Judgement – Never Ending Story
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Never Ending Story
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Jun 13, 2011 @ 9:26pm
Location   Sickbay - DS5
Timeline   SD38 - directly after "Under the Bridge"

"You shouldn't have let me go with him, if you knew there was *this* much at stake". she bounced some of the responsibility back at him. "If you'd sent me back, this wouldn't have happened." She wasn't accusing, but she was desperate. "He's never going to remember...... is he?" the last comment was one of a woman whose life had just ended on the day it should have begun.


Rick put his hand to his chest feeling through his uniform, he had an odd look on his face as he traced the line of something under the material. He then put his hand down his shirt and pulled out his own ring on a platinum chain "I have one of those too" he said slightly shyly.

Before Chelsea could answer Eric's eyes opened wide, he mouthed something quietly to himself, a sheer look of disbelief on his face, but the slight glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Margaret you need to get Captain Adams...right now" She opened her mouth to argue but Eric firmly put his foot down and said "now" and he pointed at the door. Margaret uncharacteristically scurried off. "She's going to kick my ass for that later..." mumbled Eric as he moved over to Rick to exam the ring more closely.

"Do you remember anything about it?" Chelsea asked, almost unable to bear the raising of a tide of hope only to have to face shipwreck on the rocks of another cast-down.

Rick was going to say no but before he did Eric 'Shhhh'd' everyone for quite. "Chelsea, can you urrmmm turn around and face the other way please."

"What?" Chelsea looked at Eric as if he had gone mad. "Why?" Chelsea was too beaten down with misery to argue much so she just gave in and turned away. "Oh what the heck, what more can go wrong?"

Some very familiar noises started emanating from behind Chelsea; the sound of a tricorder being opened, then its associated scanning noises. This was followed by a triumphant "HA!"

Summer and Margaret walked into the room puzzled expressions crossed their faces when they walked in on the scene before them.

"Mum." Chelsea's resolve crumbled at the sight of her mother and she fled into her arms, releasing all the heartache and sorrow she'd been holding in. She began to sob as if her soul were emptying itself.

"What's going on in here?" Summer held her daughter tightly, stroking her hair, fighting back tears of her own as she relived her own grief at the loss of a husband so soon after the promise of eternity together had been made.

"I d....don't...kn...know" Chelsea choked through her sobs. "HE ... won't... l...let ..me l...look."

"Done now" said Eric cheerfully with a smile on his face as he slid something away into his back pocket. "Will you two break that up, there will be time for that later...Summer come over here and look at this." He waved the stafleet captain over.

"How can he be so cheerful?" A bewildered Chelsea looked at Margaret and then across to an unhappy looking Rick. She felt a new misery as she looked into the lost eyes of the man she adored.

Moving towards him, Chelsea sat on the side of Rick's bed and gently took his hand compassionately. "This must be horrible for you, even if you have no idea who we all are... perhaps more so for that reason. Don't worry, even if we don't figure it out, you're still gorgeous. We could start again? Right? I mean if you want to? Be friends first and see if anything happens this time around?" Chelsea was clutching at straws but she could also imagine how overwhelming this must all seem to whoever it was behind those beautiful but blank eyes right now.

"I think I prefer blondes" said Rick thoughtfully. The space around the bio bed was begining to get crowded as Eric had waved over summer who was now standing next to him they where both looking intently at the ring around Rick's neck. Eric had it in his hand still on its check attached to rick's neck. He was pointing out some markings on it to Summer.

"Ok" Chelsea smiled sadly. "Perhaps it wasn't a good idea anyway. It would just be weird and it wouldn't be fair. It was just a thought." She moved away and made room for the three crowding parents whose conversation she hadn't been listening to. She went back to her medical panel and updated the Padd, burying herself in her work to try to keep her mind occupied and hanging onto the threads of her sanity by her fingernails as the talk got louder around her and her ears seemed to shut it all out.

It was as if she was somewhere a long way away and nothing they were saying was registering as the words on the Padd and the monitor swam before her eyes.

Summer was looking at the ring, talking excitedly to Eric about the Bajoran legends and precious metals such as this. She recognised her own husband's family crest and remembered giving this ring to Chelsea to remember her father by.

Following on from what Summer had been saying Eric replied enthusiastically "Eureka, So if the energy is temporal in the fourth dimensional sense but the origin is neurological, then we must be looking at his consciousness, stored in this ring somehow?"

"Is that possible?" Margaret asked.

"If it *is* a Plagreth then yes, it could be. They were metals alleged to have been forged by the Prophets themselves, to be used for protection against evil, Pah-wraith in particular and the way they steal minds." Summer agreed.

Eric was still looking at the ring in his hand poking it slightly with the tip of his finger. “I’m a bit out of my league here, I can tell you that Rick’s temporal energy is integrated into this ring, that his neurological pattern is also entwined in that…..but how to get him out?” Eric shrugged “Do we have to say some magic words or something?”

Rick looked even more confused, people where standing around talking about him like he was not even there.

Ben Kensington had been looking after Jana as always but had heard from the other staff that something was going on with Chelsea and Rick and his family in Trauma 1. He asked Bridget who filled him in with the details so far as she knew so he went to see for himself. As he slipped into the room, he saw a load of seriously ranking officers around the bed in which Rick was sitting up looking dazed but he didn't see Chelsea at first.

Scanning the room he spotted her at the back, working on the medical console. He moved round the engrossed trio at Rick's side and came up to Chelsea who didn't acknowledge him. That in itself was strange.

"Chels? er... ma'am?" He remembered the room was full of 'brass', one of which looked surprisingly like Chelsea herself.

Chelsea stared at the console blankly, but muttered incoherently back to him. "Hi... "

Ben reached gently across and turned her face to him, shocked at how pale she was and how dark the sockets of her eyes seemed. "Chelsea? Commander Adams...." His voice became firm as he reached for a med kit from the wall.

"Ben, it's all my fault" she finally focussed at least enough to know who he was but she was clearly not right. Ben ran a scanner over her and nodded, confirming his suspicions as he took out a hypospray and loaded it.

"No, it's not, and you're in shock Commander. Sit down." He instructed, taking over until the meds began to kick in. He didn't have a clue what she was on about but he did know he was right about her condition.

"Give those a couple of minutes to work. Let me get you a cup of tea and you'll be right as rain before you can say Thanks Ben, you're a star....." he joked, grinning at her bewildered look. "Hey, while you're not yourself, can I take advantage and ask for promotion? Would that stick do you think?" He kept talking to her, trying to force her to focus as soon as she could.

"Here's your tea" he didn't have to go more than a few feet to the replicator so he just kept chattering all the time he fetched the warm, sweet drink. "You're going to hate this, it has sweetner in it, but never mind, if you can focus enough to complain, then I'll sign you off..... " Again the Kensington signature grin. Ben was a good looker, his smile was one of his best features and it usually drew a happy response from his boss.

Chelsea felt warmer as the medication began to work and the tea was welcome. She didn't even notice what it tasted like, so she didn't complain.
"No, Ben, you're wrong." she tried to argue.

"Wrong? Ben Kensington, SuperMedic??? Surely not!" Ben laughed, gently nudging her mug up towards her mouth again. "Drink, don't argue with SuperBen!" His grin was his 'doctors' face at the moment. He was worried about Jana, now about Chelsea, he'd heard that Rick wasn't doing too well either. ~Who next?~ he wondered. ~Still, at least the baby is fine. Oooh, that's a good idea... that'll distract her!~

"Chelsea, Jana and the baby are doing fine. I was afraid she'd lose it but it seems to be okay.... well, SHE seems to be okay. It seems we're getting a daughter."

Chelsea looked at him, some small recognition beginning to stir in her eyes. Her lips flickered towards a smile of some sort.

~YAAY~ thought Ben.

"That's good news Ben. Did you know he prefers blondes?" Chelsea said, incoherently.

"Who?" Ben asked, puzzled.

"Rick..... " her voice was emotionless, her eyes focussing now but still dull. "Ben, how can they smile and laugh?"

"I think I need to give you a second dose. You've lost it. Rick loves you, no blondes would ever change that......" Ben answered with a tut. "I've never seen a man more in love in my life. Nor a woman come to that. A couple made in heaven.... and why shouldn't they smile? It's your wedding day....." He commented, checking Chelsea's vitals.

"That's better. Your core temperature is normal and the rest of you is regaining circulation and colour. My diagnosis is a full recovery!" Ben grinned again, trying to encourage her out of this darkness that he was sure must be shock induced.

"Thanks, could you work your magic on Rick now please? He doesn't know who he is, who his family are or who I am." Chelsea replied, tonelessly. She stood up and patted Ben's arm. He was right, the colour had returned to her face and she was able to concentrate again.

Ben hadn't heard that part of the story. He looked shocked now. "And it all happened because I wasn't strong enough. I deserve this but Rick doesn't. Look, Ben, don't worry about it. These guys will do what they can now. Thank you so much for your help, I really feel a lot better physically now."

She finally managed a smile for him. "Good job I hired you. You came in handy for once." Despite the humour in her comment, which brought back Ben's grin, there was no humour in her eyes but at least she was attempting to return the favour of his efforts to cheer her up.

"I'll take over again here now, Thank you again. Oh and congratulations. A daughter. So sweet. Now go take care of her mother and start deciding on names.... you have to hurry, you only have nine months to argue it out!" Again a smile, clearly one Chelsea had to make an effort to manage but a smile none the less.

~Wedding day!~ she thought. ~Only this morning I said myself it was going to be a day i was never going to forget. I got that much right.~ She went back to her job, monitoring and regulating the patient's vitals and systemic well-being. At least she wasn't going to fail to be strong enough to do *that* for him.

Summer looked across to see what was happening with Chelsea. "Are you okay baby?" she asked, beckoning her daughter over. "Eric thinks this ring has preserved Rick's Temporal energy. It's your father's, isn't it? We're assuming you gave it to him..... how long ago?"

"Yesterday...." Chelsea thought about it. "No, the night before.... with the dragons."

Margaret looked even more confused than ever and began to hold her head, asking Eric if any of this was *ever* going to make a shred of sense.

Summer smiled at her daughter. She was less sceptical having seen some strange things in her time. "Before whatever it was that started him remembering whatever it was that blew his fuses?" She asked for clarification.

"Yes." Chelsea confirmed.

"Right well, as Eric says, all we have to do now is find a way to get it to release it back into Rick himself." Summer explained.

Chelsea looked at Rick.

"What if you put it on, babe?" she said, speaking direct to Rick rather than anyone else. His beautiful eyes burned her heart. All she wanted was to go back in time and put this right so he wouldn't get hurt like this.

"Eric..... you couldn't take me back in time and let me stop this happening, could you?" she asked in desperation, before Rick answered or acted on her suggestion.

“You already have.....just not yet.” Said Eric quietly, He pulled his sleeve down and looked at the five or six watches he had strapped there on the flip side. “Try putting it on” Said Eric to Rick putting a reassuring hand on the pilot's shoulder.

Rick did he was told, there was an almost a cumulative intake of bated breath from those around him as he did it. He took the ring off its chain which he almost reverently gave to Summer; he then put the ring on his wedding finger. He took it off and did it again but even as he said “nothing happened” the collective let out breaths that they had not realised they had been holding.

“If only your father was here” said Summer to Chelsea “He’d know what to do....” she paused a moment, her eyes opened wide as realization dawned to her “....your father did know, he used to write everything down about all the Ancient Bajoran artifacts that he kept in his diary......I’m sure the answer would be there”

“But where is it now?” asked Margret hopefully with a hint of desperation derived from wanting to get her son back.

“I don’t....I don’t know” said Summer sadly. “I.....” She didn’t get to finish her sentence as she was cut off by Eric.

“Chelsea’s got it” said Eric happily. Chelsea gave him a puzzled frown; she too was going to say something but was cut off by Eric who was speaking reassuringly to her. “In that small keepsake box you keep by your dresser.”

Chelsea looked at him quizically. "You're going to tell me later what else you know about what's in my bedroom!" she threatened. "Or when I next see that guy who's trying to kill you, I'll tell him where to find you!"

As she went towards the door with the intention of going to go to hers and Rick's quarters she added. "I take it that it WAS you he was after and not us?" She didn't expect a straight answer from Eric Dunham. She had become accustomed to never getting one.

"Do you lot want to come and see if Rick remembers anything in his rooms?" she added and Summer seemed keen, looking across to Eric who had taken charge, as if for permission.

"Don't look at *him*.... I'm the one who's telling you Rick is medically fit to do this, and it was ME inviting you guys along." Chelsea huffed and left them to follow if they wanted to.


Eric, Margaret & Rick Dunham
Played & NPC'd by Dan


Cmdr Chelsea Adams
CMO & 2CO - DS5

& Lt. Ben Kensington & Captain Summer Adams
NPC'd by Jools