Cascade – Common Interests
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Common Interests
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Thu Jan 10, 2013 @ 11:36pm
Location   The Promenade
Timeline   SD70, 15:35

Saria just left the Plaice to Be no more than five minutes ago, and already was into the temptation for another glass of Cardassian Fish Juice. While other officers would turn pale by the smell itself, Saria enjoyed her drink the most aboard. Aside from the few Cardassians aboard the station, she would be the only one to drink it. "Thanks, Gul Kurab." She thought. He was the man that introduced her to the drink. It was disgusting at first, but after a while it became one of her favorite beverages.

She strolled the Promenade, watching the inhabitants spend their free time at bars, restaurants, gambling halls or other kinds of leisure that you would find on the promenade. Eventually, she turned right onto the Promenade, entering a quieter zone with a lot less people. She inspected the holosuites she visited on a regular basis from afar, noticing the massage parole as well, next to it. But something struck her attention. Did she see that right? Next to the holosuites was an antiquarian, which she never saw. Was it new here? Saria didn't hesitate a moment and stepped toward the shop.

"Antiquarian" was on the sign right above the entrance, in both English and Cardassian. She walked up to the door, which opened up. The first thing she noticed was a woman, standing in the middle of s shop, sorting all the kinds of antique she had. Saria smiled, and greeted her in Cardassian: "Kiba'avzayn".

Atlana had not heard a cardassian greeting in some time. She'd gotten very use to the standard language. "Kiba'avzayn ta'aboun-cor!" She put the last of the Bajorian relics up on display and put her cleaning rag away. "I wasn't aware anyone here was familiar with Cardasda."

"A few other Cardassians, and me." Saria smirked, looking around. "I've spent some lifetimes with the Cardassians, hence my love for Cardassian Red Leaf tea. But I must say, Miss, you've got quite a store here. Some of the relics are familiar... and some are not. Well, I'm not as old as some things here..."

Atlana laughed again it was a melodious almost muscial sound, pleasant on the ears and purely happy. "No I should think you wouldn't be." She offered the young lady her hand. "Altana Durak, thank you. This little store is my pride and joy. A life time of treasures are here." She admitted. "I've been buying for this store for a very long time."

Saria reached for her hand. "Lieutenant JG Saria Rex, Chief of Science." She smiled. "And in here is the Old Man." She pointed at her abdomen. "You have a fine taste of antique, if I may say so. I don't like big shops very much, but even if this is a small shop, it looks... cozy and great at the same time." She turned around to Atlana. "What brings you to this station, Miss Durak? I've always wondered what people liked so much about deep space."

She smirked as the Lt pointed out there was Dax inside her, she'd heard of the symbiotic relationship between the species but had truly not spent enough time around anyone to know the details. Still while the young lady wasn't as old as the relics the dax inside her probably was. "Atlana, please, Lt Rex." She admitted. Miss Durak and was reminded of her mother.... who had passed on. "Um" She broke her reflection into the past. "I like the quiet of deep space, being away from the rest of the traffic and events." Deep space was Atlana's retreat.

"I concur, deep space seems to be calm... for most of the time." She smirked. "Although, it makes my job a little bit dull, as there aren't a lot of places of interests nearby. Just some stars, Ivor Prime, and the Romulan Border, but we already know what's behind there." She said, walking up to a vase, which was beautifully decorated, and make of some kind of porcelain material. "Do you mind me taking a close look at this vase?" She asked.

Atlana smirked. "Not at all," She offered. "Let us see what your scientific mind can tell us about this piece of art and history." She offered. "It will be something new for you to explore." Atlana's mother had been a teacher in a university, it came natural to Atlana to want to help people explore their natural talents. Both of her parents would have perferred she taught. After all that was mainstream Cardassian society. Women were the educators, politicians, healers... the men fought and fought well.

Saria smiled and picked up the vase, studying the signs on it. She laid her finger on them, and went trough them all, like she was reading some kind of braille language. "Not as old as I thought." She said, turning to Atlana. "According to this, and some archaelogical knowledge from a long time ago, I'd say this is a Betazed vase, made around 1258 A.D. on the Human timescale. 118 years after Rex's birth." She said. "Now you might have an impression of how old I really am." Saria said.

Atlana smirked and nodded her head. "You have a very old Rex, my dear. Are you the first host?" She asked out of curiousity. "it is indeed a Betazoid Vase, you would enjoy exploring my shelves I think."

Saria smiled. "No, I'm currently the 35th hosts." She said. "My last host was even married to a Cardassian. Gul Tekor Madra, the "Savior of Free Haven". You might recognize the name." She said, looking around carefully to the other artifacts in Atlana's shop.

35 hosts, Atlana could not even fathom going through that many people in one life time. She smirked as she watched Saria look at the shelves. "My father knew a Gul Madra.... or at least knew of him." She admitted. Atlana smirked, You are the second person to greet me warmly in such a short time, i had expected a much cooler reception."

"Well, I don't judge people on first sight. And the fact that I lived with Cardassians for a while makes me see other Cardassians as friends. But I usually don't tell the Bajorans. They don't respond well to it." Saria said, picking up a clayish figurine. "Legate Daro. I used to collect lots of figurines of Cardassian heroes a while ago, but I was a kid then."

Atlana smirked. "I have a collection in my quarters." She admitted. "I'm still a child in some ways." She offered. "Thank you for having an open mind." She added. "I don't think all Cardassians are evil, I don't think any species is all evil, I wish I knew how to convey that to others." She laughed at herself. "I supposed I'd have joined the diplomatic corp if I had."

"Well, the Diplomatic department is still open for application," Saria grinned. "But I understand why you'd rather stick to your shop." She looked around. "But don't worry about the people that dislike Cardassians, or Bajorans. After a while, they'll accept you. For instance, the Vulcans and the Andorians were at war a long time ago, and now they cooperate with eachother. It just needs some time." Saria laid a hand on Atlana's shoulder.

Atlana smiled and nodded. "Truer words were never spoken." She offered. "Thank you." She sighed. "I did hear that the Cardassian Embassy here had been attacked... is there anything I can do to help?" She said. "I have a few friends back on Cardassia Prime I can see if there are any rumors." She could do more then that, but Saria was a starfleet officer. There were limits to what she'd admit.

"It's very kind of you, Atlana, but Starfleet doesn't accept or like rumors really much. Especially not when a Starfleet officer spreads it." Saria said. "And I wouldn't like them to extend their research on my past if they accuse me..." She sighed. "But unfortunately, Starfleet Security is helping the victims right now, so does Medical. From what I heard, they had their hands full on them right now. The only thing I can do is lend my equipment if medical has a shortage on them."

Atlana knew all about having a past. "Well I'll keep my ears opening." She said with a bright smile as if she were just a simple Cardassian. "would you like that figurine?" She offered since Saria was still holding onto it.

"If you insist." Saria smiled. "But you won't leave this station without me owing you some tea." She waved cautiously her finger, and joking at the same time. "...oh well, I'n not stopping you from anything, but you know, I enjoy some friendly company while I drink my tea. So if your liver is as dry as a riverbed, don't hesitate to ask." Saria smiled. She was glad that she found someone on the station that did understand her, and was friendly at the same time.

Atlana bubbled with laughter. "You're fine, I would love some tea some time." She grinned. "And the company."


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science


Atlana Durak
Owner: Unique Antique