Beg, Steal or Borrow – Locate and Leave
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Locate and Leave
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Fri Jan 23, 2009 @ 9:26pm
Location   Deck 24, Captains' suite (Room 11)
Timeline   SD7 00:15

"Good. Tahir out." Closing the communication Tasha slumped backwards into her chair. Her first thought was to call for Ayren, but then she changed her mind, making the next call was obvious, even if they had not spoken for a few days.

"Computer, locate the Romulan Ambassador, Isha t'Khellian." She wrung her hands together, adding, "and then locate Ayren Kelan."


"Both Isha t'Khellian and Ayren Kelan are in their quarters," came the monotone reply from the computer.

Tasha slumped onto the bed. As if leaving the station wasn't bad enough, now the Romulans were upset at a federation craft causing some damage to their ship and their Commander was obviously very annoyed.

Her head fell into her hands, deliberating her next move, moving the early morning start to a very early morning start.

"Damn!" She cried aloud, listening to her own voice echo in the room. She wanted to cry, but she had to put on a brave face before escaping this station for god only knew what back on Earth.

Her hand hovered over her comm on the bedside cupboard. Would she? Could she?
She picked it up, pressing the badge between her finger and thumb.

=^= "Tasha to Ambassador t'Khellian." She regretted it as soon as she said it, but she had other things on her mind and she needed this situation taken care of, or at least showing the Romulans that something was being done.

Isha turned in her bed, her response was little more than a whisper, “this is t’Khellian, a moment please and I’ll re-establish the channel.”

Isha traced her hand over Rh’vaurek’s cheek, lingering as his eyes flickered in response to her touch. Her eyes skimmed down to the gentle rise and fall of his chest; he slept soundly here, sound enough to allow her to move into the other room and have the conversation unheard, anyway … she hoped.

Isha drew a glass of tea from the replicator and slipped into the bathroom. “What may I help you with, Captain?”

Tasha had grown more nervous as the minutes ticked by. She felt a little angry at herself, Ishas voice had been a mere whisper and she felt she had disturbed and she hoped it was not unnecessarily. She had sat back at her desk, risen, walked to the window, her mind was in total disarray when Isha had reopened the channel.

"I am so sorry to disturb you so late, I have only 2 people I can think of to help me." The words rushed out her mouth. "Forgive me. I have just had a very annoyed, to say the least, Commander H'daen tr’Rehu of the Rhiandhaell and its a rather delicate matter that I would rather speak to you in person about, if you can spare me a few minutes." Tasha shook her head as her hand rubbed her leg, wiping away the tingle in her hand.

tr’Rehu, Isha thought, wrinkling her nose as she straightened her hair, “I can come,” she said. It was probably better that Rh’vaurek not be included in the discussion until she knew exactly why Tahir thought the matter sensitive. “Are you in your office?”

Without thinking Tasha nodded before vocalising her acknowledgement. "Yes, sorry. Deck 24." Forgetting that Isha had been there before. She added a simple thanks.

“I’ll be with you as soon as I can,” she said.

“Where are you sneaking off to?” Rh’vaurek asked as she pulled a gown over her head. He was sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed every bit as naked ass she had been moments before.

“Do you ever sleep?” she asked sitting on the edge of the bed as she tied a scarf around her throat hoping it would cover the rather obvious bite marks on her neck.

”Don’t change the subject.”

“I don’t sneak!” Isha said skipping out of reach of his arm. “Tahir wants to see me, she’s having trouble with some Romulans; H’daen tr’Rehu mean anything to you? Or a ship named Rhiandhaell?”

He shook his head. “I’m not aware of anyone operating in this area,” his wrinkled brow perplexed. “Do you want me to look him up?”

Isha nodded, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


As she closed the comm to Isha, she knew she had to call on the very person who had just spent a few days aboard with the Romulans, Ayren, as she had a unique insight into them.

=^= "Ayren, can you come to my quarters. I have a situation to which your particular insight would come in most useful." Tasha practically pleaded.

"Of course," Ayren replied before getting out of bed, not missing the tone in Tasha's voice. "Will be there shortly." She was reading a book and dressed only in silk lingerie, but that would have to change.. and quickly. Donning on a pair of jeans and boots with a white top, she couldn't help but wonder what the reason behind Tasha's call was. Not having an idea what and who this might involve, she had to make sure she was presentable to be the Federation diplomat at all times. She quickly put her hair up, added mascara and some lip gloss and left her quarters, after grabbing a red jacket.

Tasha thanked Ayren and waited as patiently as she could, pacing back and forth, waiting for the first of 2 chime, not knowing who would arrive first.

The last time Isha had visited Tahir’s quarters the woman had been in quite a state, but then so had she been. Tonight Tahir’s not of urgency suggested to Isha that the Captain spent much of her time in ‘a state’ whereas she was quite collected and intrigued to know what sort of trouble this tr’Rehu was causing.

The door was opened with considerable speed and Isha entered briefly greeting Tahir with a thin smile.

Ayren saw the Romulan Diplomat enter, and rushed to get to the door in time, but it had closed before she reached it. She pressed the annunciator, a concerned frown on her forehead as she was thinking what this could be about. When the door opened, she stepped inside and greeted Tasha and Isha.

Tasha managed a weak smile, allowing the door to close behind Ayren.

"Than you both for coming. The reason I didn't want to talk over an open communication, is because of our Romulan friends nearby. Ayren, you spent some time over there and I hoped you could give me an insight as to their real reason for standing dormant. Isha, as a Romulan reporter and ambassador, I hope you could smooth things over or at least find out why the commander is so upset at a federation ship causing some sort of damage." She swung over to the desk, spinning the screen around and replaying the audio message from Commander tr’Rehu.

Isha raised an eyebrow; As a Romulan, why do you think I would tell you anything if I knew what they were doing there? she thought as she listened to the transmission.

Ayren had her senses on full alert, and though she didn't attempt to read the Ambassador's thoughts, she felt the guardedness, which was normal in the world of diplomacy. If she sensed deception, now that would be a different story. Her own face revealed nothing of her own perceptions. She had heard of the Ambassador, but had not met her personally.

“Captain, officially, I must inform you that tr’Rehu stated very clearly the issue; the Empire views state sanctioned attempts at sabotage very dimly – unauthorised proximity to the vessel, a Federation signature – why would a diplomatic vessel draw attention to itself?” To highlight her point Isha switched mid-sentence from her native tongue to Federation standard, “Unofficially, ask yourself what was he not saying,” she advised. “He was communicating in Rihannsu, I have found that your universal translators largely fail to catch the nuances of our tongue.”

"Is there anything that you could point out that we are not hearing, Ambassador?" Ayren asked Isha.

”Who am I to say what you may or may not hear?” Isha said a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “However, the translator also failed to grasp what the voice in the background said, I didn’t catch it fully myself, but I assure you it was an order given by someone superior to Riov tr’Rehu, I am unsure why a Missionary vessel would be carrying a Nraehhi'Saehne, although it is not impossible, who knows how the Tal’Shiar work,” she shrugged, pausing as she saw the puzzled looks. “A Political Officer is often imposed on a ship by the Tal’Shiar; the commander of a vessel would be a fool to disobey one. Of course it could be something different entirely, you say there are three ships … if so then tr’Rehu may be merely the spokesman for a higher ranking individual connected to one of the other vessels, one who wishes to stay out of sight. To say any more would be speculation,” Isha said.

She turned the screen back to its original position. "I am not sure what damage has been done, or why he is so annoyed. Any help either of you can give, would be beneficial to us all and to make matters worse, I am leaving for Earth shortly and my replacement has yet to make contact with the station or given me an ETA in which to expect him which means that if the Commander cannot speak to somebody in authority, it may tip the balance away from placidity to ... well, lets not go there." Tasha was full of nervous energy and this was the last thing she wanted to do, just before leaving the station.

“Captain, the Rihannsu Stelam Shiar does not make random unprovoked attacks on Federation installations,” Isha said, “Surely your second in command is sufficiently skilled to deal with any perceived threat without the situation escalating.”

Tasha was unsure what level of diplomacy T'Lan had and for a Vulcan was quite vocal in her responses and would probably inflame an already volatile situation, reflecting on the debrief.

"I am not so sure she would. It's my obligation to exhaust any diplomatic possibility. I have ordered all ships registries be given to the commander for the last 3 hours, but as you point out Isha, what is it that he is not saying. Ayren?" Her head jolted upward.

"He has not informed us of what that breach in security was, nor what damage he was referring to. He was implying sabotage, yet not supplying us with relevant information. He wants records, and perhaps that is what he is after. I suggest we ask for proof of what he says, before the release information to him," said the diplomat.

Isha blinked slowly as the diplomatic officer spoke, feeling just a little dowdy beside her; she was a Betazoid, which made Isha wary, “Until such time as he shows himself to be unworthy of it, his word is proof enough, to another Rihannha,” Isha said continuing to speak in Federation Standard, as was her habit among the lloann'su. “In tr’Rehu’s situation, I would demand the same.”

Isha linked her hands demurely before her, “There is another matter that I would like to raise, one that is somewhat delicate and which may be related to our unexpected guest’s appearance. A citizen of the Empire, one who I am informed has links with our intelligence service and who is believed to be responsible for the murder of a Galae officer has defected; an act which took place on board this station. The woman in question is still in residence and in the interests of co-operation I must, in the name of the Empire formally request your assistance in securing her extradition.”

"I cannot help but wonder if there is a connection somehow," Ayren said in a neutral tone, not making any accusations, but carefully monitoring nuances as she experience them.

What had started out as a quest for help, had spun about and bitten Tasha hard. "Who is this woman and where on the station is she now?" Tasha enquired, then added, "Could she have piloted a ship into a cloaked Romulan ship to divert attention?"

Isha shook her head, "One defects in order to disappear, not to draw attention to oneself," she said, her voice smooth like ice. "Perhaps now was not the most prudent time to raise the issue, however with your imminent departure, Captain, I thought it best to make the situation known. I know little about the woman myself, save that her name is Veralan Iawaain, and she appears to have a prior connection with that ostentatious marine of yours."

"Who? Darson? Really?" The captain released a long exhaled breath, not unlike a sigh. She shook her head. "I would need to speak with him, or if you prefer, you can and I am sure that Ayren would be more than happy to assist you." Tasha made her way to her desk and pulled back the chair, spun it about on one leg and sat sideways into it, so the back was under her arm. "All I need to know, is the real reason for the Romulan ships station off the station and why they would make a big song and dance about a craft that caused some damage. Now I have more questions than answers. Argghhhh!" Her hands went to her head and she mockingly pulled at her hair, feigning frustration with a smile. In fact she really was frustrated, not just by the Romulans suddenly breaking their silence for some ship that may have just had a scrape with their own, but for her long journey to Earth and how the station was going to be ran without her.

"At this stage the limit of my role is to request the extradition, for the time being the rest is in your hands. I will do this formally later today," Isha said. She tilted her head to one side as she gazed out of the window seemingly contemplating the veiled ships beyond the station, "I'd like to know too," she admitted, "its a breach of protocol for them not to announce their intentions to the Consulate at the very least, it makes our situation potentially awkward."

"I will leave orders for my replacement to instigate it upon his arrival. Thanks for your help." She said, shrugging her shoulders and casting a glance across to her bags, sitting on the bed.

“Thank you, Captain Tahir,” Isha replied with a slight inclination of her head. “If our friend tr’Rehu has any more requests you might instruct your people to direct him to me – until your successor arrives, of course. I have no objection to a representative of your staff being present … perhaps your Diplomatic Officer here,” Isha suggested; Tahir might be in a hurry, but she was not one to be rushed.

Ayren nodded, indicating that she was willing. "Of course," she said pursing her lips slightly as if to prevent words from spilling out. She had indeed spent time with the Romulans, but this was not the time to disclose the nature of her visit.

Tasha nodded her agreement to the suggestion and noticed the change in Isha. She was colder, more Romulan for want of a better phrase. What had happened to her in the last few days since they had last spoken?

"Ayren, now you know what is happening, I am entrusting you to work with Commander T'Lan and Commander Davies. If Isha needs assistance, I am sure that between you, we can help her as she has helped us."

Ayren nodded. "Of course, Captain." she turned to address Isha, "I will do whatever I can to help, Ambassador." She was bound to keep quiet about the Romulan religeous sect and would have to first speak to T'Irahl again. If she wanted information, she needed to honour their agreement. She had worked too hard to get it.

”Then it’s agreed,” Isha said pleasantly though her gaze remained neutral; she did not need to be a telepath to see that the Betazoid distrusted her and was keeping her tongue wrapped tightly round whatever thoughts she wished to share with the Captain. So be it! “We are all friends, after all. May I be of any further assistance?” she enquired fingering the scarf at her throat.

Tasha noticed the bruising just below the line of her scarf, but didn't say anything though she did wonder if Dorian had made more threats and acted upon them, which was why Isha shielded herself so.

Isha's hand dropped to her side, her gaze tracking the path of Tahir's; colouring slightly, she lowered her eyes.

"No, thanks and I appreciate you coming up to help. I will let you get back." She turned to Ayren. "And you to Ayren, you have both been a great help. Is there anything I can do for either of you before I leave?" The captain asked, her hands spreading palm up in offer.

Ayren sensed Isha's conclusion about her holding back, but could do nothing about it now. Turning her attention back to Tasha she shook her head, 'Nothing from me," she said.

"Then I will take my leave, Captain, Ayren." With a final inclination of her head she turned and swept from the room without waiting for a reply.

It seemed to Isha that she had a night of work ahead of her. She might dwell on their station but she was not necessarily on their side; Isha was not quite sure that Tahir had understood that.

Ayren watched the Romulan Ambassador leave. Regardless of how much you think you gain with them, could one really ever trust them fully? Impulsively Ayren turned and gave Tasha a hug. When they dew apart, their eyes locked in mutual understanding for a moment. No words were necessary. Ayren knew that Tasha would read her support and loyalty in her eyes. And her friendship, With that she left, the doors swishing closed behind her.

She paused allowing the air to settle, grateful for the hug and stood watching the door for a moment, hoping the chime would ring and Ayren would come back to keep her company.
She was more confused than before an she was left in a state of utter apprehension about leaving DS5. She stepped backwards to the bed and sitting on its edge, before shuffling back a little, drawing her legs up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees and praying for some divine guidance.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Chief Diplomat, Ayren Kelan