Beg, Steal or Borrow – Many Types of Trouble
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Many Types of Trouble
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Aug 29, 2009 @ 10:50am
Location   Romulan Consulate. Deck 60
As Rh’vaurek turned the corner into the reception area he noticed the way that i-Orinwen’s mouth fell open at his appearance. Did he look that much of a sight, or was there a little more to the way in which the receptionist skittered around him like a nervous creature. Was she actually concerned?

“Get a med-kit,” he told her as he passed the desk, already shrugging off his jacket as he made his way to the office. By the time she reached him he was leaning on the back of one of the sofas stripped to the waist and craning his neck to use his reflection in the window to make an assessment of the damage. “What are you staring at?” he asked.

“What happened?”

“Oh, you’ll find that there are a few people round here who think nothing of taking a crack at any passing Romulan.”

“You should go to the infirmary.”

“Two things i-Orinwen, one, never ever tell me what I should or should not do, and second, the doctor is in a worse state than I am. While you’re standing there run that regenerator over my shoulder.”

She hesitated, it was sweet, in a way, not that sweet was of any particular interest to him, he could feel how tense she was at having to approach him, “Why don’t you get that removed?” she asked referring to a wide patch of puckered skin beneath the end of his collarbone that narrowed and tapered into a thin thread of silvery green that ran from his shoulder down his ribs.

She had a very soft touch, he thought, as he read the intention in her eyes, both a hungry yearning and a lot of nervousness. “Because it reminds me not to be careless,” he said taking the regenerator from between her fingers, “A run-in with a Klingon many, many years ago. The end of the batleth pierced all the way through and protruded from my back, the streak came from when I pulled it out and dropped it. The bastard was dead a minute later,” he added, “but as I say, I was careless.”

Did i-Orinwen think that this could in some way help her career? It could of course … Isha would kill him if he did this under her nose – but she wasn’t here, and might never come back … and if i-Orinwen wanted to follow the career path she had chosen it would be good for her to learn at this stage how far one can safely go.

He took her hand, linking his fingers through hers, she looked like a creature startled and trapped beneath a bright light but her reaction to him as their palms touched was clear, that peculiar vulcanoid chemical reaction between them that signalled their compatibility.

=A= Tharek to Mr. Raedheol. Have you got time for a chat? =A=

"Why not," Rh'vaurek said glancing at the split skin on his knuckles. Doubtless the Cardassian Ambassador would find some entertainment in that. "Why don't you join me for a drink, i-Orinwen will admit you." He glanced at the increasingly nervous assistant, "We'll continue this chat later. When Tharek gets here, send him through," he instructed, inwardly amused by her discomfort.

Rh’vaurek released her hands - that saved him for the time being … but not forever, he thought. “Send him through when he arrives,” Rh’vaurek said turning to a hidden closet in the wall. “And think carefully about what you intend to do,” he added as he pulled on a fresh shirt, if they could find nothing else to talk about at least the Cardassian Ambassador could ask him how he came to look like he’d been used as a punch-bag.

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Ambassador

Nahir i-Orinwen
Receptionist/Private Secretary