Things Past – Arguably Happy Hour
by Ambassador Cala Lurn & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus

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Title   Arguably Happy Hour
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus
Posted   Wed Jul 20, 2011 @ 7:46am
Location   Promenade, Level 3
Timeline   Stardate 62525.8

Cala felt compelled to find Augustus and take him up on his offer to get a drink together. She read his record and history in Starfleet and he had a promising career to return to if he got things straightened out. So instead of her usual casual attire, she thought of something different to wear. She put her little black dress on. It was tight fitting, spaghetti strapped, and went down just above her knees. She wore red thin strapped heels and put some big silver hooped earrings and a long silver chained necklace on. She let her hair down and put on some burgundy red lipstick. After she was done, she walked out the door and asked the computer for the location of Augustus' quarters.

Once she found out where he lived she walked all the way down the corridor and stood right in front of his door way. She made sure everything was in place and she cleared her throat. Once she rang the bell she waited for an answer.

No response came until she heard murmuring from around the bend, "...know this is a different deck, but I swear you're leading me in circles computer..." Augustus came around the corner and stopped when he noticed the El-Aurian woman standing before him, "Do you come with the room or are you just here to stop the computer from leading me out an airlock?"

She smiled and said, "I was going to a bar and wondered if you would like to come along with me?"

He looked at her and then spread his arms out and looked down at himself, "The only clothes I could find in this labyrinth were Bajoran Temple Robes at Lasuma. If you don't mind drinking with a stalwart fledgling of the Prophets that hasn't had the chance to comb his hair, let's get going!"

"Well you owe me that drink," she exclaimed. Looking at him she placed a fake smile on her face and lied, "Don't worry about the hair, you look fine. Here, if you’re so worried..." She used one of her hands and messed his hair up a bit and finished, "The look you’re going for is all the rage on Bajor." She turned her head slightly and arched her eyebrow up as though she said something clever.

"My Pah may be strong, but the Prophets abandoned my fashion sense long ago."

"Oh come on Augustus," Cala cooed, "Can I let you in on a little secret?" Seeing him nod his head she walked up to him closer and whispered, "Rumor has it, if you can pass your psych evaluation, you can get your commission back." She took a step back and smiled at him.

Augustus smirked feintly at her attempt to cheer him up. "Shall we be on our way then?" He held out his arm for the lady and she took his escort. "Passing for active duty is one thing, but passing an evaluation to return to the command pool almost never happens."

The two walked and talked until they finally arrived at a passably fancy establishment. Augustus helped Cala into a seat and then sat across from her. A waitress with cleavage set to vaporize approached. She handed Cala a daunting menu and then gave Augustus a small slip.

He didn't even read it before he had to ask, "Excuse me, what is this?"

The waitress took the slip and displayed it professionally, "These are our Emissary approved brews. They include a wonderful Bajoran Springwine, a..."

"Single malt Irish whiskey on the rocks you say? Excellent suggestion miss." Augustus tugged on the oversized cuffs of his robe and looked at Cala with an 'I told you so' expression.

Confused, the waitress moved on, "A bold choice sir. And for you miss?"

She looked at Augustus with an impressed look on her face and then looked up at the young girl and said, "I'll have some human brandy on the rocks." and handed the woman the slip. The young woman nodded her head and said, "I'll put your order in right away." Then turned around and walked away.

Cala crossed her legs and folded her hands and placed them on her lap. She looked at Augustus and said, "So what do you think of the station so far?"

He looked around quizzically for a moment before returning his gaze to Cala, "There's a lot of fluff. Yes you need to keep the troops entertained, but this is overkill. Serving on starships, you learn to let go of a lot of the amenities. Still, when you have nothing better to do like me, all this fluff could mean the difference between an interesting reprieve and a downward spiral to insanity." He began to twiddle his thumbs. "Company is all I really need. What about you?"

"Me?" she asked, "That's a whole different story. Being as old as I am you like to change your scenery after a while. It’s been quite some time since I've lived on a station. Before this, I used to be a traveler just like you. You and I have a lot in common. Did you happen to read my diplomatic profile before we met?"

"Actually, I've barely had the chance to settle in, much less reference a database. You have me at a disadvantage."

The waitress came back with their drinks. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

Cala shook her head and replied, "No thank you."

"You, sir?" asked the waitress once more.

Augustus downed his drink in one gulp and lightly banged the glass on the table, "I have a decade's worth of leave credits to drink through, keep 'em coming."

Cala took a sip of her amber colored drink. The warm taste in her mouth poured its way down her throat. She sat her drink down and looked at Augustus and asked, "So do you have any family or loved ones? Wife? Kids?" She leaned forward and whispered devilishly, "Lovers?" then sat back and waited for his answer.

The waitress went by, placing another drink before Augustus without stopping. He took the drink with both hands and stared into it, reminiscing. A lone tear fell into his drink, rippling between the ice. As if nothing happened, he lifted the glass of whiskey and drank it whole, putting this glass down next to the last with more care.

"I wasn't the only survivor. Lieutenant Selene Tristan..." He looked down and to the side to avoid advertising his emotional reaction to her name. "It started out as survivor's guilt. We lost everyone we knew and were fifteen months from home. We didn't have anything else to do to manage the pain." His eyes moved back up to meet Cala's, "Fifteen months alone on a runabout together? It was either fall in love or kill each other."

Cala smiled at his statement of 'either fall in love or kill each other'. She took a drink of her brandy as he continued his story to her. Listening to every word.

Another drink was placed before Augustus and he took a sip before continuing, "The Tremere are an extremely xenophobic species. When the Athena encroached upon their territory, they simply demanded we leave. When Selene and I returned, trying to get home, we were arrested and the ship was impounded." He took another gulp, "I'll spare you the details, but during our escape attempt Selene was recaptured and I was forced through the wormhole against my will. All I could do after that was continue home." Finishing the whiskey and inspecting the empty glass he concluded, "It'll be a miracle if I make it back to my quarters."

Cala leaned forward and placed a hand on his shoulder as some sort of comfort for him. "That's so sad," she said with empathy. She lowered her hand that was on his shoulder down to his hand and held it in hers and rubbed her thumb on the back part of his hand. She gave him a few moments to collect himself.

"I'm glad you told me this," she came out, "Maybe I can pull some strings and have a rescue mission organized. Let’s hope for the best, hmm?"

"Starfleet would never allow it. We've never officially made first contact and the Tremere have made it clear to the point of violence that they wish to be left alone. Any attempt to rescue her would result in a diplomatic incident and very likely her death."

The waitress came by again and Augustus put up a finger for another drink. "Even if there was someone of authority crazy enough to go through with an attempt, I wouldn't allow it. Nobody knows enough about the circumstances to have even a remote probability of success. In all likelihood she's been sold as an indentured servant and could be anywhere in the system." He rubbed his forehead and sighed, "Anyways, let's talk about something else. I don't want to be sad drunk tonight." He immediately took the drink the waitress gave him and downed it. "Ah, leave it to the Irish to make great liquor. I usually prefer fine Italian wines, but there is no being sophisticated in these clothes."

Silence befell the two as the majority of the crowd began to shuffle out of the establishment.

Cala finally broke the silence after most of the crowd was gone, "Now as for your quarters," she started out hoping it would lighten things up, "Let me help you find them again. But first...." Her hand that held his let go and rose for the waitress to bring another round of drinks. After she lowered her hand, she gave Augustus her attention again, "Let's get really drunk like Klingon's and go beat something up in the holosuite to get your pent up anger out. Or, seeing as you're part Betazoid, we could do mental exercises. Which do you prefer?"

Augustus shook his head, "I'm only an eighth Betazoid. I don't have their telepathic acuity. As for Klingons," he pointed his finger repeatedly, "I'd like to see one out drink me without his redundant liver." He sat back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, "Nga'chuq; on the other hand, I'd totally be up for if only Klingon women weren't so... burly."

Cala burst out in laughter. She took a swig of her new brandy and looked at Augustus with a smile. "As for Betazoids, you can tell I'm not one, but I was married to one long ago, before my eighty years of service in Starfleet. I know a few things you don't need to be telepathic for to enjoy. It's an offer later down the road of course, but it's available to you."

She took another drink and continued, "What do you wish to accomplish here on the station over the next few months?"

He smiled at the interesting question. He didn't really have time to think about that since he got here. "I dunno. I guess I should talk to a Starfleet psychologist while I'm here, show them I'm at least making an effort to appease them. Other than that, all I can really do is drink and see if I can beat my nga'chuq record from my academy days." He leaned against the table with his elbows on the edge, "Maybe I'll figure out how I could be useful around here even. A Starfleet officer without the burden of the uniform could fill many niches on this station." He looked around, pretending to scope out the area.

"Well I know someone that might offer you a job," she came out, "An old friend of mine just opened a restaurant. I could ask him to give you something to do," she offered to him, "It's called The Nightshade and his name is Onyx Tillius. Would you'd be interested in something like that?"

"I was thinking more of odd jobs. Things that'll keep me on my A-game." He took a swig of whiskey. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm still talking coherebentley..." He took another drink.

Cala started to laugh a little. If she knew anything about people getting drunk, it was that they love to talk philosophically. She took another sip of her drink and replied, "Oh yes you are." Then gave him a charming smile.

He smiled, "Just because I've had three times as much to drink as you, doesn't mean I'm messed up. I can be a deceptive little bastard if the mood strikes me. Augustus then stood up and balanced on one foot as he finished the brandy. Putting his foot and the glass down, he placed his thumb in the signature box of the bill screen that was built into the table. "Well Ambassador Lurn, the hour grows late. Shall we retire?"

"Aw impressive," she teased him watching him show off his 'I'm not that drunk' attitude. After he finished his brandy she knew time was winding down. "Yes of course," she stated, "Shall I take you to your quarters?"

She finished her drink and as she began to stand, Augustus held out his hand to help her out of her seat, "I would definitely prefer a beautiful lady such as yourself escort me to my abode as opposed to this station's homicidal computer trying to lead me out an airlock again."

Cala giggled a little as she took Augustus's arm and walked out the bar. Entering the turbolift, she uttered the destination to the computer. They were only in the lift for a few seconds before Cala laid her head on his shoulder. When the doors opened, she stood up and took Augustus by the hand and guided him down the corridor. A few turns later they came to his door. "Here we are," she sighed, "Home sweet home."

He joked "You're positive it's not a waste reclamation chute, right?" He struggled to press the correct series of buttons to unlock and open the door. He looked to her with his hand hanging onto the threshold to keep the door open. "Look, I had a nice time tonight. It took my mind off a lot of things." He paused, "Would you like to come in?" He looked into the room, empty except for a bed, chair, and replicator. "Right..."

She thought about it for a moment. She wasn't really doing anything else afterwards, "Sure, I would love to come in." She took a step in and held on to Augustus's arms, pulling him in with her. The doors closed behind them as she looked around the room and then back at him and asked, "What would you like to do now?"

Augustus meandered over towards the bed and turned around to look back at Cala, giving her a shrug and mumbling 'I dunno' under his breath.

Feeling good from the few drinks she had, she didn't want this night to end between them. She stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and stated with a devilish smile, "I have a few ideas." Then she leaned in and kissed Augustus.

The lights' preset schedule dimmed them ironically as the two embraced and fell upon the bed. All sense of propriety left the room as the night continued into a furious revelry of drunken passions.

To Be Continued...



Ambassador Cala Lurn


Augustus Maxentus Cyphadrus
Starfleet Medical Case File 29639-Alpha