal with it. And yes, I know you’re empathic. It said so on your Service Jacket, and to be honest, it’s kind of hard to miss. As to why you’re only getting white noise on my mind’s channel,” Here his voice took on a condescending tone, “A good magician never reveals his tricks.”

It wasn't magic though. Just cutting edge genetic engineering. Everybody knew the major species of telepaths in the galaxy. And although they touted the so called “Telepathic Laws” you could never be sure when one of those telepaths would be breaking those rules, even only a tiny bit. So, it was common knowledge that many members of the Special Operations community as well as V.I.P.’s had in fact taken courses and seminars on how to resist psychic attacks and intrusions, in order to protect secrets that could compromise the lives of citizens and Federation Security.

The bottom line though was that there was really only so much you could do on your own. It was nearly impossible to use the techniques taught to you in the heat of the moment unless you had impeccable clarity of thought, and even then, the number who could successfully utilize it was very, very small…Darson included, but he knew from experience that it was never a perfect defense…far from it.

When he was inducted to Black Cell however, they had opened up his cranium to install components of a neural interface, in order to help him wield his new armor better. While they were at it, they also installed tiny surgical implants, which served as a form of psychic insulation. With those in place, his mind was a bastion that was impervious to almost all forms of psychic attacks, except maybe for the strongest Betazoid priests, or the most diligent Vulcan acolytes.

Regardless, Darson’s mind was fragmented enough already that nobody would want to sort through the veritable maze of thoughts and information that ran through there. Not even him sometimes.

Back in the office, before Wallace could respond, Darson said quickly, “But now that we’ve established that you can’t read my mind, let’s get back to the matter at hand. Now, getting back to your request…do you have it in writing?

Jarred tossed three PADDs' on Darson's desk, "they are all in order, the first two are warrants, the third is my evidence, stills from inside the legacy."

Darson accepted the PADD silently, and read it over once, wondering if somebody in the Cosmos was playing a colossal joke, or if this was simply the coincidence of the day. “Alright, so you want to perform an executive search on the Matahari Bar and Grill, and the K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva…under suspicion of acts of piracy, terrorism, theft, conspiracy to do the above…hmmm,” he went silent for a moment, considering the earlier reports from Loki.

“Well” He opened a COM channel, “Lieutenant Fawer, this is Major Darson. Report to my office immediately”

Less than a minute later, the door chimed. Darson opened it from his desk, and Fawer ran in, barely out of breath. He explained to Wallace Wallace, “Lt. Fawer is my Provost Marshall,” he then addressed the young Lieutenant, “Lieutenant, I want you to saddle up a squad of Marines, and impound the K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva, a vessel owned by a civilian on board the station.”

Lieutenant Fawer frowned slightly, “Impound a civilian vessel sir? On what grounds?”

“On these,” Darson said, handing him the PADD. That’s your authorization for a search and seizure. You will impound the vessel, and detain anybody who tried to enter it until I say otherwise, no exceptions. Is that clear?”

Fawer saluted, “Yes sir!”

“Good…and prep another squad, and have them meet me at the Armory...dismissed.”

"non-lethal weapons major, I'm not doing any more paper work on a marine SNAFU, this one is by the book not some blood bath." Jarred snapped

As Fawer left, Darson addressed Wallace again, "You presume much," Darson replied calmly, "I'm not in the vein of having fleeties trying to give me instructions on how to do my job...much less discuss paperwork in my presence. I'm going to accompany you to the bar personally, to make sure things go right."

"Keep your troops from making too big of a mess, on second thought, lets demolish the place, I want to put them out of business permanently."

This time Darson's voice came out like an icy storm, "I must say, you're nearly as vindictive as Lt. Gabriel. And I think I'll show you that Marines aren't just sledgehammers...they can be scalpels too."

He rose and went to the door, "After you, Mr. Wallace," he said with a hint of mirth in his voice.


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

ACIO Jarred Wallace
Starfleet Intelligence