Judgement – Just Don't Ask
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Just Don't Ask
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Tue Nov 16, 2010 @ 8:33pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD35. 23:20
With the Ambassador gone, Arrienye took her time getting dressed. Of course, she had little choice and, careful as she was, the action caused her a lot of pain. But, eventually, her robe was around her and her soft silk bottoms were on as well, sliding over her aching skin. She then leaned against the nearby wall, gathering her strength once more. Reaching up, t'Merek wiped the few tears that had welled up in her eyes from the pain before pushing herself off the wall and making her way slowly outside.

Nahir's extensive vocabulary had extended in unimaginable and colourful ways since she had joined this excuse for an embassy, but those particular developments were not something she would ever be able to share with the parents who had sought to help her make connections.

Esteemed diplomats, she had discovered were foul tempered, the lesser ones, rude and everyone else was a ravenous sychophant. She was exhausted. Well, maybe not everyone else she thought as a stack of padds in the curl of her arm she made her way back to reception and on to home. 

The woman's gait was wrong but she was sure it was  ... "t'Merek, are you okay?" she asked naively. "Wait," Nahir ran to reception, dropped her padds and was back within a minute. 

Arrienye groaned internally at the sound of Nahir's voice. Of all the people in the consulate, why did it have to be her? "I'm fine..." she said unconvincingly and with a strained voice as she moved slowly through reception.

"Arrain ... t'Merek ... Arrienye, you are not fine. I'm not blind, sit down," Nahir paused; she had dismissed that particular rumour, the Ambassdor was not that vindictive, was she? She did have a habit of throwing breakable objects but that hardly in the same league. "I don't mean to speak out of place, Arrain, but I am going off duty. Would you object if I walked with you?" she asked.

Arrienye looked up, examining her face suspiciously. She looked around, seeing that no one was there apart from two guards who she knew were trained to keep quiet about affairs going on in reception unless asked directly. Nahir didn't seem opportunistic at that moment, and Arrienye couldn't deny that she did need help. "No, it's alright. Thank you," she added the last after a moment of hesitation.

t'Merek's reaction, the jerky reticence was  ... weird, but then it was not her place to comment.

"Well, as I'm going off duty anyway we might as well share a lift, save resources, you know?" she ventured. t'Merek had taken her paranoia to a new level, perhaps, but for Nahir it was all in her gait. The woman could barely stand. 

"We were going to go for coffee," Nahir said, a little too loudly, "I can cancel though," but at the same time she embraced t'Merek as a friend. "Tell me later, or don't," she said, "Unless you want to fall before you reach the turblifts. Please, Arrain, I'm not blind and I am not stupid," she added. "Accept my assistance, because if you'll not you will fall on the floor when I push this arm away."

As Nahir made a movement towards her, Arrienye tried to jerk away, but wasn't quick enough. Arrienye let out a pained groan as she felt the pressure of Nahir's arm around her. "Let go..." she said through clenched teeth.

"O-okay," Nahir said as she backed off slightly. her breath held tight in her throat, "So you really aren't well," she said in a mutter that could barely be audible to anyone else. "It's still true, you can't get home Arrienye," Nahir sighed. "You were nice to me when most of the embassy was mocking me, Arrain t'Merek, I mean." she said more concerned by the woman's obvious pain and distress than a momentary lapse of protocol.

"I can make it. And no, I'm not well," t'Merek admitted, reaching up to rub her eyelids. That action caused one of the silk sleeves to slide down to her bent elbow, revealing two dark, bruised parallel welts on her forearm. One was brighter than the other, showing the blood building up underneath.

Nahir's eye's widened, "I didn't know," she said, "What did you ..." she changed that very quickly surmising this was not the time, or the place. "Come on, lean on me," she said, "Let me get you home, I have enough credits to pay for a site to site transport," Nahir offerred.

Arrienye wasn't one to protest. She couldn't stand much longer. The blood seemed to fall into her legs, making the pressure and pain rise. Walking seemed a little easier. She leaned very lightly on Nahir for support but otherwise remained quiet. 

"I tell you what," Nahir said in an undertone, "We'll do the transport from the next stop, not where it can be reported," she said, "then no-one need know that you didn't walk the whole way."

Arrienye nodded, then stopped suddenly, taking a few deep breaths until a sharp pain subsided. After a moment, the began walking again, holding onto Nahir gently. 

As soon as she was close to it Nahir punched the lift button, "I won't touch you again," she said, extending a hand that was obscured from observation by both their bodies. "I didn't know, but I do now. I'll take you home, Arrain," the offer was for t'Merek to grasp it, and to let Nahir help her.

Arrienye looked down at the offered hand, examining it for a few moments. When the lift arrived, Arrienye gave the doors a glance and finally took Nahir's hand in her hers. She didn't utter a word, finding the entire situation humiliating, yet unable to help the feeling of gratitude the she felt for Nahir. Inside, Arrienye knew this would probably be all over the consulate tomorrow, as Nahir did not have a reputation of a woman who kept her mouth shut about such things. But it wasn't tomorrow yet, so Arrienye didn't concern herself with that yet. 

Nahir did not know what do say; to attempt conversation seemed wrong somehow. "It’s a pretty robe," she said in a somewhat lame attempt to fill the silence between this floor and the next.

Arrienye blinked, looking up at her in disbelief. She was in pain, but Nahir's comment, at least for a moment took her thoughts away from that. Of all the things to say...

"Yes...yes it is," t'Merek nodded, allowing a very small smirk to show up on her face before she looked down, for the first time noticing exactly what she had on. She'd simply replicated a robe in the appropriate color, never giving it much thought.

"Come on," Nahir said as the lift slowed, then stopped. "We can get out here, and you'll be home in an instant. I'm coming too, because," because what? Because she thought t'Merek might collapse as soon as she materialised and not be able to help herself? Nahir could not say that, or even imply it - the thought was over in a second, "because its my credit, and the walk home will do me good."

The doors opened and Nahir made sure that she was between them so that the lift did not leave too soon to answer another call without giving t'Merek enough time to follow.

t'Merek nodded in gratitude as the younger woman gave her time to exit. "Site to site?" she inquired, putting a hand on Nahir's shoulder to steady herself.

Nahir nodded, she wasn't sure how this worked, but swhe knew it could be done. "This is Nahir i-Orinwen," she said in well pronounced Federation Standard, "I need a site to site transport for two from deck sixty two to the quarters of Arrienye t'Merek. Is that ok?"

The slight chuckle in the throat of whoever received the request was audible, "That's ok," she said, "let me check. Ok Miss Orinwen, authorising transport now."

And then in a shimmer it was done.

A few seconds later, the two woman found themselves in the middle of Arrienye's living room. It wasn't too big but the color combination of forest green and white seemed to make it appear much larger. It was filled with a rich, floral scent from the various plants placed in certain places mixed in with the smell of incense. As they fully materialized, Arrienye leaned against the back of her couch.

"Is there anything I can do now the eyes of the embassy are lifted?" she asked, "or shall I go?"

What Nahir wanted to do was to ask her what had happened, and why, but she didn't think t'Merek would either appreciate, or answer the question.


Arrienye groaned, having remained standing too long. "Help me to my room," she said more than asked, motioning to the door opposite the small kitchen unit.

Nahir almost put her arm around again but having seen t'Merek's arm remembered sharply that she could not do that. She put aside her morbid curiosity, and said, "Steady yourself on my shoulders, we can go at your pace. OK?"

"Alright," Arrienye said, moving carefully towards the door and hesitantly letting go of the couch, not trusting Nahir to be able to carry her weight. Wincing, Arrienye steadied her pace a bit, taking a breath. The pain in her back echoed through her torso, shooting over her ribs and she let out a small, muffled groan. Reaching out once they were close enough, Arrienye unlocked her bedroom door.

"Do you have a room-mate?" Nahir asked feeling the need to fill the silence.

"No," Arrienye shook her head as the doors slid open, revealing her bedroom. It was done up simply, in white and dark orange, looking as warm and comfortable as Arrienye wasn't. Reaching to the side, the woman put her hand on a shelf to take a small break before finally moving to her bed and flopping down to sit. She let out a sharp grunt as she did.

"Then why do you lock your bedroom door?" Nahir asked, not expecting an answer. She was not comfortable with any of this.

"Do you want me to stay?" she asked, a question that t'Merek would at least have to consider, unlike its opposite 'do you want me to go' which she could answer in an instant. Nahir just didn't like leaving her like this.

"No," Arrienye shook her head, ignoring her first question. "I will be fine."

Nahir folded her arms and nodded. "OK, but if you need anything, call me," she said as she headed for the door. Who in their right mind locks an internal door? she wondered, though it was a question Nahir would probably never have answered.

"Alright," Arrienye nodded, though she had no intention of calling Nahir for anything. "Good night, and thank you," she told the receptionist as she made her way to the door.

"Call me," Nahir said as she shook her head and left.


Nahir i-Orinwen
Arrain Arrienye t'Merek