Cascade – A new deign by looking back
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A new deign by looking back
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Mar 03, 2013 @ 6:12am
Location   Bradshaw Incorporated Offices (Wayne's private design lab
Wayne liked to do things the old way and from time to time when he found he had a little spare time he liked to tinker with some designs that he kept either in the back of his head or in a locked safe that would require more security to access then an admirals eyes only classified report.

It was one of those designs that he had unrolled and was now looking at. The basic design was serveral hundred years out of date, however with the changes he was considering it could see the old warhorse given a new life. Looking at the design basics it would not be to hard to do the conversion. The weapons system would be easy as each of the three large turrets would be fed from a magzine holding somewhere around 250 rounds of the full sized torpedoes and each of the 12 smaller turrets would have access to megzines totalling at least 2000 rounds. The superstructure would be slashed by half to give a lower profile and the warp engines would be mounted toward the stern of the ship.

His biggest problem was not the basic designs they were simple the problem was that starfleet was getting away from the pure military design in favor of more exploration and diplomatic functions. The design of an old earth battleship was not exactly conducive to the diplomatic function though the exploration function was easly within it's ability.

Considering that the design was intended to be crewed by around 600 officers and NCO's and have those crews kept in better quarters with better facilities could make them an easier sell to the fleet. Though that was still a long way away, and at any rate he was out of time. He rolled up the paper containing the design drawings and put them back in his safe before getting ready to attend a buyout meeting.