Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Changing of the Guard
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka

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Title   Changing of the Guard
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka
Posted   Sat Jan 10, 2009 @ 2:42am
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD6 - 12:45 hrs
Dorian walked through the doors and looked around the office. Fortunately, the pretentious Assistant was nowhere to be seen. It was probably for the best, if he saw that man again he'd probably shoot him and then claim temporary insanity.

Dorian had come to speak to the Nausicaan about the Marine that currently infested the station. Dorian didn't like him, mostly because the man operated outside the typical routes of a Marine. He had served with several marines during the war and he always noticed how dedicate they were to fulfilling the immediate objective, never worry about next week or the month after, only accomplishing the immediate objective and being prepared to move out. However, this one relied on subterfuge and deceit to accomplish goals and objectives that nobody was even aware of. A Marine that you couldn't follow was a Marine you couldn't trust, Dorian thought to himself as he saw the looming figure walk across the nearby walk-way.

"Commander!" Gabriel spoke as he walked through the initial foray and towards her office.

Rakka glanced back over her shoulder. Normally when Gabriel approached her like this she would be bracing for a fight, but she was feeling quite subdued at the moment. "What can I do for you?" she asked mildly.

"I wish to speak to you about a matter of station security" He replied as he handed her a Padd that he had been carrying. "You had a chance to observe the Jarhead's interrogation of Captain Tahir's would-be assassin, correct?" he inquired.

"Jarhead?" she repeated. She'd heard the term bounced around, mostly among humans, and had never picked up on its meaning. She slumped into her chair behind her desk. "If you mean 'Darson', yes, you are correct."

"From what i heard, you had a very up-close and personal encounter with the assassin thanks to Darson's manipulations." He said as he sat in the nearest chair.

"What did you learn from the suspect" Gabriel asked the taller woman.

"Mmph... not as much as we hoped," she grunted, bringing up a file on her computer. "Frankly I wish you had shown more interest in this plot BEFORE the assassination came about, but since no one's bringing my officer back from the dead, I'm only so inclined to hold grudges. Only to ensure you do your job, and if I can help you do so in any way, I will do it."

She uploaded the brief list of bare facts they knew at this point in the investigation and slid the PADD toward Gabriel.

He leaned back in his chair and reviewed the Padd before him. The information that he gained from the Cardassian several months ago regarding the pirate base was merely one piece of a major puzzle. The pirates must've had a major source behind them, it was the only way to explain how they were able to plan and execute such an elaborate plan as attempting to assassinate a Starfleet Officer.

"As you can see on that Padd, I am drafting an official transfer request to be submitted to Captain Tahir." he said as he looked directly into her eyes. "The assassin's target was a Starfleet officer, not some Jarhead, this is a Starfleet investigation, not the invasion of Normandy." He said intently.

"Despite your very amusing metaphors," Rakka replied, "I'm not sure this request is entirely necessary."

"I'm going to submit it to Captain Tahir. I believe that it would be more persuasive if the Chief of Security also signed off on the request. Any information I obtain from the assassin I will submit to your department." he said.

"Gabriel... I can, as it stands, grant your department any authority to interrogate the assassin that I feel will be useful. The only motive I can see behind your request is to get her out of Darson's hands. I will grant that Darson is not everyone's favourite person, but neither are you or I. The Marine department has proved invaluable thus far, and I'm not in a hurry to close the door on them. I can't say I'm any fonder of Major Darson than I am of you at the moment, but need I remind you that he pulled in the necessary intel on this plot before it happened, while you were off doing God-only-knows-what?"

Rakka sat back in her chair and paused. She hadn't intended to step into this, but it was coming out nonetheless. She took a sip from her water glass and continued calmly. "What this comes down to, Gabriel, is that I'm waiting for you to prove to me that you're capable of doing your job competently before I sign off on anything. So far I've seen you follow your own whims and personal interests and prejudices instead of what your Captain assigns you to, and this time someone had to get killed before you grew interested in the case. Are you, indeed, capable of following orders, Mr. Gabriel? That is what I need from you."

Dorian leaned closer and examined the Nausicann for several moments before responding. "Save me the sob story, Rakka. If a dozen security officers have to die to protect the Captain or any other Federation citizen then so be it." he responded sternly. "I do not possess the patience nor the desire to seek your validation on any investigation that my department is involved with." he replied sharply.

"I wish to interrogate the subject because I'm certain that she has information regarding the pirate threat in this sector, not because of some delayed expression of sentimentality." He said as he leaned back. "In the future, instead of waiting on a communique from me telling you that someone has a gun, it MIGHT be slightly more effective to actually do your job and STOP the person with the gun." he responded

"This is a very ironic response coming from you, Lieutenant," she said firmly, "seeing as MY officer did just that, meaning MY department did exactly its job. And what of yours? You were assigned to gather information on this plot, and you didn't do a damned thing about it, so don't you even think about scolding me. And in the future, you will address me as 'Lieutenant Commander' or 'Sir'. Now, I don't expect you to have any iota of sentimentality in you--I expect you to do the work assigned to you by your superiors. You seem to have done precious little of that during your time here, and if I were running this show you would have been gone a long time ago. But, for whatever reason, someone wants you here, and someone also thinks it necessary for me to babysit you and make sure you don't do anything stupid. This is not a task *I* will enjoy, Mr. Gabriel, but I will do it because it is my duty. Now you go interrogate the prisoner as much as you like, but you will do it under mine or Major Darson's supervision as you have yet to earn anyone's trust around here."

Gabriel's previously stern glare turned into a visible smirk. Anybody who trusted an Intelligence Officer was a fool or naive, possibly both. However, the more obvious issue was that Rakka was searching for somebody to be responsible for the death of Riley. He had more pressing matters to tend to than her emotional state-of-mind. He figured that the Nausicaan would be the lesser of two evils.

"Fine, I want the subject brought to interrogation room 4 and ready to be questioned by 02:15 hrs." He said as he stood up. "I also want a copy of Security logs for navigation, communications, and transporters between the station and the USS Legacy when Juniopia was captured." he said while standing up.

"The Legacy--why have you an interest in this?" Rakka wondered.

"Because, typically when Federation property is stolen it is appropriate for Starfleet to retrieve the item, not to sub-contract the task to a civilian science vessel. Especially an experimental vessel with warp capabilities, or did you think that the "X" in the USS Legacy's serial number was just because the Federation ran out of letters in the alphabet?" He responded.

He wasn't exactly sure what was onboard the Legacy, but he knew from his sources within Starfleet that the vessel was the temporary home of some form of experimental device. It appeared that Starfleet was relying on the old adage of hiding something in "plain sight". It was the only reason to justify why Starfleet had not placed an entire Security detachment onboard the vessel for its on safe-keeping. Regardless, the recent pirate attack on the vessel along with his discussion with Natrina was enough to pique his interest.

"Very well," said Rakka, "you shall have these things. What are you expecting to accomplish?"

"I have several questions that will be answered before the end of the day. Namely, what business a civilian Xenologist and a Cardassian Bartender have being anywhere near a Federation vessel without Starfleet supervision. " he replied. "The pirates, the assassination attempt, and that vessel all have something in common." He said.

Rakka nodded slowly and sat back in her chair. "Well, I sincerely hope for your success in these investigations, and I appreciate your diligence. I will expect regular reports from you as you progress. I do also expect you to be cautious of your methods of investigation. I've been asked to keep an eye on you in this respect, and this is an activity I have very little interest in, much less time for. Just don't give me reason to be looking over your shoulder. I'm sure you don't want me in your business any more than I want to be there."

The last of Rakka's requests made Dorian laugh. He hadn't filed a status report to the Chief of Security since he served onboard the USS Camelot almost 10 years prior. There was no way he was gonna start that annoying mundane habit now. He knew that if he wanted to find out anything from the assassin it would have to be under Rakka's watchful eye. For the moment he would have to tread lightly.

"Fine, I'll be back at 0215hrs to speak to the subject." He said as he turned and exited the doors.

Lieutenant J.G
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer


Lt. Cdr. Rakka
Chief Security Officer