Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Arrivals & Departures
by Lieutenant JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   Arrivals & Departures
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Fri Oct 17, 2008 @ 1:20am
Location   Main Science Complex
Timeline   Day 3, 10:00
Tag   Cheyenne
Cheyenne got her two daughter's settled into their quarters with the holo nanny, and decided that she should check in with her superiors. She didn't quite know her way around the station yet, but figured it couldn't be that hard to find the science area. As she walked, she felt like she was in a maze, so after about fifteen minutes of walking endlessly, Cheyenne asked for directions to science, which she was glad to find out was by medical also making the transition from one meeting to another pretty easy. When she walked into science, she looked for the head of the department.

Jayfe sat in the eye of a storm. The Main Science Complex on DS5 was a hive of activity with teal uniforms and a smattering of civilians with appropriate authorisation. There were a dozen different active projects on the go at any given time, not to mention collation of data from inbound reports in the sector, cross-analysis requests from other departments and a stack of PADDs worth of R&D consultation requests. Lots of work was done in the smaller labs of course, but the bulk of it was co-ordinated from this room. Jayfe preferred to avoid it. There were always people with PADDs that needed his thumbprint or faces that were asking questions. The only reason he found himself here now was to fish for volunteers for his away mission to the Hadri cluster.

The complex itself was three levels, similar to a Main Engineering complex on a starship with an open centre, featuring a holographic platform. The platform was currently flickering with data - numbers, text reports and images until they shifted and a tall blue plant materialised.

"I've named it Tropius Metallenus. The locals on Ardos 4 claim it has some healing properties, although we haven't found any evidence to support that claim yet." Lieutenant Varis Hale, the stations foremost botanist spoke softly but with an air of authority, staring up at her discovery.

"So you won't come with me on this away mission?" Jayfe enquired.

"Lieutenant, are you even listening to my report?" She retorted, before noticing a new face moving towards them.

"Not really. I skimmed it last night I think it was. It looks fine Varis, as always. I don't know why you insist on parading these reports in front of me before you file them with HQ." Jayfe noticed as her attention shifted and he spun on his stool towards Cheyenne Faulk.

"You look lost," he noticed. "Can we help?"

Cheyenne looked up at the voice that she heard. "Slightly lost, I am new to the station. I am Lt. JG Cheyenne Thomas-Faulk. I am part of the research department in science," she said hoping she had finally found the right place. "Please reassure me I am in the right place."

"You are indeed. Welcome!" He stood and moved towards her, extending a hand. "I'm Jayfe. I'll be your pilot today."

Cheyenne took his hand and shook it. "Hello. It is nice to meet you," she said as she looked around. She noticed that it looked like he had been in a meeting. She then felt bad for intruding.

"He's the Chief Science Officer apparently, but he doesn't act like it." Varis interjected, collecting her PADDs and ending the holographic report she was giving. "I'm Lieutenant Hale, director of the departments botany division. Welcome to DS5, Lieutenant Thomas-Faulk. I look forward to working with you." She turned on her heel and walked off. "Good luck," she shouted back.

Cheyenne looked at Jayfe. "I am sorry if I interrupted," she said. "I didn't mean to. I just wanted to get some of these meetings over with. Oh, and while we are on the subject of names, I prefer Cheyenne or Dr. Faulk."

"Oh, don't mind her," Jayfe stared off after Varis. "She's just upset because I wasn't interested in her plants. And of course! Cheyenne it is. Call me Jayfe. I run a pretty relaxed operation around here. Well, it runs itself mostly. I just end up with the PADD work. So tell me, what's your specialty? What gets your blood pumping?" Jayfe moved off from the console and motioned for her to follow him towards the door.

Cheyenne followed Jayfe as she looked around the science area. "Well, my brother and I were involved in some temporal mechanics work when we were stationed on the USS Atlantis together. Sort of our father's pet project. I, of course, went into medical while Will went into science. I love just doing the research, and finding ways of making people feel better," she said hoping that it made sense.

Jayfe cocked his eyebrow, suddenly hoping she didn't notice. *I should really try to make a better first impression...* "Of course, helping people." He resisted the urge to plant the smallest sarcastic seed in his tone. "A worthy cause. Well, I don't know if there will be much of that or any temporal investigations on our mission today, but you never know! Oh, did I mention we were going on an away mission? Nothing like a stroll in the backyard to get your feet wet. Don't worry, we'll be back in time for the big party tonight."

"An away mission? What is going?" Cheyenne asked wondering how she got herself into something so big so soon. She was not ready for this yet. "I am far from being an amatuer when it comes to away missions. It just took me by surprise. Especially with the fact I have two daughters and no one to take care of them."

"Oh." He stopped suddenly at the entrance to a turbolift. *Children,* he thought to himself. *What a nuisance.* "I see. Well my flight plan has us back on the station by 1800 hours. It's a survey mission primarily. There are some... anomalous readings in a system just beyond optimal scanning range of our sensor network. The Captain has given me permission to take a closer look. I can find someone else if you're not up to it." He tried to take the edge off his response, but he wasn't sure how successful he was. He studied her, careful not to listen in on any stray thoughts. He didn't know this woman or how she felt about telepaths. Restraint was always the best first contact policy.

"No, I can help," Cheyenne said. She wasn't about to give this person any reason to think she couldn't do her job. She was a doctor first, a mother second. She hated the way that felt to her, but she knew that it was the way things had to be. "What will I be handling?"

He shot her a broad smile as they entered the turbolift. "Hanger E," he commanded and the lift hummed in transit. "Well I'll be piloting," he continued with their conversation, "so I'll need you to help me with the sensors. Our main challenge will be cutting through the radiation emanating from the trinary system. Three stars generate a lot of interference that the computer reads as sensor echoes. We'll have to manually correct for stellar drift, solar radiation and whatever else we find out there. The shadows I've detected... well, that I think I've detected..." he studied her out of the corner of his eye to see if she thought he was crazy yet," seem to be localised in the centre of the system. Your experience in temporal mechanics will be helpful! Correcting for temporal drift is sometimes just like correcting for stellar drift."

Cheyenne held back a chuckle when he mentioned that he thought he had detected shadows. "All right. I am going to let you know I haven't studied science in a couple of years. I was a medical doctor on the Atlantis, but I am quick to catch on. Especially since it is part of my job. I will do what I can," she said.

"Fantastic," he said as they stepped onto the hanger deck and moved towards a runabout. "Let's do it."


To be continued...