Incommunicado – Meeting the Captain
by Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Meeting the Captain
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jun 23, 2012 @ 11:44pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD57 13:00
USS ANUBUS shuttle craft




After arriving on DS5 Tom went to meet the station's CO, Captain Tahir.
He stood at attention.
"Captain Tahir Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez Reporting for duty sir" He said as he held a PADD in hand which he gave it to Captain Tahir.

This was the twentieth arrival of the day and Tasha's hand was getting weary of the shakes, but she was more frustrated at the lack of communications coming into DS5 with transfer orders and assignments. It was unprofessional to be reading PADDs that the fresh faces were handing to her. but she still managed to give a feigned smile as this latest arrival thrust the PADD towards her.

Glancing at his collar, Tasha accepted the device and promptly lay it on the table. "Relax Lieutenant." She advised seeing the nervousness in his eye that belied his perfectly straight body, "I am neither going to bite you or throw you out of the airlock over there." She chided as she eased herself around the desk. "You may have already realised, that we have a communication issue, or rather, a lack of communication issue. So I am going to be a little more flexible than usual and offer you a drink as you tell me about yourself and then you can tell me what your orders are and why you have come to DS5. Now, tea, coffee or something cold?" She enquired as she stepped over to the replicator.
"Computer, freshly squeezed apple juice, cold, in a glass." She stated for the computers benefit before turning back to look at the Lieutenant, wondering what his exact role to be.

~ Yellow jersey ~ She had already seen a dozen new engineering staff, including the new head of shipyard repair. She had also seen a few security officers so she hazarded a guess, ~ Operations or Tactical, got to be. Please be Operations ~ She pleaded with herself.

Tom said "Sure I Would like Earl grey tea Hot Captain. My Last Post on DS12 was the post of Chief Station Security and Tactical" he said.

Tasha smiled to herself ~Security, never mind~ she thought as she ordered the Lieutenants tea. "An acquired taste. Personally, I never liked the aroma." She stated as she placed the teacup and saucer in front of the Lieutenant and put her glass on the table as she settled back into the chair. "So what brought you to Deep Space five. DS twelve too small for you?" She teased.

To tell you the truth DS 12 was like a Cardassian base compared to your starbase Captain" Tom said.

Tasha cocked her head sidewards and asked "Why?" wondering what he meant. Was it a tight ship, constrained or were the officers brutal.

"DS12 was an old Cardassian base like DS9. I had half Bajorans and half Starfleet Security officers I never could understand the Bajorans" Tom said.

Tasha nodded, not really understanding if the question had been answered, but then again, she had left the question to open for a definitive answer.
"I never had a problem with Bajorans, more problems with Cardassians." She mused as picked up her glass and sipped. "There are a few Bajoran on DS5, but thankfully, not have full of Cardassians though Getal is a handful on his own." She admitted as it dawned on her that Rodriguez would not have left DS12 as Chief secuirty office rot be a standard officer on DS5. "Can I ask what position you have been transferred to?" She asked with a casualness to the query.

"The position of Civilian Order Specialist " Tom said as he sipped his tea.

Tasha jaw must have dropped in surprise. She had only had a temporary CSO a few day previously and now another section chief had arrived..
"I'm sorry," Tasha apologised, "I should have read your transfer orders." She said as she picked up the earlier discarded device and tapped. She read briefly the introduction and then skipped down to the department and position. She looked up, with a look of guilt on her face.

"I have done this so many times, that you would think it would be automatic." She stated with brevity as she tapped at the PADD and this time, laid it with dignity to her right. She took a light breath and smiled. "Starfleet are dispatching replacement officers faster than I can keep the ones I have and I was not expecting another permanent officer for at least a week. This communications blackout is causing far too many disruptions." She explained as she reached for her apple juice and drank deeply hiding her face.

"Are you ok Captain?" He asked as he could tell that the Captain was upset.

Tasha shook her head, not wanting to burden the new specialist with her desires and let downs.
"Yes I'm fine, just a reminder to myself to check things through." She replied somewhat ruefully. "Well, let's get you settled in. There is a great deal for you to get used around here." She said with a smile returning to her face. "Have you been assigned quarters yet?" She inquired as she placed the glass back onto the exact position on the place mat.

"I have not been assigned quarters yet" He said.

Tasha rose and made her way around the table rubbing at her temple with one hand and handing Rodriguez his transfer orders with the other.
"You are the Civilian Order Specialist I requested a month ago. That means you are going to be policing all the public areas of DS5. We'll get you accommodated near the Promenade, that is the central civilian hub of the station, well that and the lower levels!" She remarked more in jest than anything else.

"That will do just fine Captain" Tom said as he was ready to begin his duty as the civilian order specialist, " Anything else Captain?" He asked he needed to report to his new Boss Lieutenant Trellis.

"I'll inform Lieutenant Petro that you require accommodation, but apart from that, no." Tasha said as she stepped back to allow the officer to leave. "Only to add, welcome aboard." She stated.

tom shook the captain's hand said " thank you Captain" he said as he went to find LT. Petro .


Captain Tasha Tahir
Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez