Beg, Steal or Borrow – Refuge - Part 4
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Refuge - Part 4
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu May 28, 2009 @ 10:45pm
Location   Isha's Quarters
Timeline   20:15

OLD: “I don’t know how he knew I was there, we weren’t exactly on speaking terms that year, but he ignored common sense and came in and extracted me – everyone else - a few stray Senators that had escaped the attack, civilians, servants, slaves, they didn’t exist to him … I shouldn’t be telling you this at all. There is no such thing as coincidence, he left for a reason, but if he’d known that DS5 was going to come under attack he would not have left me here,” she finished, not adding the last question that was really bothering her – would he?


Chelsea *did* however add that last question inside her head. Somehow, because it was the question *she* would have added, if it had been herself and Ryan, she had an inkling of where Isha might be going with that thought.

"Ignored common sense! Isha, listen to yourself. The man is crazy about you, always has been. What has common sense got to do with anything?" Chelsea laughed affectionately, shaking her head gently and rolling her eyes a little.

"He would not have left you to face an attack. He would not have chosen to leave you to face a bad-hair-day, let alone danger! He can have had no idea there would be an attempt." Chelsea reassured softly.

"He told me he had some business he had to see about and that *I* was to take care of you! A fat lot of good I turned out to be and I shall have to face his wrath for that! But you *know* if he had truly believed there to be any real danger, he would never have trusted you to *my* care - nor anyone else's for that matter. He will have been beside himself with fury that he left and with worry for your well-being too, but look at it this way, how proud he will be of how you have coped!"

“He would if he wanted to make a point …“ Isha hovered on that thought, and if he believed that the station was quite capable of seeing off any attack, she added to herself which added a whole new twist of possibility.

In spite of herself Isha smiled, “I never thought I’d hear a lloann'na defending Rh’vaurek,” she said, “he must have made quite an impression on you. Still, if he gives you any trouble over this, send him round to me – you can hardly be blamed for my inability to get through a day without falling victim to some drama or other. We’ll just not tell him everything, in fact let’s not tell him anything.”

Chelsea grinned conspiratorially. "I wasn't *defending* him" she blushed, "I was trying to save your feelings! ALL men are miserable beings and we love them at our peril. We women have to keep supporting each other through every disappointment they heap on us." Chelsea's tone carried a hint of bitterness as her thoughts strayed to Ryan's increasing amounts of time spent dancing with Nora, but she recovered.

"And no, let's NOT tell him." her grin returned and a sparkle glinted in her eye "He'd only sneer at our efforts! I have come to believe that Romulan men are powerful, passionate creatures under their cold arrogant exteriors but their weakness is their inability to realise the strength and appreciate the cleverness of the women who influence them."

Smirking at Isha, Chelsea put down her regenerator and admired the much improved look she had restored to her friend's lovely face. "There, now he can't even tell what happened from your bruises, because I've hidden the evidence!"

"Thank you. He's terribly difficult to deceive, but then so am I. Is everything ok, Chelsea?"

The ACMO shrugged and gave her friend a tired smile. "I'm fine - it's nothing of any importance. We've been through so much recently, all of us, and you more than most. What's going on in my personal life is completely trivial and insignificant. I've been humbled by all the bravery and stoic sacrifices I've witnessed over the past day or two. I'm just a bit lifeless and grumpy because I'm exhausted, that's all."

It sounded like a pep-talk she was giving herself but it was true. Chelsea *had* been re-evaluating her own priorities lately. She had a lot to be thankful for, Isha being one of those things. Spontaneously, she hugged her friend.

Isha raised an eyebrow; hadn't Chelsea told her more than once that one's personal experiences were no less important than whatever world shattering events were occurring around one's ear - but she did not push the question.

"I'm really going to miss you when you go back home. You *will* come back won't you?" it was more of a plea than a question.

"Only death could stop me," Isha replied.

Chelsea shivered "Don't *say* that! I forbid you to tempt fate! You *must* come back safely" She held more tightly to Isha before releasing her and looking deep into the dark eyes of her friend. " *Please* take more care of you than you normally do!" she implored.

"Even if that means letting Raedheol think he's important to you!" she added, trying to lighten a deeply emotional moment with a little joke at Rh'vaurek's expense. She winked and stood up. "How long until you have to go? Do we have time for another girls' night out?"

"I don't know yet - a day or two maybe, it depends how quickly I can arrange transportation."

"Good, then at least we don't have to say 'Au revoir' tonight!" Chelsea's smile was relieved. "I'll let you get some rest, I know I could do with some too. I'll stop by later and check up on your progress. See you soon"

Turning and walking towards the door, Chelsea was too tired to fight back the worries that were chasing around inside her head so she just slipped her mind into neutral and left it idling as she returned to her shift, thankful that it was almost over.


A JP between:

Romulan Diplomat Isha t'Khellian


Lieutenant Chelsea Adams