Interlude – Lunch Please Part 1: Killer lunch in a carton
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Lunch Please Part 1: Killer lunch in a carton
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Jul 23, 2010 @ 1:48pm
Location   The Garden

After a long tiresome day with Lieutenant Trellis and the station Ambassadors, Mathew was a little hungry and quite worn out from the bickering of the Ambassadors.
All of the Ambassadors Hatred and despise for each other, that was being silently screamed at each was still being processed in Mathew's brain. Being a Betazoid could be hard. He stepped into the turbolift "Promenade!" Mathew sighed.
As the turbolift ascended he hoped he would see someone he knew, and not one of the Ambassadors.

Karen happened to be on her way between the JAG offices and Ops. She had stopped to pick up some noodles but the scent fromt he bag she carried was very tempting.

Mathew was delighted when Karen stepped onto the turbolift. A luxurious smell was eminating from a small bag she was holsing. He started to greet her, when his stomach let out an embarrasing noise. "Good after......" Mathew went bright red with embarrasment.

Karen lifted the bag. "This is some serious fusion food, terran noodles with yanok sauce, Vulcan crustaceans and Klingon spice - it sounds revolting, but strangely it works like a dream - there's a little stall on level three of the promenade that does one special a week and this is it," she said.

Mathew grinned, he loved trying new foods. "Commander how long until you go back on duty?"

"I'm never off-duty," she replied, "its one of the drawbacks of a space station. But I'll not be missed for an hour."

Mathew was suprised by that reply. "Does that place you described have an eating area?

"No," Karen said, "Its a heated cart so its strictly take-away."

Mathew pushed out his lips pondering. "Well. Do you know any good places to go and sit and eat. I would love someone... Experienced. if you wanted to, to eat this interesting meal. We could swing back to the stall and then head to a nice place to sit and eat?"

"What about the gardens? Don't tell me you haven't been yet?" Karen grinned.

"Im sorry sir but I haven't yet." Mathew said playfully laughing. "Alright you can show me where this stall of horrors is first Mathew said still laughing."

"It was Ma'am last time I looked, Lieutenant Totti," Karen said with a wink. "I'm not sure that Squink will like that description," she added as they entered the turbolift. That was the name of the stallholder, a Ferengi that leaned more towards crotchety than obsequious.

Mathew was off guard for the image Karen sent him unintentionally and started rapidly blinking, while seeing the scarred old Ferengi through her eyes.

"Was it something I said?" Karen asked, puzzled. Her remark had been a little off-colour, but nothing outrageous.

Mathew laughed hoarsely "No that's ok. It wasn't your fault, it's probably me letting my guard down cause im hungry. You showed me that squink guy." The turbolift doors opened and the busy market noises roared in. Karen led the way to Squinks.

"You back already?" Squink grumbled from behind his cart as he saw Karen approach.

"I brought a friend. He liked the smell of this so much that it was either show him where I bought it, or risk having my lunch stolen," she told the Ferengi. "Just like I told you. He make one dish a day and tends to sell out in about ten minutes."

Mathew was puzzled " He's sold out?"

"Where did you find this one?" Squink growled at Karen. "If I'd sold out do you think I'd still be standin' here? Its not like I do this for the good of my health." He dug his oversized spoon in one of two large pots set into the cart - it was indeed half empty. "Are you eatin'?"

Mathew thought about what Squink had said and chuckled at his logic " Yes I am!" Mathew said aggressively. Then in a more soothing tone "How much will that be?" He had showed the Ferengi that he wouldn't be walked over, and then set up a healthy business relationship. Though as he mentioned money, Squinks look turned into one of glee.

"If you keep spreading my good name round like this I'll have to get a second cart," the Ferengi grumbled to Karen as he spooned some noodles into a carton. "Two strips," he said to the man, "and if you introduce a friend the next one is free," he added, word of mouth was good for business.

"Let's head on down to the gardens," Karen said. "we should still be able to find somewhere to sit, its still quite early."

Once again Karen led the way gracefully. Though this time to the garden.

She found a spot on a wooden bench situated beneath some trailing flowers that filled the air with fragrance. "So, we have food, we have a spot. Lunch time!" she said opening the lid of her carton.

Mathew liked this place, here he couldn't hear peoples thoughts, though he barely noticed that as his stomach was imploding. "Indeed." Mathew said smiling.

He dug into his open carton and picked up the Ferengi eating pike, and went for something that looked like a claw.

"This is good," Karen mumbled through a mouthful of noodles. "I have no idea where he gets his inspiration from," she said after she swallowed, "so many unlikely ingredients!"

Mathew had a mouthfull and was looking around at the beautiful surroundings, and then looked at Karen. He swallowed his second mouthful "I have to admit Karen." Mathew paused. "Can I call you Karen?"

"Most people do," she replied, "when we're not on duty anyway."

Mathew laughed putting the tool down "Now. Karen." Mathew started jokingly "Thats a contradiction, you told me you never get off du..." Mathew saw black spots enlarging and shrinking everywhere and started to shake. He slid off the chair in fright bringing his lunch down onto him. He did not really care, he was slipping out of conciousness and Karen's voice calling for something was all that was keeping him there.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer & JAG

Lieutenant Mathew Totti