Beg, Steal or Borrow – Checking in with home
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Checking in with home
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Jun 30, 2009 @ 5:49am
Location   USS Pendragon
Timeline   SD 8 - Shortly after coming onboard
Duquense set his equipment down once he walked into his quarters. It had been a while since Duquense had been onboard a starship and he honestly say that he did not miss the confined environment one bit. On a starbase or even back on Earth and Federation Headquarters, there was room to live and breathe and enjoy one's surroundings. On a vessel, it was designed to accomplish the necessary goal. This vessel was obviously designed to accomplish the goal of cramming as many officers onboard as possible. Duquense tried not to complain too much since he knew that he was onboard to carry out a job, not to enjoy the scenery, still, a port-side window would be nice.

"Computer, open a channel with Deep Space Five, priority Delta-Two-Two-Five-Nine, Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel, Intelligence." Duquense said as he took a seat at the console that was provided to him. It took several moments for the computer to make connection with the starbase. Apparently the station was still in the process of repairing the damage to its communications relay, fortunately, a connection was established. Within seconds Duquense was greeted by the always non-smiling face of his department head.

"Duquense, report" Gabriel said, dispensing with the pleasantries.

"Well hey Dorian! It's great to see you too!" Duquense said, in his attempt to brighten what had to be a dark and dismal situation onboard the station.

". . . ." Gabriel responded.

"Fine, Ensign Watts and I have succesfully made it onboard and reported to Rear Admiral Zheng." Duquense reported.

"Good, were there any problems?" Gabriel responded.

"None on our end, although Major Darson did take it upon himself to inform us that he was in total command of the mission and that we are to take orders from him." Duquense stated. "There seems to be obvious tension between him and the ship's commanding officer, Rear Admiral Zheng." Duquense added.

Gabriel rolled his eyes in a dramatic fashion. "If you let him tell it, that mouth-breather is the Holy Emperor of the Federation." Gabriel said sarcastically. "When in the history of EVER has a Marine ever had command over Fleet?" Gabriel asked.

". . . ." Duquense struggled to give an answer.

"Exactly, never!" Gabriel replied quickly. "Whatever problem that idiot has with the Pendragon's CO is something that you should pay close attention to. Let Darson go play toy-solider, you have your orders and you have Ensign Watts and Tango Wing there to assist you. If you have any problems with Darson, you tell him that he can speak to me face-to-face and we can straighten them out." Gabriel said with the usual lack of a smile.

"Yes sir," Duquense replied. "We are currently enroute to the last known location of the USS Legacy to determine the trail of the Pirate Base." he added.

Gabriel smirked, "I don't see what is the benefit of doing that, we already established the base's location months ago when Lieutenant Riley hi-jacked the Cardassian-controlled Klingon Bird of Prey." Gabriel replied as the fond memories of "handling" the Cardassian-prisoner came to mind. If Gabriel remembered correctly, the Cardassian's name was "Garson"

"Either way, dispatch Tango Wing to observe the debris field and see if there is anything new to determine. Other than that, stick to the original objective." Gabriel said. "Keep in touch and watch Darson, Gabriel out." Gabriel said as the channel closed.

Duquense signed as he stood up and began to unpack the items in his sack. He had a feeling that this mission was going to be more than anybody bargained for.