Beg, Steal or Borrow – Change
by Lieutenant T'Pal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Change
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Aug 19, 2009 @ 12:36am
Location   Ayren's quarters
Timeline   MD10, 1030hrs
Standing in front of the mirror, Ayren pulled a face, fiddling with her hair. The mass of dark curls almost covered her naked back. After a while she placed her hands on her hips and shook the hair. "They just won't lie right!," she grumbled and tried to put them up again. 'For years they obeyed, but lately...argggh! The just do what they want," she added and pushed her fingers into her hair, staring at herself.

"What's wrong, love?" Rianni giggled and kissed Ayren's neck playfully quipping, "Bad hair day? Guess you could always cut it all off or something." ~I hope she knows I'm joking....~

"Bad hair months!" Ayren complained, pulling her face as she leaned into the kiss. "Maybe you are right... I should cut it," she said lifting her hair up, turning her head this way and that. "What do you think?" she asked coyly.

"Okay, first off, I was joking." Rianni replied, though Ayren's expression told her the 'joke' was now a coming thing, "But, if you want to do it, I'm sure it'll look great on you. What do you have in mind, baby?"

"I know you were joking, but I wasn't.... I need a change.. you know, like really short," she explained "I have had it short....." Ayren mused, a smile forming on her lips. "I think that is exactly what I am going to do! Cut it off!" She turned to face Rianni with a broad smile. her rams snaking around her neck. "Also to celebrate the change you brought into my life." The smile made way for a more meaningful expression. "You have no idea how much I needed you to waltz into my life."

"Ahhh, lesbian boot camp." Rianni laughed, kissing Ayren softly, "And if this is what you want, I'll totally support you in it, hell, I'll even go with you and hold your hand. Maybe even get a little something done myself." ~Can't say you haven't been a pleasant change in my life, too.~

Ayren giggled. 'Well then we need to do this thing." Excitement glistened in her black eyes.. ~I would hope so....~ she grinned. ~It feels like I have known you forever~ Suddenly she smiled sweetly. "Hey... I have been with a woman before.." she said. "But only the odd fling," she said quietly. "With you ... it is different....."

"Yeah, it really is, isn't it?" Rianni agreed, "I mean, it's like we're already months and months into a relationship or something. This has never happened to me before, falling this hard, this fast, doesn't even seem possible, yet here we are."

"True,' Ayren smiled. "And I assure you not me either," sh said thoughtfully. "All I know is that this is just.. right. There is no explanation... " she continued. "So we are going to the hairdresser?" she grinned excitedly.

"Yeah, if you're sure." Rianni laughed and took Ayren's hand, "Still plenty of time to chicken out, though."

"Nope, my mind's made up. In any case, it is easy to grow it, if I don't like it," she said. As the two women moved towards the door, Ayren's eyes fell on the gift she had received the day before. Still wrapped in the silk, it was lying on a table where she had carefully placed it the night before. She turned to Rianni. "I need to tell you something", she said with a serious expression in her eyes.

"Okay." Rianni nodded, preparing herself for the worst, but hoping for the best, "Go ahead."

Ayren's eyes driftied to the bat'leth and then back to Rianni. "I don't know what to say actually, " she started. "Did you know Da'nal.. the strat ops chief, who was given is own command, the USS Freedom?"

"Yeah, I flew with him during the battle against the Romulans." Rianni nodded, she'd heard some rumors about the two of them but hadn't felt the need to ask, it really wasn't her business, "He seems genuinely okay from what I can tell. I got better treatment from him than I do from a lot of humans, even though you'd think if anybody was going to hate on me for being half Romulan it would be a Klingon."

"I got to know the caretaker of his children and the children..... and him and stupidly, I had developed some feelings for him, I think..." she said uncertainly. 'Nothing ever happened and I am not sure he even noticed me in *that* way....but yesterday I met his parents, and they gave me this..." she said and she picked up the exquisite hand crafted bat'leth and showed it to Rianni, with a concerned look on her face.

"Wow, that's big." Rianni whistled, knowing that when a Klingon gave someone a bat'leth it was actually a huge thing, it was almost like a Klingon proposal.

"He never said a word, just the gift. He might just meant it as a show of graititude because I was there when his children were attacked... but I don't know.. " she faltered.

"And you don't know how you feel." Rianni nodded in understanding, realizing that things that seemed so good a few minutes before might be going pretty badly in the immediate future, ~Nothing ventured, nothing gained I suppose.~

Ayren placed her hands on Rianni's hips. "I am not sure how he feels and in any case I am not going to see him again for quite a long time...I just have to be honest with you if we are going to be in a relationship," she said. "I .... think I am falling in love with you," she said softly.

"I know I'm falling in love with you, Ayren." Rianni admitted, "I swore I'd never do it again after Lee, but here I am." She stopped and took a deep breath, "And I just want to spend every second I can with you, worry about what's going to happen when it happens. We call that flying by the seat of the pants."

Ayren pulled Rianni gently towards her. "Me too... I am sorry... I had to tell you..." she said regretfully. Her father had always told her that she needed to embrace her betazoid side, her culture. That she had to open her mind, that she would be able to love more than one person deeply. She never wanted that, but here she was... possibly in the very situation she never wanted to be in....

"It's okay." Rianni nodded, "Like I said, we'll deal with that when it arises. All we have for sure is right now, so let's enjoy it." Rianni kissed Ayren gently and ran her fingers through her hair, "One last time, huh? Come on, we were going to get your hair cut, weren't we?"

"Yes," she grinned, wiping her eyes. 'At least your fingers won't get stuck in it," she giggled happily.

"My fingers have been stuck in much worse places." Rianni giggled, "Including a couple of wedding rings. Come on, let's go." She took Ayren's hand and they began their trek to the station's best stylist.

As they walked through the door, Noel looked up. 'Ahhh, Ayren... Rianni," he said surprised to see them both. "Let me rephrase....Ayren *and* Rianni," he said eyeing their still entwined hands. "When did this happen?" he asked grinning.

Ayren glanced at Rianni. "Last night.. actually.." she smiled.

"Yeah." Rianni smiled, "Great night."

"I can see that," he commented rather pleased. They suited each other, but he never would have thought that the two would get together. Smiling to himself he showed the ladies into the consultation area.

"What can I do for you?" he asked, his eyes going from one to the other. he was not certain who wanted what done.

"I want my hair cut short," Ayren stated. "Really short, Noel... funky, fun.. and stylish," she grinned, remembering the position she held. "I have to look reasonably elegant sometimes," she laughed.

After some discussion and preparation, Ayren was showed to a chair, where Noel began to do his magic.

Rianni took a seat in an empty chair next to Ayren, holding her hand as promised, "Here goes nothing, huh?" She laughed, kissing Ayren's hand and smiling, ~Don't worry, you'll always look beautiful.~

~Thank you.~ she smiled, squeezing her hand. As Noel worked, her black curls fell onto the floor, revealing the short, classic cut he had done.

Rianni cringed a little as the first snip went through Ayren's beautiful mane of raven silk, fighting back tears, ~If she hates this it's all my fault for being a smartass.~ As the cut progressed Rianni found herself liking it more and more as it took shape, revealing angles of Ayren's face previously hidden by her beautiful locks, until it ended in a super short pixie that left her looking very sweet, "Wow, I didn't think it was possible." Rianni smiled, "You're actually more beautiful than ever."

"There...." Noel said, agreeing. "Indeed, you look really different, Ayren," he said running his fingers through the short hair, lifting it. "You can make it a bit more formal, cheeky, as you like," he remarked very satisfied with the end result. 'How do you feel?"

"Light.." Ayren said turning her head this way and then that way. 'It will take a while to get used to ... but I like it," she said. "I think... I will see how I feel in a few days and if I really hate it, we can put growth activator on again.. but so far.. it feels great."

Rianni lovingly ran her fingers through Ayren's shorn locks, smiling, "I love it, baby." Turning to Noel she smiled, "So, ready to have some more fun?"

He grinned. "What do you have in mind, Darling?" he asked.

Ayren looked towards Rianni. She was so occupied with her own hair that she didn't even think about Rianni's. 'You going to have a cut too?"

"Why not?" Rianni smirked, "Celebrate the change in both of our lives." Rianni had always kept her hair at this length so she could cover her ears, now, she didn't feel any shame in her Romulan heritage anymore, "Do whatever you have in mind, Noel, I'm ready for something new."

"I was wondering when you will let me do what I want one day," Noel teased good heartedly.

"Well, today's your day, Noel." Rianni smiled, knowing he really had been looking forward to it.

Ayren bent forward and kissed Rianni's hair. ~I love as you are, you know that.~ she reassured Rianni, regardless of her heritage. ~I am so proud of you and happy you are in my life~ she thought, washing her emotions over Rianni's receptive mind. "Go ahead... you are only going to enhance her beauty...." she said to Noel with a wink.

Rianni smiled back at Ayren, ~I love you.~ Turning to Noel she said, "Okay, you heard the lady, enhance my beauty."

"I get to have the two most beautiful women on this station together in my salon..... what did I do to deserve this?" Noel asked the walls as he started to snip away Rianni's hair.

Ayren slapped him playfully ";At least I won't be here every second day to bother you with styles, because I can't do what you showed me to do," she laughed.

The contninued to banter and tease, while the style Noel envisaged took shape. Ayren gasped when she looked at the finished product. He had cut her hair to fall as if effortlessly in place. In tribute to her Romulan Heritage he used a modern, slightly assymetric style, but with softer wisps of hair to contour the shape of her face. "Easy to take care of, even when you have had a helmet on your head.. you will still look good, " Noel explained as he did finishing touches.

'You look beautiful..... I can't believe it... just like that!" Ayren exclaimed. Her eyes sparkled with delight at the new look. "I am amazed....Gorgeous!"

Rianni took a look at it in the mirror, grinning when she did so, "I love it! Great work, Noel!" She playfully ran her fingers through it, especially the short buzzed nape, ~That's a new feeling.~ "Love it, Noel, you're the best. Well, shall we show off our new cuts on the Promenade, love?"

"Now that is a good idea!" Ayren agreed and after giving Noel a kiss on the cheek, she took Rianni's hand and the two left the hair salon.

"I'd love to stay and chat, Noel." Rianni giggled, kissing and embracing him, "But, I have to go be seen with the most beautiful woman on the station, we'll do lunch."


Ayren Kelan


Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-th'Khellian

Hairdresser to the Starfleet, lol