Beg, Steal or Borrow – Knocking for an opportunity
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer

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Title   Knocking for an opportunity
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Fri Feb 06, 2009 @ 9:14pm
Location   Upper Promenade
Timeline   SD7 20:15
William had just finished his shift and this was only his second day on probationary release. As he leant on the metal railing, he looked down at the throngs of people that were milling around on the level below and he felt a very strange sort of peace.
Just a few days before, Captain Tahir and the Security chief had decided it was in their own interests to allow his request to be given a position on the station.

He had the audacity to ask if he could retain his old rank and the two of them in unison declared a resounding 'NO'!

'Get yourself to the quartermaster for room allocation and a uniform' Rakka had ordered him and he had scampered out of the brig so fast, he did not say a word.

The J'Naii did not turn out to be his first visit, that was the bar on this deck and he had only taken a mouthful of alcohol when he realised what he was doing, pushed the glass back to the barkeep and strolled out.

He had wandered aimlessly around the promenade for near an hour, before finally making his way to Petro, who had given a single card and uniform, informing quarters were available on deck 160 and his room was number 11.
He did remember to thank her and was pleasantly surprised when he had located his quarters and placed his card against the screen. He had to input a voice print and a hand print, before the computer had released control of the room to him.

It was sheer luxury compared to his bunk on the Revagiant. This was a well equipped quarters. A sonic shower, sprung bed and a fully working replicator.

His thoughts were disturbed by the sound of a throat clearing behind him and the newly ranked Petty officer turned about to see who was vying for his attention.

"Hello, Petty Officer Harris," said Weiltzer, thinking very carefully about what he was about to do, and the probable reaction of Deep Space Five's chain of command if they ever found out, as well as the now Petty Officer 3rd Class. "I heard about everything that has happened, of course, I have been very fervently watching your record and your service to Starfleet your entire time in. By the way, my name is Johan Albrecht Weiltzer, you have probably heard of me."

Bill studied the face for a moment, trying to place where he had seen him before. "Sorry sir, I am afraid I have not heard the name, but you obviously know of me and as you approached me, you know my reputation and my intuition tells me you need me for something." He folded his arms across his chest

"Well, I happen to have a big job for you, if you are interested in making the same kind of money you were before, I have a very important job for you," stated Weiltzer, knowing full well that what he was about to have the young Mr. Harris do was illegal for a normal citizen and probably stretching his authority as an FIS agent, a fact that he preferred that Harris not know unless it became absolutely necessary to tell him to get the job done.

Not only was his job going to entail something that might stretch his intelligence authorities, but also could put Harris in a bad situation if he was caught, but Weiltzer had no intention of letting Harris or himself get caught and if they were, he had the FIS and his absolute authorities in accordance with his position within that agency to fall back on to cover them both, of course, it wasn't the only part of the job for Harris, but was a big one. He of course, planned on having Harris working for both he and Starfleet every chance he had, assuming he could make this connection and get it to work well.

Johan had his attention. "I think we should find somewhere a little more discreet if this job of yours requires my involvement, but I must warn you, I don't come cheap and I do not take risks." His face was stern and his resolve stronger. If this was to be his last chance to prove himself capable, he didn't want to let down the Nausicaans or the Captains confidence in his ability, unless of course, the price was right.

"Petty Officer Harris, it is actually in our best interests to talk here. The walls in my place even have ears, however, if you look at this little device, let's see what this button does," said Johan a mischievous glimmer in his eyes as he pushed the button knowing it would jam any and all listening devices including communicators in the area, however, he knew it wouldn't cover all the ears nearby, but it was interesting to see how quickly the place cleared out when the shrieks of static and communications devices being jammed kicked in. "Well, I know it isn't completely safe to talk here, but notice how it is almost completely cleared out? That is a demonstration of some of my abilities. Anyways, I suppose my office will be the safest place to discuss it, but how about a drink first?" He said calmly with a smug grin on his face.

William leant back against the safety railings, the thought of a drink after so long without one was extremely tempting, but he knew that alcohol had a detrimental effect on him. With a sullen single shake of his head, his gaze came back to the man before him.
"I will join you in a bar, but I am afraid I will have to take a non alcoholic drink with you. Got to keep a clear, very clear, head." He said, his eyes not leaving the man who appeared to be just a few years older than him. "Besides, we will never know who is watching, unless you can do something about that as well!"

"Actually, I could do something about the watching, however, it would entail blinding everyone, and I frankly am not in the mood to test out the latest Weiltzer Corp gadget. However, we shall drink to a new partnership and then go into my office and discuss your potential job," said Weiltzer grinning peacefully.

"After you." William grinned, not sure where the course of the next few hours would lead, but as long as he stayed sober and avoided the croupiers, he was happy to follow.

Eventually the drinks arrived and Johan and William enjoyed a nice conversation over the drinks.

PO3C William Harris
Played by Tasha


Fleet Admiral Johan Albrecht Weiltzer
Commanding Officer
9421st Fleet
Weiltzer Freight Corporation Regional Fleet Command
Played by Dan