Incommunicado – The Great Adventure Begins
by Arrival Stovon Reece

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Title   The Great Adventure Begins
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Arrival Stovon Reece
Posted   Thu Apr 19, 2012 @ 4:56pm
Location   Reece's new personal quarters

The first thing Stovon did upon arriving in his new quarters was try to comm his father. He was many things, but lacking in filial piety was not one of them. When the call didn’t go through, he paused in his unpacking and frowned. Maybe they were doing maintenance on the system. He'd have to try again later. Still, it wasn’t like he didn’t know what his father would say. What was he thinking? Deep Space Five was so far away. What if something happened?

"I'm a big boy, Daddy. I can make my own decisions. And my own mistakes." He twisted the shirt in his hands, before he paused and wrinkled his nose. He liked this shirt and did not need to be wearing a hole in it. He hung it up in his brand new closet before taking a good look around his new home. Not much of a view, but a metal box, inside a larger metal box that was floating in space, wasn't exactly where you went when you wanted one.

But he hadn't come to DS5 for the view. He was here because it was far away from Earth and was completely different from his previous planetary life. It was a chance for new experiences, new inspirations. Looking around, it was obvious that he wasn't going to be doing any large-scale sculpting, but there was certainly room for smaller items, as well as painting. He'd have to see if any of the shop owners on station would be willing to sell his work. Easier than shipping it back to Earth. And there was always portrait commissions, for all he hated portrait work.

But that was a worry for later. Stovon looked in the mirror and smoothed down a stray strand of hair. "You came here for an adventure. So now, go have one."

He paused on his way out the door and looked back. "And stop talking to yourself in the mirror."