Things Past – Two worlds Collide
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Two worlds Collide
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Wed Mar 27, 2013 @ 2:42pm
Location   Holodeck
Timeline   Current
Abby had nurser herself back to fine health in a short time, the medics done wonder's on her ribs and cute though some scaring may occur she said to herself resting what the doctors said after patching her up. She had remade he bow and this time making it with a slightly stronger material and already found herself wondering through the woods back in the holodeck a few hours ago.

Her feet moved through the under growth like a birds wings in the air she was silent and armed with her bow very deadly. She had already made a small base camp some simple snares and caught several small rabbits and birds that when she saw it a beautiful white deer grazing on some grass right in front of her eyes. Raising her arrow to her cheek the already loaded arrow pointed towards its prey seeking out like a missile.

The arrow ripped through the air the tip glistening from the beams of sun that broke through the canopy defenses and before her eyes the Deer looked into her eyes and darted off leaving the arrow to empail the tree it was stood in front off. hearing the crunches of twigs Abby loaded her bow with another arrow her heart bating faster before. Of course this was the same program she ran before and even with the modification to the security Yothan made the safety was off. She stared into the bushes and readied herself for another fight.

But, instead of a new assailant, she was met with the site of a boy, a few years younger than herself and looking around at the woods in wonder. He seemed completely at ease and loose limbed, narrowing his eyes as he reached up and touched a leaf on a low hanging branch. When he looked down, his eyes widened at the weapon aimed at him.

"Um..." His voice was soft. "Hi," he just said, offering a half-smile, but not taking his eyes off the point of the arrow.

Abby eye's widened as the boy emerged from the bush his eye's mimicked hers and she could see he was rather scared but before she dropped the bow she basically ran an entire diagnostic on him. He was taller than her though she was rather short and looked roughly the same age. He had dark hair and his eyes were brown. Could he be a threat? she kept thinking to herself but before she could think properly the sweat from holding the bow slipped the string from her grasp luckily she had just enough time to advert it into scratching his right arm instead of diving into his neck.

Dominic yelled, his hand immediately going up to his opposite arm. "What the hell?" he screamed, cursing himself for the fact that he could feel tears prickling just behind his lids. But, Gods, it HURT!

Dropping everything she ran over and pleaded over and over again "I'm sorry, Im so sorry" she kept saying whilst the boy gripped his arm on the floorIts not that bad geez she thought to herself but in his eye's he's just basically been shot by a girl with a bow for no reason. She begin to examine the wound and whisper gently this time "I can help you, just let me look" she ask's.

"Oh, I think you've done enough, lady!" Dominic said defensively, acting a lot younger than she'd given him credit for.

Lady Abby Repeated in her head several times, he looks about the same age as me! she thought to herself "Look I can help the pain, don't make me wish I had shot your vocal chord instead" she snaps but noticing how harsh that sounded but carried on with the her first aid attempt.

Dominic's eyes widened and he blinked rapidly to make sure he didn't actually start tearing up from the shock of it all. "Fine. Since you shot me and everything," he finally consented, but still didn't move his hand away from the wound.

She nodded and brought the bandage to his wound though he was making it very difficult to do with his white hand in the way "look if you want this to work you're gonna have to stop holding it for two seconds!" she snapped again sounding a lot like her dad or atleast what she saw of him on aleron.

Reluctantly, Dominic's hand slid off his arm. Noticing the blood on his palm, he feel lightheaded all of a sudden. "Oh boy...I think I'm gonna be sick," he said, sliding his thumb over the liquid, smearing it. Somehow, the stickiness of it didn't make him feel better.

She had just managed to get the bandage one when he warns her of his sickness "If you throw up I will personally kill you and plus I'm hungry since you scared away my meal for the night" she gave him a wild look though it was clear in her tone of voice she was joking she couldn't help but think if looks could kill.

"You know there's like, a restaurant outside of this holodeck right? We've gotten past actually killing out food out there," Dominic pointed out, raising an eyebrow at her. He chanced a glance down at his arm and felt his stomach lurch before looked away. I'm okay...I'm okay... But, eventually he wasn't. His curiosity once again got the better of him and he looked at his arm to see what she was doing and proceded to throw up on the ground on the side of him luckily opposite Abby's position.

Abby sighed and simply patted his back "You appreciate it a lot more if you catch and eat it yourself, though you cant even keep your breakfast down from the first sight of blood" she stood up and dusted of her trousers "Since you owe me something you can help me gather some berries, since i think you may faint if I kill an animal" she doesn't give him a choice she stand there looking at him finishing off being sick and wiping his mouth "Come now... Boy" she jokes taking a bit more note of how he looked and she still believed he was the same age if not older.. pretty to.

Feeling like his stomach had nothing more to give, Dominic eventually got up on shaky knees, still running on adrenaline. "It's Dominic," he told her. "I'd hold out my hand, but you kind of broke the arm it's attached to..." He realised how bitter that sounded and frowned. "Sorry...I'll be fine...I think. I'm not gonna get like...blood poisoning am I? I hear that used to be big know, whatever age this is you're playing in."

She frowned at him and almost gave a smile but hid it back "Dont worry I dont think you're gonna die, not from blood poisning anyway" she gave him a wink and moved to the other side and took his left arm holding him up "let me know when you feel like you can walk by yourself, you're so fragile like a ferengi" she jokes. Like a ferengi? she said in her mind what was she doing?

"Like a fer....What?" Dominic asked, confused. Were ferengi fragile? They were ugly, he knew that. Wait, was she calling him ugly? He shook his head, letting it slide. "Whatever. So, what's your name?" he asked when he realised she wasn't going to say it herself.

She had complety forgotten to introduce her self in the whole shotting thing and throwing up and the playfullness "Its Abby-Mae" she said quietly the sound of her name came out all to girly and she hated it.

Dominic nodded, not really knowing how to respond to her name. He'd never heard it before, but he didn't want to sound rude by asking too much about it.

The pair hobbled over to a fallen down tree and she decided to rest him there for more questioning "What was you doing here anyway, anyone taught you better than to just walk into a used holodeck I may have been.." she stops herself from saying whatever was on the end of her tongue.

"Well, you've kind of gone over your scheduled time. And don't worry, I doubt I would've walked in on anything I haven't seen before," he assured her almost smugly, looking her over for a moment.

Abby blushed, he cheeks turning to a rosy pink "Well I never... the boy does have spirit! how is the arm doing, I hope you don't feel like puking very where again!" she joked playfully nudging him. She was still trying to figure his age but because he was so robust.. pretty she let it slip her mind for now.

"I'm good. I just hope it doesn't scar," he admitted, looking down at the bandaged appendage.

Abby lifts the bandage to asses it further "No.. I don't think it will scare Dom" she watched him as she said his name her cheeks slowly losing the redness and before he can say anything she's back on her feet picking him up of the floor "Come, we are not to far from where the berry bushes grown, on the way down we'll check my snares don't look if you think you may throw up over our dinner" she said. That's when she realized Our she basically just invited him on a date she though feeling her cheeks fire up again. She was loosing her grip on the whole tough girl act.

"I'll try to keep it together, I promise," he told her with a smile. He ignored the fact that she was pretty much taking up his time in the holodeck now, but he didn't really mind. "You could show me the dying art of gutting and cooking your own food," he told her, following until he walked by her side, nudging her with his healthy arm.

She accepted the playfull nudge with a smile "Perhaps we will eat well tonight then Dom" the pair continued to walk side by side exchanging small talk nothing to personally or close it was clear neither wanted to exchange that just yet "Yes!" she shouted but quickly put her hand over her mouth as she knelt down untying a rabbit from the snare. "Rabbits are good" She dare not show him the carcous but he seemed to look anyway before she put it into the hunting sack.

Luckily, there wasn't much blood on the rabbit, so Dominic felt alright. "Wow," he said spontaneously. He'd never actually seen anything dead before. Suddenly, at the realisation, he felt a bit saddened, but didn't say anything.

They continue tot he the berry bush and stopped for a moment Abby revealed a small pouch and her water bottle and handed it to him first "here, drink up you're making me thirsty with you dry lips" She watched him take a few sips and showed him which berrys to pick. "So Dom, what brings you to Deep Space five" she asks probably the most personal thing yet.

Dominic grinned slightly at the implication that she was looking at his lips. He took a few small sips before moving over to the bushes. "I'm here with my dad. He decided we needed a change of scenery and a base seemed like a good idea for both of us, so we decided on DS5. What about you?"

She almost fell over at the indifference of the pair "Actually my dad wanted the same except we was in a war torn world where when he first saw me in a few years and those was me being attacked by some local rebels, come to think of it I think i can see why we moved!" she joked.

"Yeah, I can imagine," he said, though unable to truly comprehend her situation. He'd never been in a war. His father had made sure to keep him safe his entire life, knowing exactly where to go to make certain Dominic remained as unaffected as possible.

She just nodded her head and agreed "Its best not to try."

"Don't you feel bad killing that rabbit?" he said after a few minutes of silence, not looking up from where he was picking berries.

Abby was picking the berry's higher up which made no sense since he was taller than what she was "Not really, i mean we eat food like that everyday whether its replicated or not and we don't take notice of how it got there or whether or not it had a life its just food, the worlds way of keeping us going and its been like that for ever" she let him think of it for a moment "And I think its much better this way the 'killer' getting to eat it, it has its own elegance about it don't you think" Abby's cold heartedness came creeping back but one look into his dark brown eyes only pushed it away further.

"Not really," he admitted sincerely, looking back at her. "I mean, I get it, I'm not that naive. It's just....I've never, like...seen it before," Dominic tried to explain, but then shrugged and shook his head, realising he probably wasn't making any sense. He proceeded to reach up and helped her pick the berried at the top.

"I know what you mean, when i first started getting into this thing the only thing I would eat is berrys but I soon relaised that wouldn't get me by, after all even thought it may not be real someday I hope it will be real air, real sounds and real food" she lent out to pick a stray berry equally placed between them.

"You hope? Why?" he asked.

"It's different being out there actually being there, than in this metal tin can" she explains "I mean not everyone wants to live in space, I hope that one day i find a place where I can build my own place and live of the land. No space ships no high tech food catering systems just me and.." she cuts of the last part as there hands touch just over the stray berry. A voice inside her scream the voice of her independence but its ignored with a slow of her shoulder.

"A person you love?" Dominic filled in, popping one of the berries in his mouth.

She moved her hand back down to her side and smiled looking to the ground "Perhaps, but if I keep on shooting suspected boys I wont get very far" Now she has done it, she's fallen into the spiral and she cant get out "I know." she storms of to her hunters sack. "We should find a place to set up a fire"

"I hope fire isn't a metaphore for sex," Dominic blurts out, not really sure why. Somehow, his mind simply went there are he scolded himself for saying it. He'd done it again. Things were going to get strange and awkward. Why does he always say the wrong thing?!

Abby was really knocked back Did he just.. say that? She almost couldn't believe her cheeks burnt hotter and brighter than before "Urm..." She couldnt say anythign she was tongue twisted and she felt angry that he even suggested something like that but at the same time intrigued and lustful and all kinds of feelings "NO!" she finally snapped "Well No" she said secondly slightly calmer "I mean a real fire with flames and things" though with the heat exerting from her cheek they could probably cook the rabbit here and now.

"Oh...okay....Good, then. Because I didn't bring protection and even thought I was told the safety on the holodeck counts, I have it on good authority that that's a lie," he explained rationally while nodding at her, oblivious the the blush on Abby's cheeks.

Protection, Sex... Arghhhh She screams inside before composing herself to talk "You may be right with that but even if the safty were on i still would have hurt you since my bow is actually real" she admits "Now, we should go up to that cave Ive set camp there a few times and its warm, dry and will keep us out the rain" Abby new the program all to well even with its randsomised option it has only a few weather forecast and she knew tonight was rain.

"Okay. So, how long do you stay in here?" he asked her, following closely behind.

"Well its sped up because obviously we cant spend all day here even though Yothan like to have a few extra hours o I ten dto leave just as the night gets into half way then I go back to my room shower and go to bed" The two began there short ascent to the cave where her previous program saved up to that point.

"Don't you go out? You know, in real life? Have some good old 'not murdering your dinner' fun?" Dominic asked her once again, handling the slightly rocky trail well for a man who nearly passed out at the sight of a little blood.

"Out? What to the dull metallicness of the station? This is as close to Out i can get withought being down on some strange new world" she says as the reach the mouth of the cave, Dom's there first and he lends a hand to help her up but she declines and pulls herself into the cave. "Do you do anything other than get shot at, Be sick, and woo girls with your over stepping the mark comments?" she joked folding her hair behind her ears and replacing the broken scrunchy.

"Do you ever do anything besides run away from reality and be cynical?" Dominic shot back, but his face was calm, not showing any sign that her question had at all offended him or riled him up. He hadn't been wooing her, after all. But, in his short experience with human females, Dominic had learned that, if a girl thought you were seducing her, it was best to let them keep thinking it.

Abby wasn't use to this honesty especially one that some would find hurtful "I don't see it like that but of course I do, I'm training to become a starfleet security officer" she started to lay out a few previsions they had collected along the way some berries, green and the rabbit. "What are you doing with you life?" she asked reaching for the flint and steel but from her position and the length of her arms made her just out of reach.

"I'm fifteen years old. I'm having fun, what else would I be doing?" Dominic shrugged.

She couldn't remember the last time she had actual fun or even had a laugh, since going to Aleron and coming to Ds5 she either spent her time studying or in the holodeck, "Right... fun" a sigh escaped between her lips "What... What do you do for fun?" her question was genuine.

"I go out. I meet people. We talk, go to the gym, play some sports. There's also a club for underaged people on the promenade we can also go to sometimes. They serve synthehol and there's always great music," Dominic explained softly. "It's a good place because there aren't any older people there.

Abby smiled at the idea, it did sound Fun and since Aleron she hadn't been to a club. "Take me" she insisted. She was sat down with her legs folded to one side and the corners of her mouth crept towards her ears. She didn't know what was overcoming her but she knew between that point and sometime in the past she let go off her childhood.

"I don't think it's open now, but we could go some tomorrow night. I need to watch my little sister tonight. My dad wanted to go out and I volunteered to babysit her."

"Oh..." Her voice trailed of and she felt completed embarrassed. Her cheeks were burning and she could tell at this point they would be glowing a bright peachy red.

"Do you want to come over? I'll be alone. Well, apart from A'ala, but she's three, so she's hardly a hassle. We could get some snacks, watch a vid?" he asked hopefully.

Abby could feel her stomach knot when he asked her to come over, she was extremely giddy. This felt like something you would only see in a film. Without hessitating further she grinned almost ear to ear "I'd love to!" She could already hear her dead giving her the birds and the bee's but she quickly shook that from her mind. "I mean yeah sure" she said gaining back her composure.

"Great! What about your parents? Do you have a curfew?" he asked curiously, the grin never leaving his face.

"My mum has gone back to Earth and my dad... He's on an away mission" he lips trembled at the thought of her dad being away on another dangerous mission and that he couldn't tell her where he was going or when he was going to be back. Her eye's began to swell up.

"Oh...I'm sorry. Well, then until he gets back, I guess you're kinda stuck with me. You can come early tonight and have dinner with us!" Dominic told her enthusiastically. "It'll be great. My dad won't care."

She closed her eye to hold back any tears and the thought of her dad slowly disappears "Are you sure? We seem to have totally different up bringings!" Abby had now stood up and began collecting her things together putting them in her backpack and slinging he bow.

"Isn't that the fun part?" Dominic asked, getting up as well to help her.

She smiled "I guess it is, what are you going to tell him?"

Dominic laughs. "I'll just tell him you're my new friend and you're helping me watch A'ala. He really won't mind. I mean, he'll probably make a dirty joke and tease us a little, but that's just who he is."

Oh great someoen worst than him she thought to herself but couldn't fight the fact she was excited "What time would you like me round?" she asked excitidly, "I need to get ready first ofcourse." She tried to sound as casual as she could, she's never wanted to impress anyone else before.

"Around six would be great. My father's going out with his friend at around seven thirty, so it should be perfect. Also, a word of warning, he's Deltan, so brace yourself," Dominic explained. He'd had people meet his father before without any warning. It was uncomfortable for everyone.

Abby had never heard of a Deltan before and this obviously showed in her facial expressions because Dominic went onto explaining anyway.

For the first time, Dominic blushed a little. "Um...Deltans are very...attractive. To...everyone," he finished a bit awkwardly.

Abby was defiantly confused "How can someone be attractive to everyone?"

"They have these...pheromones. And telepathy, so it affects people. You know...sexually." He watched her nervously.

She blushed again and her heart started to raise "Oh... So you're a Deltan to?" that must explain why she felt so giddy around him, his phermones and telepathy must be affecting her in that exact way.

Dominic shook his head. "No, I'm human. I'm adopted."

Oh Abby's world just sank, she genuinely liked this guy no 'magic' involved. "Oh, right of course because I don't feel attracted to you or anything" it was clear she was lying "What happened to your parents?" The pair without really putting to much effort now stood under the holodecks arch and the world around the began to disappear.

Dominic brushed off his pants. "My mom died when I was two, and my father never really acknowledged me as his, so we've never met," he explained with an air of cool detachment that hadn't been present in his speech before that moment.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked such a personal question" She looked away into the empty room. "So six o'clock then?" she asked changing the topic but the knots inside her stomach only pulled tighter.

Dominic nodded, smiling once again. "Don't be late," he told her, leaning over to give her cheek a kiss. "It's the civilian deck, just ask the computer directions to the 'Elley' quarters," he told her before turning and leaving the holodeck. "See you then, Abby!"

Abby stood for a moment touching the point his lips had made contact on her cheek with her hand, she could feel the warmth leaving them and she felt slightly faint "Are you sure you're not Deltan" she said in a whisper before managing to shake the feeling off. She had never felt like that before except for one people...Eirias. "See you then" she said finally knowing that he was well out of listening range and no one would hear her.