Interlude – The Truth and the 'Truth'
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The Truth and the 'Truth'
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Aug 12, 2010 @ 9:48pm
Location   Romulan Consulate/ t'Khellian's office
Timeline   SD29

Saving necessary files onto her personal computer, Arrienye deactivated it and set it back into its case. Standing up, she picked up a handful of PADDs and exited her office. Nodding to the Ambassador's guards, her eyes lingering on Saren a moment longer than necessary, she pressed the chime and waited to be allowed entrance.

"Enter," Isha said. She was seated at her desk and failing to find interest in the reports she was reading. Too many distractions that she could not control. "What can I do for you, t'Merek?" she asked.

"I have compiled a criminal investigations report," Arrienye explained, handing the three PADDs to t'Khellian. "I assumed you would wish to review my findings."

Isha almost gasped as she took the padds. "With regard to what?" she asked instead, laying them down without looking at them for now.

"The assault in your quarters," Arrienye said simply, standing a little bit straighter, her gloved hands behind her back. "I've found the offender, gathered all necessary evidence and placed everything in those reports." She motioned to the PADDs.

For a moment Isha froze. It sliced through everything she had done, through her emotional control, through the appearance she worked at to put it behind her. "And who was it?" she forced herself to ask as her fingers gripped the arms of her chair.

"Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal," Arrienye said surely. "Identified through the blood left at the scene." Her exterior was calm, almost emotionless. Purely clinical. She knew this was an extremely sensitive subject for the Ambassador and she had no intention of being emotional in any way, as it would only add to the woman's distress, whether she showed it or not.

"I did not ask you to investigate," Isha said as she leaned back in her chair and dropped her hands into her lap. "I would like the matter to be forgotten," she continued recalling her conversation with tr'Vainlli - she would find no support from the government and without that there could be no official recompense. The man had violated her and there was nothing Isha could have done to prevent it other than never having met him. "Your security measures are appropriate, and I appreciate your concern, but I fail to see what this can achieve," she said struggling to keep her voice steady.

"So, I am to presume you're saying you would take this to a higher authority to be a way to get rid of me that night. And that this vile waste of air will be left to walk freely, feeling quite good about himself for what he did." It wasn't a question, or at least it wasn't for Arrienye, despite how it may have sounded.

"When I said that it was an option," Isha said, feeling that t'Merek deserved something of an explanation, "but it is an option that is not open to me. If I make an appeal such as you suggest it is my position that will be at risk, not his. If I ignore the advice I have received and demand that official action is taken then the Continuing Committee will have me replaced. At least if I stay here I stand some chance of revenge," she said.

Arrienye nodded as the woman spoke. "I understand," she said sincerely. "And, if you do find yourself requiring any assistance, I will be at your disposal, Ambassador," Arrienye assured her.

"I should be grateful perhaps that they did not forbid me that right," Isha said, a little of the bitterness she felt towards tr'Vainlli creeping into her tone. She had sacrificed a lot over the years acting as the unseen hand of the Continuing Committee and now that she needed them they had let her down badly, unforgivably so. "I will of course forward your evidence," she added, "the political tide is unpredictable and may reverse itself. What else can I do?"

Arrienye nodded, understanding. "If I may speak freely, Ambassador, I don't think that man deserves to live," she said honestly.

"We agree on that," Isha said. Anyone who thought he had the right to behave as Getal had was dangerous, an opportunistic predator. If he would do that to someone of her prominence to make a point it was only so long before he did the same to someone else, she thought, she at least had the resources to hit back at him. "Please sit, t'Merek," Isha said indicating the chair opposite with a wave of one perfectly manicured hand.

Nodding, Arrienye went around the chair and sat down in one graceful movement. Leaning back, she crossed her legs and watched the woman in front of her silently, waiting for her to speak.

"I fear that you think that I have chosen to passively accept what has happened," Isha began, "If that is the case you have grossly misjudged me, though it is the appearance I wish to convey to anyone who might be observing my behavior."

"I understand. And I didn't think that. I suppose I've refused to believe anyone would simply accept it," Arrienye replied. She had her own plans in mind for Getal, either way, so whether t'Khellian wanted to pursue the issue or not was mostly irrelevant. Of course, if she has decided on a more active role, it was worth taking into consideration.

"I am taking steps, t'Merek, and I surmise that you have your own plans to deal with him. Believe me, if you should find the opportunity, I will be the first to reward your service," Isha said. She had not planned to share any of her thoughts on the matter with anyone, least of all t'Merek, but it seemed to be appropriate somehow. "Getal thinks that no-one can touch him, he thinks that he has me cowed, and he is blind to those in his own service who would gladly slide a knife between his ribs given the opportunity," Isha continued. "I also know what he wants and I plan to take that from him just as he thinks that he has won."

"I've seen Getal last night. He fought in the gladiator fights on the lower levels of the base. Fed his sadistic ego by killing the other fighters. We spoke, briefly and he challenged me to a fight. I refused. I would never lower myself to his level. But I believe I got a...reaction with my presence," she chose her last word carefully, a small smirk playing on her face indicating the reaction wasn't what he usually gave. "I've also found out that he's sleeping with owner of the Box of Delights, Ibalin."

"Ugh," Isha shuddered thinking of all the latinum she had recently given to that woman. "If I had known she was his whore I would have held my niece's party somewhere else. From her manner whilst we were negotiating I would have credited her with more taste." Briefly Isha caught the nail of one thumb between her teeth before releasing it. "Does she know, do you think the sort of man he is?"

"By her surprised expression whenever I expressed disgust towards him I would say no," Arrienye said with a small shake of her head. "She does, however seem protective of him, infatuated."

Isha nodded. A thoughtful silence. "If that is the case she would be unlikely to believe it anyway," she said, "she is beneath my concern. She chose to be involved with that creature, I did not. Could you beat him, t'Merek?" Isha asked going back to what she had said about seeing him fight and declining a challenge. "Could you kill him?"

"In unarmed combat, perhaps, but I'd rather not take the chance of failure. I haven't observed his technique long enough to be able to tell exactly how much of it he has. From what I've seen so far, I could. But it's not enough to guarantee a win. I also have reason to believe he may have an implant. I had read about it and decided to try and bluff him into a confession. He didn't confess, but there was a momentary hesitation that makes me think he does. He's not very good at masking his emotions." Arrienye was very sure she could kill Getal. His 'technique' was crude and undisciplined, relying too much on brute force than reason to truly stand a chance against someone with Arrienye's training. But she couldn't be certain that he wasn't underestimating the other fighters and simply mulling through the fights.

Her confidence told Isha a lot about t'Merek. For her part Isha could not contemplate actually attempting to attack the man, holding her nerve whilst he attempted to bully and intimidate her was difficult enough - as to masking his emotions, the only ones Isha had seen him display were unctuous ingratiation, contempt and blind rage. "There is a way we can investigate your suspicion about the implant," Isha said eventually, Meran might be induced to try and find out. "A contact within his embassy," she added without naming him.

Arrienye nodded, understand. "If we knew the schematics and the way it worked, it could be a formidable weapon," she said thoughtfully.

"I might ask him," Isha said. So far all Meran had done was express his dislike of his superior and make thinly veiled attempts to intimidate her whilst claiming to be a sensitive soul who wanted his wicked master out of the way. She could push back though, and fulfilling this request would determine whether or not he was serious in his claims.

"There is something else t'Merek," Isha said catching the other woman's gaze once more. "Why are you willing to consider such extremes?"

Arrienye looked at the Ambassador for a moment before replying. "Getal deserves to die for what he did. Anyone willing to go to those animalistic measures isn't worth the air he breathes. He committed that act on Rihannsu soil, under my nose and he did it to the person I was sworn to protect. On all accounts, he deserves to die. And he will."

"And his death, when it comes, will not be an extreme. It'll be justice."

"Thank you, Arrienye," Isha said using her given name for the first and possibly the only time. "The only extreme I refer to is the risk that you bring upon yourself. I trust, t'Merek that you will forgive me for doubting your dedication, and for presuming that your initial resentment at being given to my service was evidence that you lacked loyalty. I was wrong." That last was a most direct statement from someone of Isha's station.

Arrienye didn't hide her surprise at getting such an admission from someone like the Ambassador. "There is no need to ask for forgiveness, Ambassador. Anyone in your position would've judged the same," Arrienye assured her. In truth, she hadn't resented being put in t'Khellian's service. The only thing she resented was the step back in her career that she'd had to take while doing so - going from First officer to Head of Security. "As for the risk I bring to myself, I am aware of it, but I believe that it's worth it." Arrienye didn't care for any backlash or punishment she may receive should, at any point, she be accused of conspiring to murder the Cardassian Ambassador. But, inside her soul, she felt it was the proper thing to do and she wasn't one to misjudge her own instincts.

Isha had not asked exactly, but she let that pass. "t'Merek, is there anything that I may do for you that will give recompense for what you intend to do should you do it?" she asked.

"Nothing that I can point out at this moment, Ambassador," Arrienye admitted with a grateful bow of her head. It was a great offer, one that required a lot of thought, after all. And while Arrienye denied caring about the repercussions her actions may bring onto her, she did know it was a great risk.

Isha was beginning to muster her forces - T'Pal, the hired killer. Meran, Getal's disgruntled subordinate. tr'Vainlli, the politician who saw a way for his own advancement. Rh'vaurek, who did not even know that he was still working for Isha. t'Merek Isha's dedicated and loyal security head. Wars were not always a matter of brute strength, Isha reflected. Next to bring in was Darson.

"Then keep my offer in mind, t'Merek," Isha replied eventually, her voice as soft as a breeze, "and if you identify a fitting favor, and it is in my power to grant it, I will do so." Isha never broke her word once it was given and she would not break that habit now.

"I certainly will, Ambassador. Thank you," she said, the sentiment heartfelt. Though her family had a tradition of not accepting favors from one another, there was nothing wrong with accepting a favor you've earned or would earn.

"Was there anything more?" Isha asked her gaze falling on the padds. She would read them, once she built up the courage to read a clinical analysis of what had happened to her, but for now she had shared everything that she was willing to share with t'Merek.

"No, Ambassador." Arrienye shook her head before standing up. Straightening her jacket back into it's proper position, she nodded towards her respectfully. "Thank you for your time," she added before leaving t'Khellian to her thoughts.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek