Beg, Steal or Borrow – Operational Excellence
by Ensign Elisha Royce

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Title   Operational Excellence
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Ensign Elisha Royce
Posted   Thu Aug 27, 2009 @ 8:46pm
Location   Main Ops
Timeline   SD 12 - 0915

John got reports that morning of a new Operations Officer, but he didn't have a lot of time to read about the issue. Several decks were having intermittant power issues which turned out to be caused by one burned out conduit. How it was burned out was a bit beyond him, but he had the whole morning to look into it at the Ops Center due to not having anything scheduled.

Ensgin Royce walked briskly to the Chief of Operation's door. He glaced at the time on the wall and noticed he was ten minutes early. That was good news for him, Elisha hate lateness and he hated to be late. After a quick uniform check, he took a small breath and then hit the chime to signal his presence.

"Come," Elliott called out, trying to sort out some of the PaDDs on his desk. He turned to the officer who came in and nodded. "Hello Ensign, what can I help you with?"

Elisha stud square in the center of Assistant Chief of Operations John Elliot's office. The first thing he noticed is how young his superior officer was. He may have been younger them him. Never the less, he was the acting chief, and his pins warranted respect.

"Greetings sir, I am Ensign Elisha Royce reporting for duty aboard Deep space 5, as ordered sir". H said in a text book academy kind of way.

"At ease, Ensign," John replied, trying to be formal with the new officer. "I take it your the new Operations officer I've been hearing about?" He extended his hand to Royce.

"Yes I am, good to be aboard sir". She said meeting his hand with his own.

"John Elliott, Assistant Chief of Operations here." He grinned. "Or acting Chief seeing as there isn't one curently. Maybe that means promotion for one of us," he laughed and motioned the other Ensign to sit. "Relax a bit. Captain knows I could use a bit of relaxation. Station feels like it was put together by inexperienced Apes. When I'm not fixing things, I'm dreaming about fixing things. So, tell me a bit about yourself, Ensign,"

Elisha folded his hands behind himself. he fished for clues about Ensign Elliot. His personality was well mannered, but he believed him to be more informal them he lead on, but he had to play the part being that promotion was on the mind. Ensign Royce sat down in a relaxed, but respectful manner.

" Hah aha..Yeah. They must have been in a hurry to replace the old D.S 5. But all in all, I think she is a fine station. We just have to stop engineers from trying to fix things. I mean my lord. They always bring out all their tools like they are going to rebuild the whole station, when all that was wrong was a blown transistor. To tell you the truth though, if it was not for engineers miss applying and over powering things, we would not have nothing to do”.

"Yeah, Engineers are always hell-bent at what they do." John admitted, looking around. "I didn't know Operations was going to be so different on a station. On a ship you have the normal duties, but the station seems to require us to be half engineers. Which makes our job exciting, haha. So, have you setup yet? I think I have your quarter's assignment here somewhere..."

"Yes sir Chief. I am all tucked in. I am just waiting for my speed-cycle to come. They said that was going to be awhile. But everything else is all squared away. By the way, my secondary was engineering so I can deal with most power systems if I have to. No sweat. Also, being on my dad's ship, we all where practically junior engineers by time we where sixteen". He said with a comical glee".

"But I know that supplying and accounting for materials this station must be like bananas dude". Slipping into more informal speech to see how the young officer would react.

"Indeed," John replied with a nod. "Thats good you have Engineering experience. When I was back on Earth my Dad owned a Starship parts company so I learned a few things. My sister was better at it than I. I usually just made a fool of myself, haha. But yeah, Ops isn't a bad place to be. Plus you touch all the other departments, so that means you have a good ability to grow. And don't worry about calling me Chief, Elliott is fine. Or John when higher ups aren't around."

John pulled a padd from his desk and handed it to the other Ensign. "This is your duty details for the station and it lists the current duty roster for all the crewmen under your command. You can have the 'day' off if you'd like and start your shift tomorrow. I have you set on Alpha shift, but I can swap you around if you prefer a different one. Lets see.." John looked off, frowning in thought. Ensign Royce seemed quite nice and seemed to want to be informal. He wished he could be more informal, but as acting Chief he didn't have that luxury. "That should be everything. Any questions?"

No questions. And thanks for the welcome. If you don't mind, I would like to watch the crew work and see how things are done here. get use to the established system of doing things D.S. 5 style". Elisha said with a smile.

"I just want to know, chief.. I mean elliot. How come D.S. 5 have somany good looking females ?! " he said in a joking but serious manner.

John laughed at the other Ensign and shook his head. "I wouldn't know honestly," he replied, grinning. "I've bene so busy here I haven't had the time to notice too much.." he frowned in thought again, thinking of Jenna. "Well, maybe a couple." He clapped his hands together and stood up. "Well, lets get you to your duty station. Maybe we can share a drink after Alpha Shift. Whaddya say?"

"That sounds good, sir. I am looking forward to getting to know the station".

Ensign Royce got up from the table, nodding his head toward Elliot and the un-named officer that had joined them. He walked out thinking to him self,~ what a cool guy. I hope he likes to play poker~. Anticipating his favorite pastime.


Ensign John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations

Ensign Elisha Royce
Operations officer