Judgement – Deflective Issues
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Deflective Issues
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Wed Sep 22, 2010 @ 7:30am
Location   Corridor adjacent to Ops
Timeline   SD35 10:46

Tasha nodded as the members from the consulates strode by and Colonel Darson drew alongside Tasha and she noticed Dunham had held himself back.

"Colonel, we need somewhere private and discreet." She glanced over his shoulder, being shorter than he, towards Commander Dunham. "Commander, I think this will also benefit you." She added with a slight rise of her brow as Jarred gave a nod in acknowledgement

Darson nodded and said, “I suggest your office Captain. We'll be able to converse in private there. Or, if it would suit you better, we have an adjacent conference room here that hasn’t been used in a while. Both should be quiet.”

Jarred was expecting something interesting to start here, so he just took a seat and waited for things to unfold.

Dunham shrugged nonchalantly in agreement and followed the Captain, he was a bit unsure on some issues about this mission, but those issues were really above his rank grade so did not really concern him. Though he did wonder how Starfleet had managed to build a transwarp capable ship. He'd love to fly it, and he wasn't a hundred percent certain but had he heard the colonel mention something about 'his ships?' Marines didn't have starships did they? Or command starfleet vessels.

They walked silently into a side room and as the door closed behind them, Tasha ordered a security seal placed around the room.
"Computer, initiate security lockout, protocol Beta Charlie Alpha Alpha four." She ordered and waiting for the confirmation blip from the computer. "Computer, initiate self destruct, security protocol Tahir, Alpha, Alpha, Beta." She waited for a moment and the computer gave no response. She nodded, confident that the room was totally secure.

"Gentlemen, take a seat." She pointed to the chairs and waited for the three men to take a seat as she moved around to the top only chair left in the small room.

"I am going to blunt and brutally honest, this is not a debate, nor is what I am about to say open for discussion. The debate we just partook in, is tantamount to war against the pirates and if we are actively involved, expect retributive tactics from the pirate clans." She cast a stern eye, firstly to James, then to Richard and finally to Jarred.

"Lieutenant Wallace knows what I mean, he has had dealings with them before, as you have Colonel, but what I am about to initiate, does not go any further than us." She paused, placing her hands flat down on the table.

"Last week, I received orders to carry out two objective goals. One to give full and accurate data regarding Commander Dorian Gabriel for his upcoming trial. I am to assist Commander Villiers at each and every opportunity to bring about a positive conclusion to this trial and takes precedence over any other order. My second is to bring about a resolution to the pirate activity in this sector, by any means necessary. What the Romulan Consulate does not know, is that we have had full Starfleet backing to do whatever we see fit, to finalize this. It was more by fortune that this has come to a fore now, but it is in our favour. Colonel, I need you to give Lieutenant Dunham as many marines as you can spare as pilots as well as some highly trained marines to assist Lieutenant Wallace. Lieutenant, your mission is to act as bait, a you suggested, but I stress, you are to take no prisoners. Am I clear?" She held Jarreds eye.

Jarred mulled over the orders, "I had a suspicion that this was going to be a two sided operation, so I took the liberty of requesting a Q-ship along with the Katana for this operation."

"Q ship...What the hell is a Q ship?" asked Dunham curious to see what more secret stuff was coming out of Intel’s repositories

"It's a civilian ship outfitted with military systems and weapons, most of these are used by federation security for smuggling enforcement."

Until then, it had also had Tasha wondering, the title sounding ominously like non human tech. "Ahh." She breathed a semi sigh of relief as she shook her head. "but this is not a two sided operation. You are follow the Sub Commanders lead, follow her orders as it were, but if the option should arise to take prisoners....then decisive action is to be taken." She stressed.

Darson nodded in time to the Captain’s announcement, “Hmm…interesting. That’s pretty much in line with what I’ve been told from HIGHCOM. Rarely are they in agreement…but these are extraordinary circumstances. I’ve dispatched sealed orders to the CO’s of the task force, but I didn’t know when we would be putting this operation into play. I’ll send out the orders and get them here post-haste. When the operations commences, they’ll open the orders in Tandem. I want to keep this clean and contained if at all possible. Unlike the Romulans, we can’t get away with executing prisoners in the public eye.”

Tasha nodded in sincerity, knowing they were going to get their hands dirty.

“That brings me to another thing. I just want all of you to keep in mind that this must succeed. Because if it doesn’t, nobody is going to feel the pain of our failures but us. And by us, I mean you three. I’m backed by considerable insurance against me being thrown to the wolves. It is my earnest recommendation that you get some as soon as possible.”

The Captain resisted the urge to chuckle, as she knew what hidden meaning was in Darsons statement and slowly stood, moving towards the replicator and heard Jarred take a breath and knew he was going add.

"Succeeding so that any of our 'accidents' look legitimate is more important, if we're going to cripple the piracy we have to be beyond our best." Jarred commented

"Quite so." Tahir stated as she turned to the replicator. "Four discreet DNA encoded communicators." She turned to Jarred. "Whilst maintaining our status as Starfleet officers, and I know this is going to be a very difficult mission, far more dangerous and career ending than any of you have been ordered to do prior to now and I include myself, but my trip to Earth was more than just a trial hearing for Admiral Sorensen, but yes, this has to be portrayed to all intents and purposes, a mission like any other." She lay the communication devices on he desk, each no bigger than a thumbnail.

He gestured at Jared, “Mr. Wallace will be extended my full cooperation. I’ll give a SpecOps squad for his diversion, which he should find more than adequate. Mr. Dunham will be given authority over all Marine and Starfleet Aerospace units in the taskforce, a considerable number. I’ll forward rosters and equipment manifests to you.”

He paused as he considered the Captain. Unlike the other two here, both of them were burdened by the fact that they had to deal with problems on a grander, political scale, “Regarding the retaliation from the pirates Captain…it’s a moot point. I’m not saying that it’s not going to happen, but at this point we don’t have a choice. I’ve been maintaining a close eye on the pulse of the public,” he spared a glance at Mr. Wallace as if to imply that this should be his job, “and what I’ve found isn’t good. Trade lanes are drying up out here. Nothing too serious as of this moment, but it has the potential to get far worse.”

"All I need are five marines, one trained as a medic, and two with a level 2 engineering, I've got all the proper weaponry for this mission that I want to use."

Tasha retook her seat.

Darson ignored Wallace’s comment, choosing instead to continue on as If he hadn’t been interrupted.

“Consider this…we are on the edge of Federation space. The Frontier so to speak. We survive because of the colonization of this region. However, this is sustained by a steady stream of people and resources to this sector. With the pirates taking on every ship in the lanes, people don’t feel safe and don’t want to make the trek out here. Likewise, Corporations don’t feel like sending their wares out here if they’re only going to get hijacked. The ones that still do are arming themselves and shooting at anything that moves. This is turning into a public hazard, and if the choice is between taking some weak retribution from pirates who are busy licking their wounds and this, I know what I’d choose.”

"One final thing, if the Romulans double cross us I'm going to personally blow up the ship that Rianni is on friend even if I have to join the fire ball, there's' no way in hell I'm going to let my guard down around them." Jarred paused and pulled out an Isorod "This is the real layout of the Katana not the standard layout of a normal Excalibur, officially the specialized warp drive is a prototype, unoffically it is a salvaged Borg transwarp assembly with a few tweeks to make it work with federation technology, Colonel if for some strange reason we have Romulans on the Katana and they just happen to show up near a restricted area shoot to kill those orders come from the head of starfleet R&D herself." Jarred made full eye to eye contact to emphasize the point.

Tasha allowed herself a grin. "That was supposed to be heading back to Starfleet R&D. The university had received compensation for that and as far as I was aware, that was where it went." She leant forward, casting an eye over each man. "And as far as you know, that is where it is." Her eye stopped at Dunham.

Rianni was Dunhams friend, he thought they had grown close during his time on the station. She was a good mate. And she had had his back in battle on his first day here on deep space five, they had helped each other through emotional highs and lows, but even with all this Dunham had to agree with Jarred, the Romulans could not be allowed to double cross them and kill all the prisoners, but he however, given the opportunity, will offer a choice. "Lets get to it then"

Darson gazed at Wallace. He was all one for keeping secrets, and he would be the first to shoot a Romulan should they go into a restricted area. Still, the man gave him an unsettling vibe similar to the one he got from Commander Gabriel. That of a politically incorrect person who couldn’t keep his opinions to himself. He must learn patience, Darson thought. And soon.

"As the old saying goes, suit up gentlemen." Tasha said with bravado.


Captain Tasha Tahir

CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

Lt Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5-9th Fleet Operations

Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5