Cascade – Lack of Praise
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Lack of Praise
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Apr 20, 2013 @ 6:07pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   SD 71: 17:30
The doors to OPS parted or him and Lieutenant Trellis proudly stepped off of the lift and made a bee-line towards the Captain's office. He saw that in addition to the Captain, the meeting would be joined by the Executive Officer as well.

"Yes, you wished to see me?" He asked the gathered officers.

"Have you lost your mind," Karen said as the doors closed. "We are astonished that you've taken a step so far beyond your remit," she added then as she stepped back raised an eyebrow and gave the Captain space to speak.

Tasha folded her hands in front of her. Her mind was still racing and her initial reaction would have been to congratulate someone for discovering the perpetrator but she was still confused.

"I would have liked to have been the first to congratulate you, but you decided the best recourse was to make this arrest public. Why didn't you come to us first?" She quizzed her stare cold.

Trellis had to catch his words before he could properly respond. "I..I..uhhh I wanted to get the word out that the attacker had been captured." He replied quickly. "I felt it important for the station to know that security had this matter under complete control." He said.

Tasha raised her brow, her eyes fixed on Trellis' nose and bruised eyes.
"You felt it important?" She paused bringing her folded hands a little closer. "Complete control?" She shook her head casting a glance to Karen who was obviously fuming as was Tasha, but for slightly different reasons. She brought her attention back to Trellis. "What happened to your nose?" She asked not wanting answers to her first two questions, she would let the Executive Officer pick up on them.

"I was attacked by Yolanthe Ibalin," he replied bitterly. Although the fracture had been repaired, the bridge was still sensitive as his body began its own healing process. "She obviously was under the influence of some narcotic or even some alcoholic beverage from that tavern of hers!" He said louder.

"Nevertheless, my team was able to subdue her with necessary force and she is currently in confinement. " He added.

"Things are tense enough on the promenade without Starfleet Officers getting into brawls with bartenders," Karen said, "You've not only a duty but an image to uphold. If you lose the respect of the civilian population what are you going to do? Shoot them all?" she challenged, her voice half an octave above its usual register.

"I..I ..I did not intend to cause alarm, Commander." Trellis responded, at a lost for words. "It was my only intention to subdue Ms. Ibalin so that she would not pose any more of a threat to herself, my staff, or anybody else." He tried to explain, but before he could continue he was cut off...

"..Threat to herself?" Tasha interjected, "You subdue her because she was a threat to herself. From where I sit, it would appear she was a threat to you Mr Trellis. Commander Villiers is correct, the Civilian populous here look to authority to be fair and though you may try to convince them that you have done both the station and them proud by discovering the identity of the perpetrator, you let us down by bringing one of the most influential of those civilians. If you had come to us first, we would have advised you in the best course of action!" She spoke with a modicum of severity to her tone and in this instance found herself quite restrained as she turned to her First Officer.

"I'm sorry, sir." Trellis said, not knowing what else to say. He believed that he had done the best thing; however, his dressing-down from the Commanding staff said otherwise. "I will be sure to be more mindful in the future." he added.

"See that you are," Karen said, "unless you're actively trying to incite a riot. Something to raise your profile," she said ill considered words that she normally not have thought let alone spoken.

"The fact still remains, we have the Embassy bomber in custody. I recommend transporting her to Starbase 185 for further detainment until Magistrate proceedings can begin against her." Trellis suggested.

"Perhaps you'd like to tell us exactly who it was and who they are involved with before we decide how they are dealt with. Or have you already blurted those details out to the entire station too?" Karen asked, there were rules and protocols to be considered, this being a diplomatic incident.

Tasha brought her folded hands below her chin, keen to hear whom the culprit was and eased her head back to face Trellis.

"That has not been ascertained yet," Trellis responded. He knew that his primary concern was getting a confession from her. He figured that her fellow conspirators would be captured after her sentence was set. "However, that will be learned before she is transferred off the station." He added.

"Considering her willingness to confess, I find it unlikely that she was the leader of some elaborate conspiracy. She informed me that she had a personal vendetta against the Cardassian Ambassador due to the death of her family." Trellis supplied.

"I want your full report, then I want to interview the suspect," Karen said. A personal vendetta? That was an interesting twist. "Your time would be better spent investigating who she was working with, or being manipulated by than grandstanding on the promenade. Captain?"

"Interview? Commander" Trellis said, slightly confused. He had already obtained her full confession, what more could the Commander want from her that he couldn't do himself?

Tashas' hands dropped back to the table. Had she missed something in the conversation.

"You find it unlikely?" She said as she rose from the chair. "Lieutenant, your detainee confessed. What exactly did she confess to? She was a lone wolf who decided to take out the Ambassador?" Tasha paused as she rounded the desk, "Besides finding out who she was working with, or maybe for, one of your first questions should have been who on earth supplied her with the explosives?" Tasha said as she shook her head, "And then is there any more? Commander," Tasha looked towards Karen, "we need to talk with Ms Ibalin and I am sure that she would be happy to talk on the promise of an apology and release, though not necessarily in that order." She stated with a solemn nod.

"Nothing more," Karen replied, "only firefighting any disturbance this premature announcement may have stirred up," that could range from anything to the human-rights activists squawking their cause more loudly to angry Cardassians hammering on the doors of the brig baying for blood.

The captain gave an understanding nod without adding anything as her gaze fell back to the Chief of security.

"Very well," He said in a resigned tone.

Tasha was not surprised that Trellis had taken this badly and his short reply signified this to her but she did not want him to feel totally dejected as she lay her hand on his shoulder.
Other thoughts were racing through her head, but she managed to contain them as she concentrated on what she would usually say in matters like this.

"Lieutenant, under any other circumstances, you would have been commended. The only thing you did wrong, was to make your announcement somewhat prematurely." Keeping her words to minimum, she offered in advice but gave no facial expression as she moved back to her chair.

"Commander?" She queried Karen for anything further.

"I'll be along to talk with your suspect in an hour," Karen said with a glance at Trellis.

Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security