Judgement – Worthy opponent for a worthy prize
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Worthy opponent for a worthy prize
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Thu Aug 11, 2011 @ 10:23am
Location   Holodeck
Timeline   Backpost MD 37: 11h00 - following "Gotta be interesting"

The net tore and flung T'Pal violently against the opposite wall, the lower parts of her legs lapped by the flames. With her superior upper body strengh she was able to climb the rest of the way to the top. The burns were not serious at all and T'Pal ignored them. Her body would take care of itself. Now perhaps it was time to try the next program. "Computer load *Arena*," she instructed.

The fire froze in place, and the shadows stopped moving, and the usual sense of uncanniness settled over the frzen deck. As with the ‘Morning Run’, a series of options presented themselves to the half-vulcan: Andorian Ice Caves; Red Mountain Tribe (258); Imperial Rome; Orion Pits; Triskelion;

T'Pal preferred heat over cold from both sides of her heritage, so she selected the Red Mountain Tribe (258) without hesitation, watching the scene unfold in front of her.

In a second of two, the computer slowing the transition for the comfort of the participants rather than any hesitation on the part of the equipment, T'Pal was standing in a corridor that was seemingly carved from the root stock of a giant tree, the floor laid to wooden planks. The corridor opened to the outside a little way ahead, and through the opening she could see and open space, bounded by buttress roots, that had walls constructed between them. Within that open space, with a hard packed earth floor, she could see several large poles, with several platforms, between others was hung a scramble net. They merely added interest to the arena floor, an extra level of terrain, than filled it.

From the angle she had she could see what looked like a box, and seated within, several brightly coloured individuals, who apart from their colouration seemed human enough. Bokkai, she realised. Most of them were female, but standing next to one woman with a haughty expression was a most definitely male, even though he was young. From her reckoning he would be the equivalent of sixteen on a human.

Two more characters appeared. This time next to her in the corridor. One was a stocky woman, light violet in colour with close cropped hair only a shade or two darker. She wore little, a skirt made from strands of beads, and a short bra top that strapped her breasts down. She was perhaps in her forties. She held a pile of leather in one arm, and a scabbarded blade in the other hand, and T’Pal could clearly see that once this woman would have been a warrior to be reckoned with, but now age had bested her

Next to her was another woman of similar age, but unlike the warrior, this woman was heavily pregnant. She wore a long kilt under the bump, and necklace that seemed to be a curtain of beads, and that was it. Her hair was worn in soft curls that made her look a regal but faded beauty. And she had more than a passing resemblance to the bar tender.

T'Pal moved forward, following the two women, her eyes flicking to the youth once or twice. ~Was he a prize of some sort?~ she wondered. "Excuse me," she asked the individual resembling Yolanthe. "What is going on here?" she asked..

"Oh sweetheart," the woman sighed. "Don't get like this. I only came to wish you luck. And give you a bit of an incentive." The woman turned T'Pal towards the opeening of the corridor. "Can you see him from here? I did a bit of digging. He was born to the Twelve Tigers, they sold him onto the Howling Waters, who passed him to Red Mountain last spring to pay their debts. and, best of all!" She paused dramatically. "He's still a virgin!"

Still stlightly confused, but definetely intriqued now, T'Pal swept her eyes over the scene in front of her. "How do I get to have him?" she asked. She suspected that she would have to fight, but that would make the victory just so much sweeter.

Both women looked surprised, flashing aquamarine before settling back to violet Then the shorter one, the warrior said. "You get kitted up, and you go do what you do." she said gruffly, holding out the leather towards t'Pal.

The other one smiled broadly, "That's my girl. And you never know. A virgin, Tweleve Tigers. It might just happen for you, finally."

~So a fight it will be....~ T'Pal nodded, ignoring their surprise and took the leather. "Well, then help me get ready, " she said, looking towards her prize. "But I doubt he is a virgin," she added with a wink

"He'd better bloody be," the pregnant woman shot back. "Otherwise You should ask for a damn sight more money."

"Jalena," said the shorter woman, "you shouldn't be on your feet in your condition. I can take it from here." She started shaking out the leather, which T'pal saw was body armourm and began to help her into it. "I meant it, Jalena." she repeated when the other woman didn't move. "Go!"

"Alright, I'm leaving!" Jalena held up her hands and then leaned forward awkwardly to give t'Pal a peck on the cheek. "Good luck, darling. Scalp her good!"

As Jalena waddled back up the corridor, the other woman continued to pull the armour into place and strap t'Pal in. "You'll take her apart. Persimone listens to to much of her own publicity. Even that trollop flashing his eyelashes up there won't help her performance much."

"Really.." T'Pal commented as she pulled the last strap tight. "I am ready..." she said. Her skin pricked slightly as adrenaline started to course through her veins. The prosect of the fight, voctory and it's award was more than a little appealing.

When she reached the open area, she felt eyes turn towards her. Her bronzed skin gleamed in the light, accentuating her defined muscles.

As she emerged into the light, the crowd began to roar. The whole arena was bounded by trees, massive to T’Pal’s eyes, but dwarfed in turn by species as big as sky scrapers, and between the trees were built stepped seating looking down onto the small light dappled clearing. The seating was filled with people in a riot of shades of blue and violet, though as she emerged onto the arena grounds some started to tinge towards sandy yellows and ochres, and even a few pinks.

After a few seconds, the wordless cheer resolved into a chant. ”Adanae! Adanae! Adanae!”

T'Pal's hazel eyes flicked to different noticable individuals to others that attracted her attention. Species she had never encountered before yelled as much as the colorful Bokkai. She now swept her gaze over the crowd until they came to rest on her opponent.

On the otherside of the arena a woman was walking towards her, yellow as banana skins, dressed in what looked like leather armour and carry a scabbarded sword in her right hand. She had a broken nose, and long hair bound into hundreds of small braids, hanging loose around her shoulders.

“Surprised you showed, bitch.” The woman spat from a distance well out of reach. “You’re going to lose this time, you know.”

"I am more surprised you showed, petaQ!" she started to play the game. "Computer place a type K'e bat'leth in my hand," she instructed. "Seems you are a bit more afraid than the last time..." she said as the bat'leth appeared in her hands. Making large circles to test the replicated blade's balance.

"Are we going to start today still?" she taunted

“Eager to lose your hair?” Persimone snorted. “Wait for it,” she held up a cautionary finger, and from somewhere above came the sound of a gong. T’Pal’s apponent dashed toward her, throwing her scabbard away as she did so, revealing a blade that was made of crystal. She didn’t raise it to strike though. At the last moment she dropped into a skid, spraying sand from the arena floor into T’Pal’s face.

T'Pal blinked in time to prevent most of the sand of entering her eyes. Instead of jumping back or sideways, she leapt up and over the woman. She turned around as she touched the ground kicked her opponent over further forward, landing a foot on her backside. She probably could have already dealt a her a blow with her bat'leth but didn't. The crowd and the other woman would know that, and that was enough for T'Pal.

"Now you know who you are fighting!"

Persimone rolled to her feet in a smooth motion, turning orange for a moment as the crowd laughed. Then she came forward again, slashing high, low, high, driving t'Pal towards the more constricted area of the poles with the netting strung between.

T'Pal blocked the sweeping weapon, but didn't go on the offensive. It was time to analyse her opponent. She was used to winning relatively quickly, as she was expending far too much energy for an drawn out fight. She had unusual strength for her race, so few woman could withstand this assualt for very long. T'Pal ducked low to avoid a side swipe to her neck and allowed the swipe to continue on. A good way to see how much control she had over the stroke.

As expected it made a wide half circle, leaving Persimome's right side nice and open. T'Pal moved in, drving the edge of her Bat'leth in her rib cage, not enough to be fatal, but blood will flow freely. Her momentum carried her forward passed Parsimone and with a roll she was on the other side of the Bokkai warrior again. "I wanted to kill you now," she taunted. "but do I do that by scalping you?" she asked, her eyes glittering with pure enjoyment of battle.

Her opponent did bother to reply. She'd gone a sallow grey when the Batleth bit through the armour and pushed into her body. Now she flushed brilliant cadmium yellow, spat blood from her mouth, and she replied by twisting, rolling, and then stabbing the point of her crystal sword through t'Pal's boot. With the safety parameters disengaged from the previous program, it passed cleanly through the thick leather as if it wasn't there, and drove down, pinning t'Pal's foot.

Persimone got to her feet, though not as nimbly as t'Pal had done, and leaving the sword in place, span round and planted a hefty kick into t'Pal's stomach.

The sharp pain in T'Pal's foot was just enough to bring out the inherent Klingon rage in her. No more Vulcan control, or mentsl discipline, it was now pure Klingon bloodlust. Her fingers were locked around the sword when the kick hit her, pulling the sword out and freeing her foot. Adding to the momentum she rolled backwards, landing on her feet, now with her own bat'leth in one hand and Persimone's sword in the other.

T'Pal didn't take notice of the crowd at all. Her eyes flicked to the apparent virgin young man and back to her opponent. A smirk pulled at the corners of her mouth, remembering what the old warrior had said before. "So it seems you like loosing your weapons..... maybe you like loosing the prize too..." With that she tossed both the batleth and sword into the crowd, leaving her with only a knife.

With suprising agility, given her wound, the bokkai just growled and sprang up, bracing off a nearby post to launch a flying kick at the Half-klingons head. At the same time she gave a flick of her arm, and half a dozen tiny darts were loosed at T'pal, their tips shining with something thick and viscous.

"At least I'm not a waste of his virginity," Persimone landed heavily, and pulled her own slim dagger, also crystalline, from a sheath on her arm.

In a swift, fluid move, T'Pal dropped her upper towards the ground, and propelling her long legs over her head, thus avoiding the bulk of the darts from hitting her body. Not all though. Some were deflected by her armour and where the others, penetrated her skin, incredible burning seered her skin like small fires. It took a moment or two, but T'Pal pushed the pain to the back of her mind. "Sorry to disappoint you, ... but pain don't effect me much..." she said dryly.

Suddenly she lauched a vicious attack on her opponent, her knife cutting the air in acrs and stabs, cuts and slices with lighting speed. The fight invigorated her on more than one level. The prize became vey alluring. When she jumped back, Persimone was bleeding in several placed. She herself sustained the odd wound, but T'Pal fitness now started to count. She continued to fight be cause she wanted to, but now she wanted something else, so she was looking to end the encounter. Again she attacked mercilessly, victory adging closer and closer.

Persimone spun and twisted blocking the knife on her vambraces or dodging completely, openinig a slice here and there and falling back all the time. Sweat ran from her lemon coloured skin, and the dust stuck to it, mixing into the sliver blood that dripped here and there.

T'Pal didn't let up now. It was becoming easier to break through the other woman's defences. Unexpectedly, she ducked a fast slice over her elft, and using the momentum, she planted a hard kick firmly in Persimone's gut, sending her bakcwards. Following through she launched forward again immediately. This time her knife dug deep into Persimone's thigh.

Even as the blade was sliding in, the bokkai grabbed T'Pal's wrist, holding her in postion for a brief moment. Breif, but long enough to ram her own knife up under t'Pal's arm into the exposed armpit, and twist hard. The crystal knife glanced off the toughened muscle of the Half-klingon's rib cage, and moved up. Persimone twisted savegely, and the edge severed tendons, missing the artery by nanometers.

Blood now flowed freely from the wound under the hybrid's arm. The nerve bundels were also missed, but the pain was incredible. A wave of heat washed over T'Pal as the battle rage from her Klingon side set in. Accompanied with a deep growl, T'pal dug the knife in deeper and then sliced it sideways, tearing through the thigh mucles, like a butcher. Her good arm came up and pushed hard into the solar plexus of the other woman, pushing air from her lungs. She moved back and followed up with a hard kick, landing her heel on her temple.

Persimone's head shapped to the side, but she just kept moving, wounds in her side and leg oozing silver blood. She staggered as her left leg barely held her weight, and then she lunged forward, throwiing all her wieght into the hybrid, coming in against her useless arm. They crashed to the sand, Persimone's arm across her throat and the bokkai crushed her entire weight down onto T'Pal's windpipe. Pain and fear showed in her dark green face, but she wasn't giving up, and her hand moved to bring the knife down into T'Pal's now unprotected side.

T'Pal was not very perturbed about the Bokkai's hold on her throat, but she did enjoy the fear she saw. She made an error in placing so much weight towards the front. T'Pal lifted her hips in a powerful thrust, dislodging the Bokkai, and saving her side at the same time. As Persimone fell to the side, T'Pal was already on her feet and she placed another devastating kick right on Persimone's chin, sending her flying backwards. The hybrid struggled to breath as her windpipe was damaged, but she hardly noiticed it.

The other woman's face was now a mass of black bruises, silver blood running freely from her mouth. She spat out a couple of broken teeth. With the damage to her leg she couldn't move far or fast, so now she waited. tip of her knife held before her defensively. "Why wait? Frightened I'm going to finish you? You had to lose eventually."

T'Pal's right arm was completely useless now and she knew that she would need extensive surgery to fix it. That was a little problem. She wanted to keep under the radar and doctors had the nasty habit of recording injuries. The dark green patch under her arm grew steadily, but the pain was under control. Still she was loosing blood relatively fast. She took her blade in her left hand, which made no difference to her skill. "I don't think so.... " T'Pal said as she flicked her wrist and projected the knife, pinning it into Persimone's throat. "You are the one loosing..."

The bokkai's eyes widened is surprise, and she flashed al the colours of the rainbow in one eye-blink fast ripple, then she turned yellow, green, grey. Her life blood spilled around her, gushing from the wound. She flailed towards T'Pal, one last desperate footstep. Then she foldend down onto her knees, then her face.

As she tumbled in front of the victor, T'Pal stepped forwards. "You were a worthy opponent, Bokkai.." she said to Persimone. "Die well."

In death she was no different in colour to T'Pal, nothing to indicate she wasn't anything different than any one of a hundred humanoid races.

THe crowd went wild. some yellow, some orange, but most shades of bright blue, or pink, or deeper violet. Again the cheer went up: ”Adanae! Adanae! Adanae!”

In the box, the women there, and the boy, all leant forward, as if expectant, waiting. The man-boy was a deep fuschia, the woman next to him bright yellow.

T'Pal raised her eyes to her prize, staring at him and then shifted her gaze to the woman next to him. "Bring him to me," she said, with a clear *or you will end up like this warrior here* in her tone.

The seated woman did not move for a moment, then dipped her chin regally, acknowledging T'Pal. Somewhere behind the victorious half-breed a gong sounded, and a moment later, T'Pal was surrounded by women in assorted colours of electric blue who swept her up onto their shouldeers, whooping, screaming and cheering, carrying her around the arena whilst the rest of the crowd cheered.

The impromptu procession came to a stop a few minutes later when a smaller knot of people, women with sour expressions, and skis of yellow and orange in every conceivable hue, moved to the centre of the arena floor. Her bearer carried her towards them, before depositing her in front of the of the leader, a bony faced woman whose long hair was piled high on her head, emphasiing the sharp planes of her face. "Congratulations. It was a battle worthy of your reputation."

"I had a worthy opponent," T'Pal said with a regal nod of her own. It was the best fight she had had for years and she truly did enjoy it. "Though you don't seem to be too happy about my victory," she said with a slight smirk, as her eyes drifted to her prize.

T'Pal's comment on Persimone seemed to surprise the woman, but her body language softened, and the babana yellow of her colouring darkened to a sandy gold. "We lose a valued warrior and a valuable male. In my place you would not be happy either. But it was fairly won." She reached behind her, and led the boy forward by the man. "Your prize, champion. Though maybe you would prefer to wait until you have seen the medicine women, so you can make proper use of him?"

T'Pal returned a regal nod of her own, before her eyes shifted to the man-boy, wondering if the crimson color he displayed was an indication that he looked rather forward to their encounter. "Thank you, but I will use my own medicine woman," she said.

"Computer freeze prgramme and save under Murdock Alpha 2," she instructed. The characters shimmered and disappeared, leaving the grid only. T'Pal turned and walked out to get dressed and make a dreaded visit to sickbay. She would have to have her injury taken care of. She could not afford to have her performance impaired in any way. Now she had to find the right doctor.


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