Things Past – Find yourself.
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   Find yourself.
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Thu Mar 14, 2013 @ 8:31pm
Location   Holodeck
Timeline   Current
bby found herself perched upon a fork in a tree, her bow strung and loaded with an arrow one that she made herself from raw materials she had acquired from the market place's on deep space five. Other than that her sheath, hunting sack (including the things inside) and the cloths on her back were the only things that were real inside the holodeck. She had been taken up hunting as a hobby ever since she left Aleron and came to deep space five, she found it relaxing and at the same time she was able to get her daily frustrations out on helpless seams of wildlife and game. She even found out that she was rather good with a bow.

After shooting a clean arrow through a wondering rabbits eye she jumps down and retrievers it, she quickly begins wiping the holographic crimson coloured blood still warm from the fresh kill of off the tip. With her leather jacket sleeve now bloodied and stained knowing that as soon as she leaves the holoemitters range it'll disappear she sits down on a rock and begins to set up a small camp.

Pulling an assortment of things from the hunters sack which now sat next to the rock propped up by a stick she had snapped of the bush behind them allowing her position to be concealed from anyone who might wonder in.

As barbaric as some would see it she wields a small crafting knife about the length of her longest finger and began to skin the rabbit, cutting off the useless bits throwing them into the burning embers of the fire she had prepared moments ago with the flint and steel. The fire starting tools were what really started this whole hunting thing she was nosing around her dads things when she found an old looking box, inside it had a number of things pictures, maps of home, a book of animals and plants and finally the flint and steel. At first she didn't know what it was but when she continued into the box it was clear her father used to go hunting which lead her to belief that's how he met her mother.

Her mother... That created a whole new thought. Since the move to Deep space five it was clear that her dad and mum we're not getting on, his constant absence and her constant want to do more than sit in a station miles above a planet was a ticking time bomb and eventually it did in fact blow. Not killing anyone or crippling the station scaring people half to death just the hopes that their family would last and be happy, this is what hurt the most.

Abby sniffed the air, a smell of burning upsets her thoughts ~Smells like burning... wait~ “Burning!” she shouted scrambling to save what was left of her rabbit however it was all to late the chard remains of what was left tasted dreadful. Though not wanting to cheat in her own little game she finished of what was edible and made her way to a fresh water stream she had saw on her trek up the terrain towards some rocky mountains.

Walking through the forest that always took her breath away, the tall lean tree's parading there bright green leaves some of which as large as her hand and that's only the ones she could see from the under canopy there was bound to be bigger brighter ones where the sun hits them.

Every so often she would pass streams of golden sunlight breaking through the forest canopy warming her pal skin paralysing her for a few moments before she could shake the sensation to carry on her way to the stream.

For twenty minutes this stop and start routine continued until she could see the stream rush over the rocks it engulfed, smooth as a new born's head but as hard has her fathers heart. Abby moans at herself for making such a cold comment about her dad ~it wasn't his fault that things didn't work out but in fact he was the one that tried to repair them by moving to deep space five she would tell herself.

Kneeling down she places the open cap of the water bottle upstream leaving it for a few seconds allowing it to fill fully before pulling it out of the water and taking a small sip. she quickly remembers to add the iodine which neutralise any bacteria that may be lingering in it however now she had to wait thirty minutes remembering what she had read in the books she brought about camping and hunting in the wild.

While she waited for the water to become 'safe' to drink she splashes some water over her face wiping it, letting out a small sigh and finally perching her bottom on the cold hard surface of a rock. Before she had time to relax a twig snap demanded her attention behind her and as quickly as she was relaxed show now was fully alert.

Loading her bow with an arrow she pointed in the general direction the noise came from but nothing appeared however she still couldn't let it go “Who's there?” she manages to say wondering if it was anyone at all or some small woodland animal. It wasn't long before her doubts were confirmed.

Abby fell to the floor and gasped as the air left her lungs, feeling winded she helps herself up with her bow and turned to face the very thing that knocked her down. Its ears pinned back and its dagger like nashers snarling at her. At this point her heart was in her mouth as it's huge hind legs sprung into action sending the beast flying towards her. Quickly she darts out of the way but not before its front claw's tore a rip into he right arm followed by a slow stream of blood which oozed out and quickly begins to clot.

Abby held in the scream as she knew that no one would come to her aid and she wasn't about to let herself get killed. Standing back up she loaded the arrow which lay on the disturbed dampened floor from after the first attack and brought the string back past her ear, breathing in she realises the arrow before bounding out the way of the beast third attack. Turning Abby could she see the arrow pertruding out of the beast shaggy dark hair but it was clearly not enough to take it down.

Removing another arrow from her sheath she again brought it to bare and let loose another arrow but this time sending it whistling past and embedding itself into a tree. There was no time to react to another swipe from the beast mangled paws knocking her flush against the stone she had once been relaxing on. Her head had taken a knock and she could feel herself feeling oozy and nauseous.

Being able to recover herself she picked up her broken bow that was snapped in the middle the only thing keeping it together was the string. “Oh no” she whimpers to herself drawing out the small hunting knife and turned once again to the beast which now seemed to be encircling her, probably summing up how to finish me off she said to herself, she knew this because she was thinking exactly the same.

Abby found herself mimicking the beast with the blade in her right hand, she began slashing forward every so often but the pain in her right rib was causing her to grimace showing the beast her weakness which it took full account off.

In a last ditched effort Abby managed to get a couple of stabs into the beast causing it to whine but it was not enough and if anything it only angered it more, enough so it had decided to end this game of cat and mouse. It pushed of off its giant back leg's and smacked Abby into the floor winding her once more gasping for air the blade is knocked instantly out of her hand.

This is it... I'm going to die she thought to herself closing her eyes brining her arms up in a cowering fashion as if they would stop the beast as it snarled and open its jaw plunging its teeth into her... There was no Pain, No death in fact no nothing. The damp crunchy floor of pine needles and insects had disappeared the tree's we're no longer blocking the sun however it wasn’t the sun at all it was the bright lights of the holodeck.

Abby sat up and blinked she could see Melander one of the workers at the bar looking over at her arms crossed, she clearly was not happy with her. Abby took a couple of seconds before standing herself up but it was a lot harder than what she thought. Her Ribs still aching even under the clutch of her right arm she could feel the pain.

Looking around she could see the bundle of things scattered around the room and more obvious than the rest the tell tale signs of further injury to herself was the puddle of blood at her feet, maybe this is what Mel was angry at. “Sorry, I...” she was cut short by Melander's stern Voice.

Abby stammered around with help from Mel picking the things up and placing them into the bag, the broken bow was now also able to fit in the pack and the sheath of arrows slung over her right shoulder. Picking up the last arrow she noticed none of them had the blood of the rabbit nor the beast but her clothes still remained torn and tainted with blood except this was hers. Now she knew what Mel was angry at, the fact that she had turned of the safety off. Melander probably didn’t know it was still possible but abby was always rather resourceful.

Mel could see the pain in Abby's eye's she was a regular to the holodeck as she didn’t have any access to real hunting ground. She could understand why she might turn off the safety making it a bit more sereal but not pausing or stopping the program upset her more plus Yolanthe Ibalin wouldn't be happy with a death in her holodecks. “Perhaps we should take you down the medical bays get those ribs and scratches looked at eh?” she says in a proposing way however both of them know that it was more of an order. “And don't worry your dad wont find out” He was also a regular to the bar and sometimes the holodeck.

Abby nodded and with her aid they made there way out of the holodeck and down towards the medical lab. Even after all this drama and the few glances from civilian and starfleet alike she still didn’t feel sorry for herself, her dad was away on a mission so there's nothing he can say and since Mel offered not to tell him it seemed all that was needed was for her to recover and a possible telling of from the medical staff.

The pair continued to stumble towards the medical bay and finally after an antagonizing walk which lasted ten minutes of pain they walked thought the doors of the infirmary. Being taken instantly and placed onto a medical bed the duty doctor injected a hypospray into her neck numbing her entire body as she could feel the pain slowly wisp away. Abby let out a small sigh of relief.

Abby-Mae Wyatt