Beg, Steal or Borrow – He did survive
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   He did survive
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Jun 11, 2009 @ 11:51pm
Location   Intel Office
Timeline   Sd 8 1730
Tag   Backpost
Claire left her office after talking to Melanie, her heart was breaking for the woman, Claire felt the other woman's pain. She had to find out if they located anyone from Jarred's ship, perhaps there were survivors.

Cheif Ayers and Cadet Perth were sitting at the desk, they had nothing else to do, Lt Dorian wasn't exactly focusing on the Intel department. Jarred was supposd to arrive sometime tomorrow morning, they didn't have many details. They hadn't heard from Ms. Mckenzie yet so they just sat at the meeting room table reading and going over reports.

"Mr. Ayers?" Claire asked walking into the meeting room. "Have you....heard...anything?"

The chief and Cadet both looked up, the Chief spoke first "He was taken aboard USS Nightingale about 18 hours ago, he was injured but hes alive." the chief paused half expecting an emotional outburst "Hes' being transfered too USS Cardiff for the trip home."

She gasped, a hand moving to cover her mouth. "May the Four Dieties be praised!" She exclaimed, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. Unlike Melanie, her Izmadi was coming home. Claire moved closer, "How badly hurt is he?" She asked more quietly.

Craig just shruged, "don't know ma'am, there were alot of injuries from what little we've gotten for reports, and atleast 3 fatalities." craig wasn't one hundred percent sure of anything "The Cardiff is supposedly bringing the less injured crew here the rest are being transfered to starbase 10 so guess thats good news." he mused

She nodded, Jarred was one of the lesser injured members of the crew but that meant nothing. " When are they expected to dock with the starbase?"

Craig reached over to a nearby termanal, "Uss Devonshire, says here shes due in some time after 0900 tomorrow, but it could get bumped, theres some military arrival right before, so it could be an hour or more late." he looked over too the cadet, "Cadet, check the registry for NX-74656 see why theres so much secrecy." The cadet just shrugged negitive.

"Why wouldn't there be secrecy? It was an intel mission..."

Martina looked at the officer, "Ma'am, Mr. Wallace is on a transport, I can get a travel update and see if they are going to arrive earlier, This NX-74656 is why theres all the security."

"Just get him home safe to me. I wont lose him again." She said.

"we'll keep you posted lieutenant." Craig said.

"Thank you." Claire responded and turned to leave.


Cheif Craig Ayers

Cadet Martina Perth

Lt(jg) Claire Mackenzie