Unity – Court Martial (Pt 3)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Court Martial (Pt 3)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Dec 01, 2009 @ 12:19am
Location   Earth
Timeline   SD16 00:45
Tasha thought she was trying a little too hard.
“I’m sure thank you.” She said resisting the offer.

“Very well.” Mrs Sorensen said as she put the sandwich back into her bag.


20 minutes had passed as Tasha and Mrs Sorensen sat in silence.
Tasha had spent her time writing a message to her father and contemplating the future of DS5.
She had received several updates and whilst some things saddened her, others had made her feel brighter about the future of the station and her own position as its commanding officer.

And so began the rest of the afternoon, with deliberations and arguments and Tasha had nearly dozed off on more than one occasion and the woman sat next her, Sorensens mother had given her a gentle nudge.

Eventually Tasha had been called to the stand and as she approached, was mildly surprised by Williams half wink and hoped that nobody had seen it, though she had doubted much would be missed in this court room.
She had taken the stand and given her evidence and had been cross examined vehemently.
Her own actions had been called into question, especially on her treatment of Sorensen as an admiral.
She gave her explanations and reasons and the court had been intent on listening silently.
She cast a glance to Sorensen, who had hardly given any expression during the hearing.

After all arguments had been given from both parties, Tasha had been dismissed and she made her way back to her chair.

“Nicely put Captain!” Mrs Sorensen had said as she edged passed the old lady and Tasha had nodded graciously as she sat.

There were several more witnesses before Sorensen finally had his moment and took the stand.

He stood, looking flushed and recounted the events leading up to the explosion which had destroyed his ship and so nearly taken his life.

“I am 100 percent certain that the explosion that destroyed my ship was placed by operatives of Captain Tahir. At all times, security was high with the ongoing battles with the Boaorans, nobody except Starfleet personnel were allowed entrance.” He had stated, looking coldly at Tasha.

She swallowed, knowing that nobody under her command had carried out such a dastardly deed. She stared back at the former Admiral, as the defence called for the remark to be struck, as there was no evidence that any crewman from Deep Space 5 had boarded the ship at any time during its stay at the station.

Sorensen started to argue and was immediately silenced by the judge.

“Sorensen, your evidence is to be kept strictly in relation to Captain O’Dowd and the charges brought against him. We are not here to hear your propaganda regarding Captain Tahir. Now, if you will keep your remarks to yourself and only give evidence pertaining to these charges!” The judge stared at Sorensen, holding him fixed with a stare.

Sorensen nodded at her words and related the events that lead up to the Boaoran attack and the aftermath.

It was late in afternoon, when all the witnesses for and against were heard and the judge sat back and called O’Dowd to the stand.

William eased himself into the raised witness box.

The judge leant to her colleagues and took a few seconds to deliberate with them, before turning her attention to the Irishman.
“Captain William Patrick O’Dowd. We have heard evidence from all parties and it is the findings of this court, that you did all you could to prevent the war with the Boaorans. We find that they are an aggressive race, with a single mindedness for battle and confrontation. We note your diplomatic efforts and applaud you for trying your level best to bring about a peaceful resolution. As for taking the Federation into a battle that was against the direct orders of Admiral Sorensen, we find that he held a hidden agenda.” She cast a quick glance to both sides of her before continuing.
“Therefore, we are in agreement,” Her hands waved to both colleagues, “all charges are dismissed. Captain, you are cleared by this court to resume full duties and carry on.” The judge picked up the small hammer and tapped at the bell before her and struck it twice, three times in succession. “Court dismissed.” She said as she stood, followed by the assembly and made her way from the courtroom, closely followed by her entourage.

William beamed to his friends that had gathered and gave Tasha a single wave before making his way out through the door he had entered from earlier.

“That was to be expected, don’t you think dear?” Mrs Sorensen asked of Tasha.

Tasha turned her head to the woman. “The truth will always prevail.” She replied simply.

“You’re quite right dear.” She said with a small grin as she slipped her hands into a pair of white lace gloves she had taken from her bag. “Pleasure to meet you Captain.” She said as she rose from her seat and left.

Tasha sat and watched as the room became devoid of people and found herself sitting alone in the huge court room, which now empty, seemed larger than it had earlier that day.
She sighed and stood, noticing a piece of neatly folded paper on Mrs Sorensen’s chair, picked it up and opened it outwards and read.

‘Captain, I wanted to speak to you properly, but feel now is not the time or place. My son has been involved in things that would shame the Federation, working both for and against his superiors. I would have liked very much, to have shown you what I have and if you find yourself at all curios, then I will gladly share with you what my son has built for himself and the Federation, both openly and covertly. Some things will shock, some will anger, and yes, some things are best not ever seeing the light of day, but please know this. My son has worked hard all his life to protect the federation…’
Tasha screwed the note up into a tight ball and stuffed it into her pocket.

“Some things are best left unsaid.” She said aloud, as she left the court room, heading back to the Castor and her station.

Captain Tasha Tahir