Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Reporting in; the logical thing to do.
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reporting in; the logical thing to do.
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Dec 17, 2008 @ 1:40am
Location   Ops
Timeline   Sd3 20:45
T'Lan exited the Turbolift and entered Base Ops. She began to observe the hustle of activity at the Base's nerve center. More tame than the promenade, but as active. On Vulcan ships, crews were quiet. There was a pervading sense of calm and logic on a Vulcan ship.

Roxanne had spotted the Commander heading her way. ~Is this the new XO?~ She wondered as she stepped from the environmental console to greet the Vulcan woman. She stood to attention as the female drew up.

"Commander. Welcome aboard Deep Space five. I am Petty officer, Roxanne Bradfield. Can I be of help?" She asked holding her shoulders back and her chin up.

"I am looking for Captain Tahir." T'lan replied simply.

"Sorry ma'am. Captain Tahir is in her quarters." She said, adding "Deck 24, Captains suite." Before the Vulcan had a chance to ask.

T'Lan nodded, "Understood, then I will contact her momentarily." She tapped her combadge.

Tasha was stretched out on the bed with her arms flat at her side as her chest rose and fell in smooth rhythm to the beat of the sounds that played around her. Her thoughts were quite untroubled after her talk with the counsellor, though a small matter of the St Charles would be queried in the morning. Her shoulder had felt a great deal better than earlier, though she had no doubt that by morning, it would feel stiff.
She closed her eyes, listening to the music which was soft and lilting, some Catian performance, but it was oddly soothing and helped her relax.

Her comm sounded and without opening her eyes, she reached to the cabinet beside the bed, clasped the badge and pressed.

=^= "Tahir, go ahead." =^=

"Greetings Captain. I am Lieutenant Commander T'Lan. I have been assigned to replace your current Executive Officer." T'Lan said in a typical Vulcan tone.

=^= "Commander? You were not due aboard until tomorrow evening." She blurted out, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed as she raised herself up from the prone position. "Sorry, please forgive me. How can I help?" She said the first thing that came into her mind and it went straight to her mouth, bypassing her brain.

Humans were always unpredictable. At one moment they could be as passionately driven as Klingons, and the next moment, they suddenly would embrace logic. "Starfleet Command felt it was appropriate for me to report in as soon as possible. I understand there has been a terrorist attack on this base?"

=^= "Yes." She replied, drawing a sharp intake of breath. Bad news always travelled faster than good. "An unfortunate turn of events, but nothing that was not handled....well." She was not in her best frame of mind and thought it would be better to talk face to face. "Where are you now? Docking bay?" She enquired, taking her gown from the chair and slipping her arms through. "I can be there in a few minutes." =^= She advised, pulling the cloth garment around her waist and fastening the sash in a knot.

"I can come to your quarters if that would suffice?" T'Lan said.]

=^= "Very well, Lieutenant Commander, my quarters. I look forward to seeing you." =^= Tasha replied, picking up a PADD and calling up the Lieutenant Commanders profile.


T'Lan approached the Captain's Quarters and pushed the doorchime. Quietly, she waited for the Captain to answer the door.

Now dressed in a simple robe and with her hair again held back by a plain hairband, she called out, "Enter." Tasha was struck by the unassuming nature of the Vulcan female as she entered, her eyes not leaving Tashas.

"Please," The captain smiled, beckoning her inward with a wave of her hand, "come in, take a seat."

"Thank you Captain." T'Lan said.

Tasha stood beside the lounge seat opposite T'lan. "I am sorry I didn't meet you in person on your arrival. I had not been informed you were arriving early." She paused, wondering if now was the time to call on Talara, just to let her know that she could stand down in her duty as first officer, but decided that would best be left until morning. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" She asked, before settling onto the seat herself.

"A cup of Vulcan Herbal Tea will do." T'Lan said simply. She had often learned to take a gesture of hospitality from humans, it tended to make her seem less insensitive to their feelings.

Tasha nodded and swung over to the replicator and ordered a herbal tea for T'Lan and a rich hot chocolate for herself. Once the swirl of light diminished, Tasha took the cups and offered her colleague her beverage before taking her own position just opposite.

She sipped the creamy hot sweet drink and lapped at her lips, wiping away the froth from her lip as she waited for the Vulcan to lower her own.

Resting the cup on her knee, Tasha continued her conversation. "I read your profile, what prompted you to leave the Selaya before coming to DS5, especially as your due a promotion to full Commander?" She inquired, her curiosity piqued.

T'Lan spoke. "I have a certain admiration for Humans. Even though I find serving on a Vulcan Crew of some merit. I have always seen other races in a different light other than many Vulcans. True you do not practice logic however you are a surprising race with a strength that I respect. That and I was growing a bit 'confined' on a starship. Tell me of yourself Captain?"

Tasha was surprised at the question, so few had wanted to know about her as a person. She took a sip of the chocolate and settled back into her chair.
"There is an awful lot to tell" She said, but will skip my youth and start from after I left the Academy..." She proceeded to tell T'Lan about her life on various ships and how she had met and fallen in love with Roman, then how she stepped down from her own career to help him at Starfleet, omitting the part where she was also helping herself, then onto his death and how she had broken down completely before taking positions on starships just to get her from Earth.
"..then I was offered command of a Starship, the USS Hunter, which was named after Roman, but when I arrived, things got a bit more complicated and I was asked to swap positions to here. Then a few weeks later, I took command and here I am, battered, bruised and a hell of a lot meaner." She said with a wry smile, as she was not mean, just tired. "Not really, I try to be fair and judge on merit and I rely heavily on my staff. Its a huge station and it demands constant attention. Do you think you will be able to fulfill your role?" Tasha asked, placing down the now empty cup.

"I am fair to all on this base Captain. Even yourself, and my conduct will reflect this. A more immediate concern I have is your wellbeing. Considering you were nearly assassinated, I believe you should take some leave and recover properly from your wounds. The Counselor has advised me that you should be allowed some hours on duty and I believe you should limit yourself to light duty. Consider this my first recommendation as your Executive Officer." T'Lan said in the most non-confrontational tone she could.

Tasha waved her hand dismissively. "Light duty is not something that can be done easily, but I will not lift anything too heavy after all, it only hurts when I laugh." She chuckled. "And saying that, it's getting late. You should settle into your quarters, oh, have you been allocated any?" She suddenly enquired as the mention of them made her think.

T'Lan raised her eyebrow. "Indeed. As for my quarters, I have been assigned some quarters." She found the Commanding Officer most illogical.

Tahir smiled. "Good, in that case, you can take the morning briefing tomorrow, it will be as good an opportunity to introduce yourself as any and it will give the department heads a chance to meet you as well. Now, if you'll excuse me, commander, I need to get some rest." She was not feeling tired, her arm ached, but after the day she had, she just wanted time to contemplate.

T'Lan nodded, "Then I will leave you be."

"Thanks and welcome aboard Commander, I hope you find this a good place to be." Tasha replied, rubbing her eyes.