Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Loose Ends
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Loose Ends
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Nov 01, 2008 @ 5:23pm
Location   Quarters, Isha t'Khellian
Timeline   circa 17:30
“Isha,” the word was a whisper, as gentle as the touch on her shoulder that stirred her. Languidly, she drew a hand over her mouth as her eyes blinked open.

“How did you get in here?” she asked through a yawn.

“Through the door,” Raedheol said bending to sit on the edge of the sofa. He smiled crookedly, “heavy lunch?” he asked.

Isha let her hand fall, her arm dangling towards the floor. “Somewhat,” she said. With a sigh she uncurled her legs and pushed herself into a sitting position wriggling to shape the cushion for her comfort. “I was beastly to Doctor Adams ... what time is it?”

“Late enough for you to have missed an afternoon of monumentous events,” Raedheol replied.

With a shake of her head, Isha laughed, “that is rather a rather pompous statement for you, Rh'vaurek. So, what star destroying catastrophic events have I slept through?” she asked.

“First, answer a question for me, why is it that you feel the need to adopt every stray you encounter?”

“I don't,” Isha said, “Can I help it if I don't cut myself off from everyone who cannot prove their descent to six generations?”

“You know what I'm talking about,” he said.

“I know what, but I don't know why.”

Raedheol smiled.

The bad smile.

The one he used when he already knew the way a discussion would go. “An hour ago, hru’hfirh Llaiir t’Khellian formally expelled R'Vek tr'Khellian and Ashara t'Khellian from the House – if you look towards your desk that blinking light is probably a trying to alert you to a glut of messages from your mother. An hour before that it was learned that the warbird Pardak had bolted, passing at maximum warp into Kzinti space, destination unknown. In addition to her usual crew there was aboard one Mrs Monteros,” he said.

“Rianni's mother,” Isha said. She swallowed, her eyes drawn to the blinking light. Slowly she rose and crossed to the desk.

Moments later Isha was skimming the missives from her mother, both curt and courteous. One of the first detailed the only conditions under which the half breed would be allowed to join the House, one of the last stated that under no circumstances would that event come to pass.

“Is she with them,”Isha asked, imagining the planning that had gone into this. Probably destined to reach some fortified enclosure on an asteroid or remote world, a place from which none of them expected to return; the only way they could be a happy family.

Raedheol shook his head, “She was injured, I have no further details than that, but I have no doubt that she intended to go with them. As long as R'Vek remains outside the Empire no pursuit is planned, as far as the High Command are concerned they can rot. Take my advice, Isha and stay out of it. There was nothing in her future with the Empire except a long period of re-education, and you can imagine how smoothly that would have gone. She could never live in both worlds, Isha, the Lloann'su stopped trusting her the moment she spoke to you, and given the choice of trusting you or her father she chose the one closest in blood. Its time to move on.”

“You're right, of course,” Isha said interlacing her fingers, she had not expected this and it left her feeling somewhat empty. Looking down at herself she raised an eyebrow, her moss green tunic was not too rumpled from sleep; not quite her usual standard, but acceptable enough, “Everyone else on the station is out celebrating right now, some Bajoran event or other, shall we join them?” she asked.

“In the interests of making sure you don't mope around here all evening,” Raedheol agreed, getting to his feet; quite the martyr. It would also give him an opportunity to find out what Darson had said to Isha.

“Come on then,” Isha said, linking her arm through his, “Perhaps you can show me this fabled place on DS5 where one can find the perfect osol twist.”

Isha t'Khellian
& Rh'vaurek Raedheol (NPC)