Intermission – A helping hand
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A helping hand
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Oct 29, 2013 @ 10:04pm
Location   Main Security Office - Detention Cells
Timeline   SD 73 - 09:00
Glin A'Dan walked towards the doors of the security office with a goal in mind. He was to have Getal's female associate released from confinement at the behest of the Cardassian Government. He was not aware of WHY Hydel Turvan wanted her released, and it was not his place to know so. He was following orders and that was to provide this woman a helping hand.

The Glinn entered the office and immediately locked eyes on the human who sat at the desk before him. He approached her purposefully and got straight to the point.

"I am here in regards to the Bokkai that is currently in confinement. Ambassador Hydel Turvan wishes to see her released pending any trial." He stated directly.

Alexia looked up. "I will ask Lt Trellis if he is free to see you. If you would be good enough to take a seat?" she said, standing up with the intention of going into the Chief of Security's office to speak to the Acting Chief. She indicated the seating as she rose, expecting the visitor to take one.

Trellis was standing over the holo-projection table looking at the foot traffic throughout the promenade. He knew that the recent attacks on the Cardassian Embassy as well as the Ferengi delegation were only the beginning of a much bigger problem. How could he protect the highly visible delegates without disrupting life on the station for every other station. He reached for his glass and took a sip of the brown liquid as he continue to evaluate the situation.

"Lieutenant?" Alexia offered a little cautiously. It was usually unwise to interrupt Trellis or enter his office uninvited but she had to speak out of earshot of the *visitor* so she risked entering.

"Sir?" she tried again, still softly. "I'm sorry. There's someone outside.... from the Cardassian Legate..... he wants to talk to you about the Bokkai prisoner. Should I tell him to come back later?" she asked.

He sighed inwardly. He was not prepared to deal with the Cardassian delegation. Especially not after the new revelations he had gained from the interrogation of the young girl responsible for the Embassy bombings. But he knew that if he just turned them away it would make things even worst. He took one last drink from his glass as he turned back around to face his assistant.

"I'll be right out." He responded as he straightened his tunic and zipped it again.

"Yes Sir" Alexia answered, more cooperatively than usual, considering any Cardassian to be an adversaries she had in common with Trellis. It was rare for her to find herself on his *team* as it were.

Trellis walked into the main foyer and looked at the Cardassian who was waiting to speak with him.

~Hmmm, I'm surprised that Ambassadar Turvan did not come here himself.~ Si'Lar thought to himself as he approached the Glinn and extended his hand.

"Hello, Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, Chief of Station Security." Trellis said proudly. It was one of the few things that he could proudly state without having to explain or defend himself. . .at least for the time being.

"Good day, I am here in regards to having the Bokkai released." Glinn A'Dan said, getting directly to the heart of the matter.

The Cardassian's curtness caught Trellis slightly off-guard. "I...Uh...ok. I am just a bit surprised that the Cardassian Delegation had chosen to intervene on behalf of a non-Cardassian citizen. I would've expected someone from the assigned Embassay or the Federation Diplomatic Officer to handle such a matter." Trellis responded, still trying to wrap his brain around the situation.

"Yes, Lt. Trellis, I understand the oddity of all of this, but I assure you that my orders come directly from Ambassador Turvan himself. However, he did not authorize me to go into any further detail." Glin A'Dan said, hoping to prevent any further discussion on the matter.

Trellis nodded as he turned and began to lead the Cardassian through the doors and towards the Main Detention Center where the Bokkai resided.

As the trill entered, Yolanthe looked up. Seeing Trellis, her skin and hair changed from sand to delicate apricot hues. She came to her feet. "Lieutenant, I am so sorry."

"Ms. Ibalin, this is a delegate from the Cardassian Embassy. It appears that the Ambassador wishes to post your bond so that you can be released pending your trial." Trellis announced.

At the mention of Getal, Yolanthe's attention switched to the man who had followed Trellis in, the peach giving way to a glorious azure, "Bless him." A sudden thought occurred to her, and she went avocado green. "Tharek is okay? He's not got worse?"

"No, Tharek..." A'Dan said, dropping any sense of formality. "No longer has the ability to serve his duties as Ambassador. This request has come from Ambassador Hydel Turvan." He reported.

The avocado became more malachite. "A new ambassador?" Maybe Tharek was worse than she thought. "That's very kind of him. Thank you." She turned to Trellis. "I can go?"

Trellis was not entirely happy with this arraignment. He knew that she played a part in Kila's death, and that her restaurant was nothing but a haven for misfits and criminals. Nothing would've made him happier than to keep her locked in the cell and to burn her bar to the ground and start something new.

But alas. . .if someone was willing to post her bail, then he had no choice but to release her.

"Yes, Ms. Ibalin, you are free to go for now." Trellis said as he pressed several buttons on his padd processing her release.

As the force field flickered out,the woman went blue in relief. She stepped out. "Lieutenant, I am so sorry. Please let me make it up to you. Any time you need a drink, please come by. It's on the house."

Trellis narrowed his eyes in pure disgust at the woman and her comment. "No. . .that won't be necessary" he said in a terse tone.

"If there is nothing else, you can collect your belongings down the hall." He directed, hoping that she would do so sooner rather than later.

"Well, if you change your mind, you know where I am." She headed towards the indicated hallway. "And apologies once again."


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

A'Dan Galen
Attache' to Ambassador Hydel Turvan

Yolanthe Ibalin
Proprietor, The Box of Delights

Ensign Alexia Jackson
Security Administrator