Beg, Steal or Borrow – Memories of the good ol' days
by 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady

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Title   Memories of the good ol' days
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Posted   Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 1:24pm
Location   Marine Complex - Brady's Quarters
Timeline   Current

1st Lieutenant Brady had just finished in the shower and walked out with nothing except a towel around his waist. Walking to his trunk and pulling out some civillian attire to wear, he dropped the towel and changed. A million things were going through Daniel's mind as he put his dogtags back on and layed on top of his bed.

Looking over to his bedside drawers, Daniel saw the picture of one of the only girls he had ever loved and who had promised to wait for him until he got back to Earth: Jaymie-Leigh. She was only two years younger than him at 23, sweet, with a gorgeous smile, bright blue eyes and blonde hair, and a body that would put any model to shame. The Marine thought back to the last time he saw her.

[Two years previous]

It was two years in the past, and Daniel was still living at home and had just been accepted into the Starfleet Marine Corps, making his brother, father and grandfather proud. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue without a single cloud and the sun was amazingly warm. Jaymie-Leigh and Daniel had gone to their favourite place, a paddock where they had their first date, and were lying on top of a hill on a picnic blanket. There was nothing in the world that could have distracted the soon-to-be Marine more than the sight of his girl: an almost see through singlet that showed her stomach, a pair of old baggy jeans, and a pair of sandals. Nothing in the world mattered more to Daniel than her; not even his father and brothers.

Lying on the picnic blanket, Daniel turned onto his side to look at her and smiled. Smiling her breathtakingly beautiful smile, she asked, "What's so funny Daniel?". "Nothing babe. I'm just admiring my beautiful girl. Am I not allowed to do that?" he raised an eyebrow and kissed her gently, feeling her relax back. Everything went from there.

Later that night was the celebration for Daniel's acceptance into the SFMC. All six of his brothers were there, his father, his girlfriend and her parents, and some of his relatives and friends too. The music was turned down and speeches started. Once they had finished with the speeches, Daniel stood up to say his own thankyou speech. He motioned for Jaymie to go to his side, "Firstly, I would like to say thankyou for everyone showing up tonight; it has made all of the difference for me. I really appreciate you all being here. Secondly, I would like to thank my b-e-a-utiful girlfriend Jaymie-Leigh and my family for sticking by my side throughout the entire recruitment process." The Marine-to-be's speech went on for a good five minutes.

Finally, he calmed the clapping crowd down to dead silence and turned to face his girlfriend. "Jaymie, babe, you've been my inspiration for the four years we've been going out. I never imagined I could find ANYONE as beautiful or as caring or devoted as you." Daniel dropped down to one knee while Jaymie's hands covered her mouth. "Jaymie, I love you more than the sun, the moon, and the world combined. You're my everything. Will you marry me?" He pulled out a small box that contained a diamond engagement ring.

The rest of the night was simply amazing, with celebrations and good times to be had by all, and Jaymie-Leigh and Daniel never being separated. Her parents were proud, his brothers and their wives and girlfriends giving the congratulatory slap on the back and his father almost in tears from being so proud.

[Back in reality..]

Daniel hadn't realised he had drifted off to sleep until he woke up startled. He looked about his surroundings and then looked to his bedside table and the pictures there. The memories came flooding back so he got up off his bed, walked over to the basin and splashed water over his face. Looking into the mirror, there was a saddened look within the Marine's eyes.

Brady thought to himself, 'Maybe it's time I go and see a counsellor aye.' Things were starting to go downhill for him as it was coming up to the anniversary of the day Jaymie got into a car accident and died instantly, and it was also near the time where his best mate had committed suicide three weeks after. Walking back out to his quarters, Daniel changed into his uniform jacket and pants and headed out the door; not for the Counsellor's office, but the Solar Flares Lounge, to try and drown his sorrows.


1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine XO
Deep Space 5