Judgement – I'd Rather Be A Girl With A Flower Than A Boy With A Stick
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   I'd Rather Be A Girl With A Flower Than A Boy With A Stick
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 1:56pm
Location   SickBay
Timeline   SD36 - 1620

Bridget watched as two orderlies wheeled the young Bajoran woman's hover-gurney through the main doors, and down a hall that would end at the operating room. Still holding the woman's padd-chart, she flipped a few pages in the file to sign her patient out of pre-op. It was then that she noticed the attending physician's name had been changed from "B. Stapleton" to "Dr. Big Nose."

A grin spread across her face and she laughed out loud. It was just what she would expect from Lance Murdoch - something petty and impotent. But it was a harmless prank and she had to appreciate the creativity he used in devising it. A few heads turned at her outburst and she quieted down immediately, finishing with an amused sigh.

Laverne looked over Bridget's shoulder and broke out into laughter, after a couple of minutes she collected herself. "Its funny because its true," She sighed at last. Lance entered the corridor, scrubbed up and ready for surgery. Nodding to Laverne he ignored Bridget and made his way into the operating theatre after the Bajoran patient.

Still grinning, Bridget replied to Laverne, "Nice of you to notice. I come from a long line of exceptional schnozzles." Jokes about her nose were old hat, and she just took them in stride. She winked at Laverne and headed over to the Nurse's station, putting the padd-chart where it belonged.

An hour went by; she made her rounds with other patients, and was in the process of washing her hands before seeing another one, when a nurse approached her - the tentative look on her face made Bridget raise an eyebrow.

"Um...Doctor Stapleton, I need to talk to you. It's about your locker," she said with slight hesitation.

"My locker?" Her eyebrows drew together in confusion. "What about my locker?"

"It's....It smells. Like fish. The entire locker room is filled with it and people are complaining, Ma'am," the young nurse added, obviously uncomfortable with her role as messenger.

"What?! You've got to be kidding me," her brows drew together and she dropped the padd into it's slot, a touch harder than she needed to. Murdoch. It hand to be Murdoch, she thought to herself as she followed the nurse toward the locker room. The closer she approached, the stronger the smell - definitely fish.

"How long has it smelled like this?" she aimed her question to a few med staff who were carefully avoiding her gaze as she walked past them to her locker... which oozed a yellowish-clear liquid from the bottom, into a small puddle on the floor.

From the back of the room came a low chuckle, "When did you think it started dearie?" Smiled Laverne. "I did warn you..." She gave the young doctor a motherly smile. "Only a fool tries to ice skate uphill."

"Except the fool who carries pitons and picks," Bridget retorted sharply. She knew exactly the spot on that damn Murdoch's anatomy that she'd like to sink her pitons into. "There's no excuse for this kind of behavior. It won't go unnoticed."

"It hasn't." Retorted Laverne, sadly shacking her head. The stubborn woman clearly wasn't taking her advice, so the stately old nurse had no sympathy. The assorted medical staff gathered in the room all suddenly looked very busy. One of them was almost able to stifle a snicker.

Bridget opened the locker, and quickly sidestepped as another thick glob of fish oil slithered down to the floor. The slacks and blouse she'd worn to work were absolutely drenched, as were both her shoes, filled to the brim and overflowing with slick goo.

She noticed some of the others watching her, out of the corner of her eye. She hoped they realized how immature this prank was. It didn't do Murdoch's reputation any good to pull something like this. But then, she was sure he didn't care. Herself, she wasn't going to get drawn into repaying in kind. Unlike the surgeon, she did care for her reputation, both as a professional and as a person. If she lowered herself to behaving like a twelve-year-old to get him back for this, then she'd be no more mature than he was. And besides... it would muddy the waters if she ever brought a case against him, whether it be personal or professional. In such an event, her behavior would be as closely examined as his.

Laverne felt obligated to try once more time. "Dearie just let it go. Apologize to Dr. Murdoch and be done with it." She shook her head in frustration as Bridget gave her a long look, then turned her back on her and stormed off.

Bridget marched to a terminal and told the computer to document the changes to the patient reports, where her name had been changed to "Doctor Big Nose", and by whom.

The computer chirped. "Unable to comply. User access level insufficient."

~What?~ Bridget checked the computer again, and got the same response. So she logged her request and the computer's response, and sent them in a message to Chelsea. It probably would be accessible with her seniority level.

Afterward, she told the computer to make photographs on the condition of her locker. She requested that Security come and dust the locker for fingerprints and take her vandalism report, cc'ing it to Chelsea. The security guy found a couple prints, but didn't tell her whose they were - not that she expected to be told. She just wanted to have the evidence logged and for Chelsea to get a copy, so that if she needed it later, she could use it. If the harassment continued, and Chelsea was unable to stop it, then she'd take the issue to the station commander.

When they'd gone, she took a clean trash bag over to the locker and tossed out all of her belongings, then cleaned the locker from top to bottom. She refused to call janitorial and make them clean up the mess, because even though it was their job, she felt like she needed to do it herself. Hopefully they had better things to do keeping the station clean than wipe down a greasy locker. When she was finally finished, she gathered up the trash bag and left Sickbay, heading first for the incinerator, and second for a drink.


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner) - DS5

Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Doctor (Head surgeon) -DS5