Things Past – Sins of the Father... Part 4
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Sins of the Father... Part 4
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 4:01am
Location   Unity Station
Timeline   3 years into Takian War

Seventy miles over the north pole of the planet Telia hung Unity Station; neutral territory and the seat of power in the Unity. Tevarna stood at a window of the Council chamber, gazing down on his homeworld. Far below, the island nation of Tonel rested on the icy Northern Sea, it's capital city of Deran gleaming in the night. Tevarna had been summoned to this meeting with little formality, causing him to wonder what could be so important that he must be called away from the front. No matter, it gave him a chance to see his three-year-old son, a luxury this war had stolen from him.

"Any idea what this is about?" he asked the regal woman next to him.

"Not at all," Tali'ani, the thirty-something Empress of Iben, replied. She had been the ruler of Iben for nearly nineteen years, her father passing away in her early teens. Beside her stood Ker’ath, her six year old son by one of her most politically influential lovers. The boy was already being groomed for the position he was likely to inherit, unless an even more influential lover fathered a child. Tevarna inwardly wondered at the strange customs of the Boro of Iben.

"I heard a Dominion ship entered the system," Shale informed them. At twenty-four, the King of Aeron was the youngest member of the Unity Council. He was from a distaff line of Tevarna’s family, descended of a conglomeration of different ethnic stock, though he retained the dark complexion and hard features of a Cierian. His hair, however, was straight not curly, and he stood a full head taller than Tevarna, distinguishing him as a mutt.

The doors behind them whooshed open, and four more men entered and took their seats, silently summoning them to their respective positions. Berad was the oldest Councilmember, having been elected High Chieftain of Feri’si in his sixties. Now almost eighty, the man was the wisest and most experienced leader Telia had to offer, despite the relative weakness of the nation-state he represented.

Beside him sat Malani of Gadaria. The islander, at forty, was the patriarch of a huge extended family which already had offered him six grandchildren, with another on the way. More interested in family than politics, Malani’s power had been steadily crumbling since the birth of his firstborn. Aken, his eldest son, hardly seemed better to Tevarna. The young man was indeed reclining uselessly in a corner.

The last Monarch, seated between Malani and Tevarna, was Sera of the Tonel Imperium. Around the same age as Tevarna, Sera had proved to be both an ally and a rival in the past, and Tevarna could never be sure where the man would stand on any given issue. Militarily speaking, Sera’s Imperial Army could rival the best High Guard Tevarna had to offer; he’d thus been a important ally in the fight with the Takians.

Just as Tevarna finished running over the information on the various Monarchs in his head, the doors whooshed open, surprising them all with the Vorta standing there, smiling at them in that scary Vorta manner.

Kava took in the scene around him. The coveted Council Hall of Unity Station. His people had been aware of this location for quite some time, but to actually be granted an audience within the highest echelon of the Unity's governing alliance was remarkable occasion.

"Ahhh, what a lovely gift you all have bestowed upon me." He said as he and his small contingent of Jem'Hadar guards entered the spacious area. He quickly nodded for the two guards to stand on the outside of the door so as to not intimidate his soon-to-be friends.

"I apologize for my associates." Kava smiled. "They tend to take their job serious, sometimes *too* serious." He said to the gathered leaders. "I, certainly, feel absolutely humbled to be in the presence of such greatness and nobility." He said.

Tevarna gazed around at the other Monarchs, wondering which one had given leave for this unusual audience. All of them looked equally surprised to see the Diplomat.

Tali'ani rose from her seat. "How gracious to welcome the Dominion into this most august chamber," she crowed. Tevarna could hear the ice in her tone. "How may we be of service?"

"I am Kava, and I bring a message of cooperation and mutual benefits from your friends in the Dominion." He said.

"Mutual benefit?" Tevarna repeated. He was skeptical that the *benefit* would be as great for the Unity as it would be for the Dominion.

"What is your message, Ambassador?" Shale inquired; again Tevarna could hear the veiled mistrust.

Kava smiled as he stepped towards the person of obvious authority amongst the group. "Ah yes, direct to the point. I can appreciate your abruptness." He smiled graciously as he looked around the chamber.

"I. . .I don't see Re'Lun Datchua, 1st Prime of the Takian Commonwealth." He said as a look of confusion danced across his face.

"The Takian's have no say in the rulership of this Unity," Tevarna said. "Especially not in light of the recent... unrest."

"Ahhh yes, and it appears that the disturbance has blossomed into an outright insurgence." Kava responded.

"Your point?" Tevarna snapped. He couldn't see how this was the Dominion's business.

Kava studied the man for several moments before he responded. The Vorta's lilac eyes studied the features of the younger man. Although he was chronologically within the beginning portion of his life, his face displayed one of experience in dealing with difficult matters and at times. . .people.

"Emperor Tevarna of the Cierian Empire." Kava smiled as he approached the taller man. "My point is that in the past three years, the Takian people have gone from simplistic gathering of worlds that worshiped their. . .version of a God." Kava said with obvious tone of displeasure in his voice as he spoke of the Takian's blatant heresy.

"To a considerable source of trouble to your people in particular." Kava said as he spoke up again. "In fact, they have become a problem to others within your consortium." He said as he spoke towards the other gathered monarchs.

"The Aereom have had to deal with the lost of several promising outposts during the Takian's blitz to 'liberate' the moon of C'laan." Kava said as he looked towards Shale.

Shale scowled down at the Vorta. It was true that he had lost four major outposts and dozens of drifts and stations. The situation had not been good for him since the out break of war, as Takian territory had long rested beside Aereon space.

"I still fail to see what this has to do with you," Tevarna snapped. This war was a blot upon his record and that of his family, and he couldn't stand that the Dominion considered it important enough to stick their stuck-up noses in. He'd rather the Takian issue was quietly dealt with.

"Perhaps the Dominion believes they have a solution?" Tali'ani took a step down from her raised dais, approaching the Vorta directly. Blue eyes gazed icily across at purple.

Kava nodded in agreement. "Indeed, our people have managed to come together in a demonstrative show of force against this act of sedition." He responded. "However, even my people have become aware that there are certain elements within your government that have not responded with deliberate force against the Takian anarchistic." He said as he stepped closer and spoke in a low tone so only the Cierian emperor could hear, ". . .dare I say that there are those that might even sympathize with their cause?" He asked rhetorically.

Tevarna surged to his feet and stepped down to the Diplomat's level. "How dare you," he hissed, his face contorted in rage. This Vorta had the gall to suggest, by his mere presence, that the Telenar family could not handle its own affiars? Nor trust its allies?

The Vorta took several steps back and bowed in modesty. "It was only my humble opinion that perhaps the Takian Rebellion has survived so long is because of an unwillingness to do what has become necessary." He replied.

"I have no desire to listen to your veiled insults any longer," Tevarna growled. "Perhaps you should leave?"

Berad stood as well, hunched over next to Tali'ani. "Perhaps the Vorta should get to his point," he wheezed.

Kava noted the elder individual's command of the room. "My point, my dear friends, is that the Dominion wishes to assist you in this time of . . .distraction." he spoke.

"We have a solution that can be available that will put down this chaotic episode in three weeks span." He said as he turned back towards the Cierien Emperor. "Imagine if you had the power to end things once and for all, imagine all the families that could be reunited by ending the fighting that has been on a drain on your resources for so long?" the Vorta suggested.

Tevarna instantly thought of little Tevaryn on the planet below, laughing and playing with his uncle and cousins; not his father. He suspected that had been Kava's intent.

"What do you suggest...?" he said, slowing sinking back down into his seat. He met Kava's gaze stare for stare.

"I'm suggesting a product that we have developed." Kava stated as he handed Tevarna a data chip. "This formula can be tailored to the genetic makeup of the Takian race." He said as he spoke to the larger group. "Within 1 week they will experience extreme bouts of fatigue. Within 2 weeks their blood/oxygen concentration will begin to faulter, and by week 3. . ." Kava paused as he turned his attention back to Tevarna.

"There will only be two types of Takians remaining: The dead and the dying." He concluded.

"Biological warfare?" Shale inched forward in his seat, a concerned scowl on his face. He glanced around at the other Monarchs.

"The Telian Unity does not stoop to the level of the Dominion," Tali'ani sneered.

"The Dominion would never tolerate such open defiance from one of its member worlds, and I---" Kava began to say excitedly.

Shale interrupted the Ambassador suddenly. "We will take it," he said. Tevarna sent a glare over at the other the younger man.

"We certainly will not," he hissed.

"Vedoma sera me gabasha,"(Hear me out.) Shale responded, no longer speaking Dominion Common. With no translation devices in the room, Kava had no way of understanding Elorian, the Telian trade language. "We've long known the Dominion penchant for biological attack." He continued in Elorian.

"Of course," Sera answered, giving Shale a long hard gaze that might have cowed lesser men.

"But until now, we've had no opportunity to study their technology." Shale almost seemed to be speaking to a child, despite his youth.

"We should not pass by this chance without taking it," Tali'ani said. Her Elorian wasn't as good as the others, and she spoke with an odd lilt.

Tevarna nodded in agreement, though he still didn't like the idea. He turned back to face Kava.

"We are agreed," he said, once more in Dominion Common. "Your weapon may suit our purposes." But likely not the Dominion's...

Kava had since regained his composure as the Monarchs continued their conversation. "Please, don't think of this as 'our weapon'. Instead, consider your. . .tool to stability." Kava said with a genuine smile.

Little did the Monarchs know, they had just taken a first step down a very slippery slope. One they might not be able to climb back up.


Cast List...

Emperor Telenar IX (NPC)
Cierian Leader

Empress Tali'ani II (NPC)
Iben Leader

King Shale VII (NPC)
Aereom Leader

High Chieftain Berad (NPC)
Feri'si Leader

Emperor Malani X(NPC)
Gadarian Leader

Emperor Sera XIV(NPC)
Tonel Leader

Kava (NPC)
Vorta Diplomat
Friend of the Telian Unity