Things Past – Meet the Wyatts
by Commander Rakka & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   Meet the Wyatts
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Tue Nov 27, 2012 @ 2:35am
Location   Promenade - Restaurant
Timeline   SD69 1900h
The Nausicaan was hungry beyond what a replicator could satisfy--although she preferred to avoid the busy Promenade whenever possible, there were some pleasing restaurants that offered very fresh meat. She wished her schedule was more in line with Petro's so that they could eat together more often--there was no one else on the station (maybe in the world) that Rakka felt comfortable eating with. Well, what could be done? Work came first.

Rakka spotted a rather interesting sign posted outside one fairly new restaurant--"ALL YOU CAN EAT!" Well, this was too tempting. Perhaps the establishment would rethink that particular promotion once they found out just how much a Nausicaan could eat. Rakka stepped in and made her way toward the buffet lineup, right behind a human family. She watched them each pick up a plate. Human-sized plates! Rakka thought of asking for a bigger one, but rejected that thought in fear that it might not be polite. You never could tell what someone was going to find impolite.

Rakka decided to take two plates--one for meat, one for whatever else she fancied. That, too, might be impolite, but the sign did say "All You Can Eat", after all. The line moved with infuriating slowness. Rakka ground her teeth impatiently.

Abby had left her mum and dad arguing over her now expressed wish to join starfleet to join the queue, as she went to pick up some cutlery sh knocked one of the set pieces onto the floor. Bending over carelessly she hit someones leg with an almighty thump. As she looked up with the spoon in one hand she gasped at the tall nausicaan looming over her causing Abby to drop the spoon once more. At which point did not look amused.

Rakka shrunk back from the girl reflexively, which caused her to nearly bump into the person on the other side of her.

"This isn't a schoolyard--be careful!" the Nausicaan rasped.

Abby scrumpled her face slightly "You're right, i don't see anyone school children either!" she said instinctively. One thing she hated more than her dad intervention on her plans was being called a child.

Rakka cocked her head. The girl was perhaps not a child, but not exactly an adult either. She glanced around, noticing that the girl appeared to be by herself, and the Security Officer in her was roused. "Child or not... you still look a little young to be wandering about the Promenade on your own."

"I am not alone though" she replied shuffling forward with the rest of the queue. "I am with my mum and dad, he's one of the the Marine Sergeants on the station. she added maybe trying to impress her slightly. "My name's Abby Wyatt, who would you be?"

A Marine's kid? Great. No doubt she thought her daddy to be some kind of a hero. "I am Commander Rakka," the Nausicaan replied. "I work for Starfleet Security."

"Nice to finally meet you Commander Rakka" Luke said from behind the pair, "I hope my daughter isn't being to much trouble?" He had decided to stop ignoring his roaring belly and join his daughter in the queue.

"Dad!" Abby protested. Once again he had butted into her conversation's and frankly embarrassing her more than what she had herself. "I was about to actually explain to the commander my wishes to join starfleet in her field of expertise!"

Rakka gave the Marine a brief, appraising look. "Not too much," she said in response to his question, and then turned back to the girl. "Starfleet aspirations? Security is a very demanding field, especially in a place like this. However... I do believe there is nothing finer you can do with your life." She gave another brief but pointed glance to the Marine before turning her focus to her plates and starting to load up.

Abby And Luke started to place food onto their plates before speaking again "See dad! a tleast someone is encouraging". She observed the food platters and picked of a variety of things thought most of it being salads and vegetables.

Ignoring the comment Luke turned his attention to the commander "What company are you with today commander?" he asked making small talk. He always found it easy being a marine especially one with his experience.

"Company?" Rakka repeated, skipping over most of the vegetables as she looked anxiously ahead to the meat dishes. "Oh... none."

He scrolled his mouth "We cant have the stations security commander sitting by herself!, Come sit with us" he offered.

"Oh, I... I'm not exactly in command of Security--I'm more of a consultant and special trainer..." she replied, then caught the other half of his statement. "Uhhh, okay, sure," she said, not having any excuse to extricate herself from this little family.

Abby's mind tweaked slightly as the commander mention special trainer but she kept her thoughts to herself at thiss time.

Lillian had already been up and got her small portion of food when her husband and daughter sat back down but this time accompanied with a guest.

"This is my wife Lillian. Lillian this is commander Rakka" he introduced the two females as he sat back down with a plateful of food.

Smiling at the Nausicaan, "Hi there Commander Rakka, I am sorry that my Husband has dragged you into this sitting" she joked.

Gentle humor and small talk--Rakka was no doubt supposed to reply, chuckling, with something like, 'Oh my dear goodness, it's my extreme pleasure to join you!', but the Nausicaan hadn't chuckled in her life, and merely replied with a gruff "Hello!" as she set down her two plates--one piled with breads, potatoes, and a minimal amount of vegetable matter all drowned in thick gravy, and the other heaped with the flesh of numerous animals, some of it looking very close to raw.

Lillian wasn't really to sure how to react to the commander, she could scene that she felt uncomfortable and was defiantly having words with Luke when they got home.

"So Commander tells us, how long have you been on DS5?" he asked quizitfly eating some of his food only just noticing the two large plates she had.

Rakka had already begun to stuff food into her mouth--there was an awkward silence punctuated by light crunching noises as she chewed what must have been at least four or five whole buffalo wings in her mouth at once. Finally, she swallowed, bone fragments and all, and cleared her throat.

"Uhhhhh... a few months at my... current posting," she said, grabbing a napkin purely out of politeness. The flimsy paper merely shredded on her fangs. "I served elsewhere for a while before this one... but I used to be Security Chief here. So... this is my... second posting at DS5."

Nodding, "What happened to you being chief?" he asked confused and also slightly amused by the trouble she was having with the napkin.

"I had to leave for a while... for personal reasons," she replied, her tone warning him not to ask what those personal reasons might be. "Of course they had to replace me. I requested a return here... even if it meant I could not serve in my former role."

Luke was very familiar with the back off signs coming from the commander "Thats a shame, though i don't like the idea of my Daughter joining starfleet it would give her a good chance to see what it is all about." Luke knew that he wasn't going to deter Abby from her wishes so he may as well encourage them.

Lillian was happy to hear the change of thought from Luke and she couldnt but help notice the smile from Abby's direction.

Rakka slapped her fork down onto the table, and it hit a little harder than she had intended. Clearly she had startled them, but what was the point in backpedaling now?

"What have you got against Starfleet?" she challenged.

He shook his head slightly, "I don't have nothing against starfleet. I have something against my daughter joining starfleet because she is my gem and I don't want nothing to become of her to soon." Luke replied defensibly against the upfront officer. "I am also a Marine so there is natural competition against marines and starfleet but its never serious." he added to hsi argument.

"Starfleet is not a death sentence," Rakka retorted. "But yes, it does require you to put your life on the line. It is a proud and noble thing to be willing to do that. Children are not decorations--there is nothing proud in that. Of course, there are worse things you could do with your children than protect them..."

Rakka stabbed her fork moodily into a bloody steak and lifted it, sinking her teeth into the slab instead of using a knife. She resisted the temptation to tell Abby what would have become of her if she had followed her own father's wishes. Rakka had enough nightmares of her own--she didn't want to share them with an innocent human girl who probably had no conception of exactly how evil some 'fathers' could be.

Abby could see the bitterness in the commanders voice "Then show me" she said in a very naive tone with a hint of seriousness causing her dad to looked wide eyed at here.

Rakka slouched down low in her seat, feeling especially uncomfortable as she realized she might be helping to drive a wedge between a perfectly loving father and his daughter.

"You should listen to your dad," she finally whispered after swallowing her mouthful of beef.

Abby sighed and looked at her dad and then to her mum for help, "Maybe it might be a good idea to show her a small proportion?" Lillian suggested to luke who reluctantly agreed "Only if the commander is willing off course"

Rakka swallowed another mouthful. "I am certainly willing to give a Starfleet hopeful a taste of how thing work in Security," she answered honestly and then continued, awkwardly: "But I'm sure there are others... who would perhaps be... more suitable company. I am not... accustomed... to young people... and may not be the best... influence."

"More the reason to, someone that covers it in pink and fluffyness will not help her at all" he said returning the resisting commander.

The Nausicaan shrugged, unable to disagree. "I do... take my job very seriously," she replied. "Well enough. I will do it."

Abby let out a small schriek but resisted to make any body contact with the commander "Thankyou!" she said simply.

Luke gave a half cocked smile whilst lookign at Abby's Glee. He remember once when he was that happy about something and it was when his dad gave him permission to join the Marine.

Rakka simply gave a small nod in response to the girl's excitement.

Before long the family and their new 'friend' had finished up most of what they had got with the commander gone up for seconds of course. Looking down at his empty plate and at the Female nausicaan Luke decided to end the pleasure and be on there way. "Well commander it has been a pleasure meeting you and I am sure its not the last either" he said light heartidly.

"Ahhmm... yes, good night...." she mumbled, giving an awkward half-wave as the Wyatts went on their way. She stood as if to leave also, but once they were out of sight, she slipped back to the buffet for thirds. The Nausicaan had not yet had all she could eat.


Cdr. Rakka


Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & family