Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Pleasantries
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum

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Title   Pleasantries
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum
Posted   Mon Jan 19, 2009 @ 11:21pm
Location   Crab Shack - Promenade Deck 143
Timeline   SD6 19:25

The buzz from the glowing green lights added to the ambience of the Crab Shack. Bryan had mentioned his love of seafood to Mercy and the fact that he frequented the Crab Shack and could arrange for a nice quiet table and Mercy had readily agreed.
This was only their 3rd date, although their affair had become passionate and intense, they were still quite shy of each other when out in public.

Bryan had made an effort tonight, wearing a pair of grey slacks and a open necked fuchsia coloured shirt with a silk red tie. He had even combed down his hair but he was blown away by Mercys' aqua off the shoulder dress, which now resonated with the green aura thrown out by the lighting in the restaurant.

Mercy's dress had been a result of lots of long deliberating. ~The red? no.... too loud and says all the wrong things! Perhaps the blue, with the low cut back? That one is lovely, but it's a bit short. No, tonight it has to be the green!~

She would knock Bryan's socks off with that green one, it was fabulous. She'd been promised by the tailor that she looked like a million credits in it, but then that was probably to get a figure of close to that out of her to buy it from him. It was alright though, because as long as it made her *feel* like a million credits, then it was worth it.

Looking at Bryan's shirt and tie combination she knew he'd made a big effort to impress tonight, and could tell he too felt like a million credits, which again, was what mattered most. By way of appreciation she had kissed him and told him he seemed even more gorgeous than ever tonight, asking innocently if he had done his hair differently or worn a new after-shave? His flushed cheeks as he had denied this in reply had told her the diplomatically delivered appreciation had been well received.

Talitha toyed with her seafood salad as the two smitten lovers walked in. She watched them as she took a sip of her wine. The long searching gazes, the stiff body language... She sighed. Taking a bite of her salad she tried to remember feeling like that. The piece of crab she had just swallowed stuck in her throat as the image of Connor floated out of her memory. Grabbing the glass of water she took a long swig to clear her throat.

Mercy looked across at the officer who appeared to be choking until the water cleared her throat.

"Are you okay?" she asked, concerned.

The woman smiled and nodded, not saying anything and dropping her eyes from her.

Bryan tipped a nod to the waiter, who jumped in their direction.

"Mr Surgy, usual table....oh, I see you have company." His smile widened as his arms extended and he gave a gentle bow.

Bryan felt a little embarrassed, not just for himself, but for Mercedes. He slipped his arm around her thin waist and felt a tingle of joy wash over him which he did whenever he touched her these days. Long forgotten, all the times he would slip his arm around her waist to pull her across in front of him to gain access to something she would be reaching for. Now he did it because it thrilled him.
"Yes Neeko, a table near the window please." He turned to Mercy, casting a smile and ignoring all those around them, some who had stopped to see what the waiter was making a loud scene for.

"Of course, certainly. This way." He dipped his head once again, his arm now guiding them to the table under the picture window which didn't actually look out into space, but had a moving image of the sea.

Bryan allowed Neeko to lead the way and followed close to Mercy, glancing left and right, noticing some colleagues and clients.
They sat at the table as the waiter laid a menu in front of them both and snapped his finger for the wine menu then disappeared. Bryan reached across the table, seeking Mercy's hand whilst staring into her green eyes, accentuated by the green light and allowed himself a sigh of love.

Mercy gazed back at Bryan, equally smitten and absorbed at first, unaware of anyone or anything but him. A few minutes later however, she looked up as the door opened and two doctors walked in. Mercy knew Chelsea Adams from when the doctor had first arrived at the station and she had been one of her first patients to have a minor cut regenerated.

The new girl had naturally been nervous that day but Mercy had got the impression at the time, that Chelsea had been even more wary of the CMO than would normally have been expected. Mercy had come to the conclusion that the two doctors had a conflict of personalitlies brewing and to see them now, looking very much together, couldn't have been more surprising and intriguing.

Denoublier couldn't stop herself from waving as Milarno and Adams were standing just inside the doorway, looking around for a waiter. Chelsea waved back, recognising the face but not recalling at first where she knew the woman from. She nudged Ryan. "Do you know that woman?" she whispered, still grinning across as if she wasn't talking about them.

Ryan shook his head. " I don't think so..." he said quietly. "Why?"

"I think I do, but I can't remember from where. She's waving, we'll have to go over." she replied still almost under her breath.

Ryan smirked. "Come on then...I don't know them so this should be fun..." he chuckled.

Chelsea grinned back at him. "Ryyyyyyan!" she pretended to object but actually, she too was wondering what this chance meeting might bring.

As they approached Mercy and Bryan's table, Chelsea held out her hand to the familiar looking woman, still searching her memory for the elusive connection.

"Hi Doctor Adams!" Mercy beat Chelsea to the first words and stood up enthusiastically shaking her hand. Fortunately for Chelsea, Mercy turned to Ryan and introduced herself, which gave Chelsea the prompt she needed to realise the rest of the details at last.

"Hi, you must be Doctor Milarno. I'm Mercedes Denoublier!" she bubbled. "... and this is my boss..." she blushed, knowing that wasn't the whole of the connection and that Bryan would object but they hadn't discussed how they should present in a situation like this, so she stumbled a little. ".....Bryan Surzchenko."

Ryan smiled, trying to comprehend this strange meeting. His facial expression was a confused one at that. "Nice to meet you both" he said and took Bryan's hand and shook it.

Bryan felt more embarrassed than he had for a long while. The circle of friends were widening, something he had not considered. He held out his hand and took the doctors, shaking it gently.
"I'm not actually Mercy's boss, more an equal." His smile belied his discomfort as he released the warm, damp hand of the doctor and reached out for Doctor Adams, waiting for her to take it.

Chelsea shook Bryan's hand and, remembering their meeting now, she was able to explain at last. "Nice to meet you Bryan. Ryan, this is Mercy who was one of my very first patients ever on the base. I saw her on my first day. You were very busy that day...." she trailed off remembering how afraid of him she had been in those first hours. She wondered if he was thinking of that too.

"Oh yeah of course I was, I'm sorry I don't remember you..." he smiled a little. "Shall we sit?" he asked,

Mercy swept an open armed gesture towards the other side of the table she and Bryan were at. "Please, do join us!" she enthused.

"We'd love to, if it's okay?" Chelsea agreed looking at Bryan for approval of this proposition.

"Of course." He spluttered, "please, pull up some chairs." Bryan looked around for Neeko and as soon as he did, his hand shot up to summon him.

Neeko could see that one of his regular guests had attracted more company and that Mr Surgy was trying to attract his attention. He nodded his acknowledgement and made his way in his casual manner to the party of 4.

"Mr Surgy. You want more space?" He questioned, casting an over eager eye on Chelsea and the Doctor, Ryan.

"Please." Bryan replied with a hush in tone.

"No trouble at all." He swung around and pulled over the table next to theirs and pushed them together, straightening the tablecloth, cutlery and glasses. "I will bring over your drinks shortly." He said to the 2 medics, clapping his hands together once summoning his staff to take orders for Ryan and Chelsea's drinks.
"Enjoy!" He remarked, spinning about and heading back to the podium at the door.

"Thank you Neeko." Bryan said to the waiter's back as he disappeared before he turned back to their guests. His eyes lingered on Mercy for a moment and the wide beam on her face, one that portrayed pure ecstasy which in turn made him smile.

"Well, nice to meet you both. I do hope we didn't disturb anything?" He said in a semi apologetic way as he reached across the table to take Mercys hand once again.

Chelsea smiled back. "Not at all. It's lovely to have company. We've never been in here before, but the waiter seems to know you two. Is the food good here?" she enquired.

Mercy squeezed Bryan's hand and shot him a broad grin. "This is my first time here too, but Bryan seems to be quite a regular, judging by the reception he got when we walked in! I'm beginning to wonder how many of his previous amourees he's brought here! Do you think I should see if I could some bribe information out of that nice waiter to see if I'm right?" she winked at Chelsea and shot a mischievous glance at Bryan to see his reaction to her teasing.

Bryans' grin widened. "I come here quite often. I love seafood and Neeko there, " he thumbed behind him, not knowing where the waiter was, "knows me well enough not to divulge my secrets. If you want to know, I will tell but only in the sanctity of our own company." He winked at Mercy, turning to Chelsea, "No offence ma'am."

Chelsea rolled her eyes and joined in the joke. "None taken!" she grinned back and turning back to Mercy she added, pretending she was seriously worried. "I'd be cautious about going there if I were you! You might discover some skeletons you don't want to know about!" her wink informed Mercy that she was *in* on the conspiracy to tease Bryan about this.

Bryan pretended to let the women alone in their own fantasies, lifting the menu to read, already knowing what his order was to be. He leant towards the doctor. "Sir, I heartily recommend the 'Shacks Lobster casserole'. The sauce is divine. As for wine, the table white is more than adequate." This was his favourite dish, the lobster was casseroled with Shrimp, Vulcan sea mollusc and turbot.

Chelsea looked disappointed that Bryan clearly wasn't going to rise to their joke. "Aw!" she sighed and went back to studying the menu, deprived of the hoped for entertainment. Mercy shrugged and squeezed Bryan's hand to show they had only been playing.

"I'm very happy to try your recommendation Bryan" She declared and put the menu aside.

"Me too!" Chelsea agreed, waiting for Ryan to make his choice.

Mercy looked across at Chelsea and asked: "How are you liking DS5 now you've been here a while?"

"I love it!" Adams replied, her eyes alight. "It feels like I've been here forever now, I hardly remember what life was like before!"

"I know what you mean!" Mercy replied, nodding. "I feel that way too. Especially lately." she shot an adoring look at Bryan and blushed.

Chelsea lowered her eyes and her cheeks coloured a little too. "I hear you, sister" she whispered. The secrecy made the comment conspiratorial as if the two women were allowing each other into some top-secret information.

In reality, they were both completely transparent about their feelings for their men, wearing their hearts almost literally on their sleeves. It wasn't just the adoring gazes they both bestowed liberally on them, it was also very clear from their body language, with the two girls leaning in close to speak softly to the objects of their affection, or by their comfortable, frequent and tactile invasion into their men's personal space, softly touching their hands, arms, hair etc.

More than all that, it could clearly be seen by the glow about the two of them, their eyes alight and shining and their faces radiant and happy. These were so obviously two women in love that they might as well have been wearing neon signs announcing it above their heads.

Somehow, in that cosy little restaurant as they chatted amiably and laughed freely, it didn't matter how obvious it was because everyone who witnessed it was uplifted too. Their happiness brought on approving looks and smiles from everyone and the whole situation radiated a good aura all around.

"Ah, l'amour! C'est belle, n'est pas?" an elderley french patron remarked to Neeko as he fussed around her table making sure all was well with her meal. "Si signora! Bellissima" he replied in his own native tongue.


Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Mercedes Denoublier
Played by Chelsea

Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Bryan Surzchenko
Played by Tasha

Chief Medical Officer Lt. Ryan Milarno

Asst Chief Medical Officer Lt (jg) Chelsea Adams

Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum