Cascade – Awaken the sleeping giant....
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Awaken the sleeping giant....
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Oct 16, 2012 @ 11:13pm
Location   StarFleet Training facility, Cold Lake, Alberta
Timeline   Unknown assumed to be SD 60

The cold was sharp, piercing, harsh reminder of how close they were to the arctic circle. The winter months are known for temperatures that could go into the minus 40s Celsius. Today was a rare day for this time of year, it was mild, the wind was coming from the south west.

The training track in the compound was in use by a lone individual running, several security officers were stationed at all the entries to allow this individual to exercise. As he finished his last lap and came to a stop the audible noises of a man who had just finished a long run, a yeoman walked over to the runner and handed him a water bottle and a towel.

"Thanks....." the runner said

He stood up and started to walk the security detail waited until he was in the walkway back to the locker rooms. After a shower the runner dressed in a suit, with a Starfleet communicator. As he stepped out of the locker room the yeoman followed behind him like a puppy, this was clearly an annoyance to the runner but it was becoming part of this life, since the one he had left behind was gone.

As the gentleman walked down the corridors, a red uniformed Admiral joined him " How was the run?"

"Better each day sir, hows Carmella?"

"She was asking about you yesterday, why don't you call her not like we can let you just go back out there in the open anymore." The Admiral joked.

"I'll try to tonight, I assume this is more than just a social call?"

" is." Pausing "feel up for a presidential detail for a couple of days?"

"That's a little to high profile...or is there another reason?"

"We want you back in action not in hiding, like this, hell that woman from the station is gone...she went to the Ryder colony as a school teacher, your ex wife is still missing, kid your in the free and open, its all in your court how you want to handle things from here."

"Only if they need me, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, I keep putting my neck in a noose and never get any gratitude, when I do go back I want it to count."

"Kid your pissin' me off, your good, better than anyone out there, and how the hell you keep coming back after they put you back together is beyond me, whats really going on in your head." The Admiral said.

"I want out now, I kept my end of the bargain up, its your turn."

"OK kid, I'll slip that promotion into the next round kid, the transport is ready when you want to go back." the Admiral said "Even I know this is getting to wild but its part of the job."

"I know James, but this is how it is."


Unidentified intelligence officers