Intermission – Finding out the truth
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Finding out the truth
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Aug 18, 2013 @ 7:53pm
Location   Marine headquarters san francisco Earth
Timeline   shortly after my last post
Collin sat down at his desk on the top floor of the marine headquarters building, he had been expecting today to be a fairly easy day. Though like any good marine who had ever trained under the old man he knew that things could change in a heartbeat. What he did not expect was the notice that he had recieved from the old man. It was not normal but then again considering that Wayne had been retired for a few years maybe being a civilian had mellowed him out.


I recently recieved a recall notice that seemed to come directly from you. There is something off about this notice though and I want to know if this is an honest notice or if someone is joking with me in very bad taste. If the order is valid I will of course comply even though I have been out of the service for several years now.

respectfully yours

Wayne bradshaw

Collin looked through the recent outgoing messages he knew it was not exactly normal to recall marines especially those that had reached generals rank. What he found did actually surprise him there had actually been a recall notice sent out to Wayne though it was not a normal notice. What he found was that Wayne had been recalled to head up a new unit one that delt mainly in advanced theoretical battle planning. There was something off about this though as the recall notice that was sent out sounded like it was recalling Wayne for duty in an active command which in peace time was not something that the corps did.

Collin sat back down at his desk and started writting up a reply to his former commander

General Bradshaw
DS 5

Wayne my old friend the recall notice that was sent to you was a valid notice but not for the reasons you were thinking of. The corps has decided to create a new division known as the Advanced Theoretical War Planning or ATWP for short. Given your record several of the top general smyself included could not think of a better officer to head this division then you. With your range of experience and command style it was felt that you would be the best man for the job.

This is NOT a long term posting at least it should not be a long term posting, but one never knows when it comes to the corps. As you always told us we should prepare for the worst so we are ready if things go south. This posting should also see you staying on DS 5 rather then coming back here to earth.

I hope this clears things up for you in regards to your concerns I will be sending some men out to you to help setup this new division. They should arrive in a couple of weeks.

Respectfully Yours
field marshal Collin Wilks
Commanding Officer
2nd Corps

Collin sent off the message and hoped that everything whould work itself out in the near future. Wayne was an old friend and something like this could cause problems for him.