Cascade – A "Quick Fix"
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A "Quick Fix"
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Dec 28, 2012 @ 9:27pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD70, 1500H

David woke up from a nightmare. Sitting up in his bed, he quickly changed into his uniform. He walked out of his quarters and head the the turbolift. "Sssss.... sick....bbbbb...bay." The turbolift arrived and David walked up to Commander Dunham. "Doctor, I nnnneed... your help" David said. "I'm due for the Ivor Prime mission and I need something to treat my symptoms for the mission. I don't care what it is I just need it for the time being." David said nervously.

".. I see, and what exactly *are* these symptoms ensign?" Chelsea asked with a gentle smile as she opened her arm towards the biobed to their right in an invitation for him to sit and allow her to scan him for initial clues.

"Anxiety, irritation, difficulty focusing, abnormal amount of nightmares, stuff like that." David tried to keep himself in check by not freaking out too much.

"Hmm." Chelsea examined david's eyes, scanning his irises and the backs of the eyeballs themselves. She carefully scanned his occipital and temporal lobes and the reticular formation. She ran many more exploratory scans of all kinds and on all parts of him and after some considerable time she pulled her shoulders back and looked at him.

"I would say your Reticular network.." she hesitated realilsing this was a very medical term so she elaborated a little. "....that helps control functions such as sleep and attention... is a suspect. To put it simply, synapses get overloaded and electrical transmission and activity can become weakened. I can temporarily improve your transduction but the stability of your synaptic plasticity will need proper treatment as soon as you return." She loaded a hypospray and set it to dispense at the side of his neck.

"You're fit and healthy in all other ways so it's safe to try this but it will only last for 24 hours. It's a compound that will assist the receptors and ease transmission then you'll have to self-administer this second dose, or get the medic in the team to do it for you - if you need another 24. After the 48 hour mark you will collapse and sleep deeply for a long time so be careful to get back or get more medical help before that happens. I can't give you longer than that. It's a difficult thing to medle with and you can only have this if you promise on your life that you'll come back and undergo a longer term, more thorough fix of the source of what is really causing the symptoms." she handed him a vial containg the second dose.

"Forty eight hours and no more!" she warned. "Understood? It would be dangerous to go on longer! And do I have your word you will get long term help with this?" The CMO's voice, tone and expression were all uncharacteristically serious and stern. She meant this. It was very important.

"Understood, Ma'am. I will bring the hypospray and self-administer." David said. He felt a bit better as time passed as he was talking the CMO. He felt his focus come back and less agitated.

Chelsea knew that this wasn't just a case of David's nervous imbalance as a result of the tasks behind and now before him too, but it was medically a physical complication brought on by stress too. "And the Counselling? The lessons on how to restore your psyche to it's internally walled fortress state?" she asked. "Everyone with telepathic talents or empathy... or any combination or strength of either does need to protect themselves from everyday *white* noise.... if you're in need of an update on what you learned or even an upgrade on what you haven't yet been taught... there's no time like the present to fix that. Are you thinking seriously of us putting that on your *to do list* when you get back? It has to be something you *choose* to do but it's also my medical advice that you should try...." she coaxed.

David sighed. "I'll look into it. Thank you Doctor." David got up from the biobed and smiled at the doctor.

"Good luck, Ensign" Chelsea replied, returning the smile as he left. She made the appropriate notes on his medical file and hoped he'd come back to see the Counsellor but somehow, she wasn't confident yet.


A JP between:

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist


Commander Chelsea Dunham